In the flying motorcycle project team of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, when faced with An Liang’s inquiry, the project leader Li Wen nodded affirmatively.

"Mr. An, we have indeed started a new project."Li Wen replied

"Previously, Mr. An arranged for us to develop a multi-passenger version of the flying motorcycle, and we developed a new project based on this research project."Li Wen continued.

"We named the new project [Intercity Sky Road]. This project mainly solves the problem of rapid transportation between neighboring cities, such as our Imperial Capital and Tianjin next door. We plan to build a sky transportation line through the technology of flying motorcycles."Li Wen explained in detail. An

Liang raised his eyebrows. The idea of ​​an intercity skyway is good!

But will the cost be too high?

The biggest problem with flying motorcycles is insufficient carrying capacity.

Taking the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle as an example, the maximum load Just 200 kilograms, which sounds quite a lot, a full 400 kilograms!

But is it really a lot?

Some slightly fatter large tanks can weigh 200 kilograms, okay?

Even if it is a special tank based on a long-endurance stable flight platform Versions of flying motorcycles, such as the fire-fighting version and the medical version of the flying motorcycle, have a maximum load capacity of 300 kilograms at the expense of speed.

If the passengers are fatter and carry more luggage, wouldn't they only be able to carry two or three people?

An Liang After expressing his doubts,

Li Wen immediately explained,"The aircraft used in the intercity skyway project is not the current flying motorcycle."

"Give up flying motorcycles completely? An Liang asked back.

Li Wen did not deny it,"Flying motorcycles are more suitable for inner cities. They are convenient for taking off and landing inside cities. But in intercity transportation, we need a larger load capacity, lower energy consumption ratio, and faster speed." speed, and higher cost performance"

"To achieve these goals, we can only redesign a completely new aircraft. After all, the original design intention of the flying motorcycle was not based on these needs."Li Wen added the explanation.

Zhao Wanxi answered,"Can your team design it?"

"cannot. Li Wen responded honestly,"Our team is too young and has too little design experience. Even the flying motorcycle inherited other people's design plans.""

The design of the flying motorcycle came from Alek Seminovich Grachev. This guy's father is also the deputy minister of the strategic defense department of the North Bear Country.

"Since you can't design a new aircraft, what's the point of this intercity skyway project? Zhao Wanxi interjected and asked.

Li Wen responded slightly awkwardly,"Mr. Zhao, our group has a very good relationship with the military. We can entrust the design plan to the military.""

Li Wen continued to add,"Although the design of the flying motorcycle cannot be applied to the intercity skyway project, some of its technologies can be applied there, such as vertical take-off and landing technology."

Li Wen added,"Vertical take-off and landing technology is very important for the intercity skyway project. This technology brings convenient take-off and landing functions, so there is no need to run to a take-off and landing place like traditional civil aviation."

"The design requirement we put forward is to imitate the Osprey aircraft, which is like a helicopter in the take-off and landing stage, but like a fixed-wing aircraft in the flight stage. Because of the support of graphene battery technology, the military research and development difficulty will be relatively low."Li Wen explained.

Zhao Wanxi nodded slightly.

An Liang laughed and complained,"You guys will think of a way, but it is indeed a good way."

As Li Wen himself said, the aircraft of the intercity skyway project is indeed a difficult design solution for the flying motorcycle project team, but for the military, it is not a piece of cake?

Dreaming of the future graphene The relationship between the technology group and the military is very good, and similar things are not a big problem at all.

Besides, if the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group entrusts the military with design, won't it pay?

"Did the military say when the design will be completed?"An Liang asked casually.

Li Wen responded slightly awkwardly,"This..."

"Does it have to take a long time?"An Liang was surprised.

Zhao Wanxi said with a half-smile,"I guess the military should have sent the plan soon after receiving their request, right?"

"Mr. Zhao is brilliant!"Li Wen immediately followed Zhao Wanxi's words and responded,"Mr. Zhao is right. After we submitted the application, the military sent us the plan in a short time, and also sent three plans. Li

Wen said distressedly,"Mr. An, we must have been deceived by them. They have done these studies long ago, and then they asked us for a high price.""

"How much is the design fee?"An Liang asked curiously.

"The final result of the negotiation was 120 million, and the design plan was sent over in a short time. Because of this, Mr. Wu deducted my bonus for one year. Li Wen responded helplessly.

An Liang responded with a smile,"You deserve it!""

"What's the military's design plan? Let me take a look!"An Liang ordered

"Hold on. Li Wen responded, then took a tablet, pulled out the three design plans, and handed the tablet to An Liang.

An Liang quickly checked and found that all three design plans had the shadow of Osprey. Given that Osprey The first flight of the aircraft in the Bald Eagle Country was in 1989. An Liang was very sure that the three design plans were already prepared by the military.

So Li Wen must have really been deceived, right?

In fact, it was really necessary Looking deeper, it should be a win-win situation.

Because the design cost of an aircraft is really not cheap, the military just used the previous plan and sold it to Dream Future Graphene Technology Group


Update time: November 19, 2021 00:02:10, nucleic acid negative, relieved, good night.

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