The most important thing about flying motorcycles is safety!

If a flying motorcycle poses a safety hazard, it is absolutely not allowed.

At present, flying motorcycles have not had any safety accidents, and their safety reputation is perfect. Anliang naturally does not allow flying motorcycles to have safety hazards.

Faced with An Liang's inquiry, Li Wen responded affirmatively,"Don't worry, Mr. An, there are definitely no safety risks. The multi-passenger version of the flying motorcycle is also equipped with a fully intelligent flight control system.""

"In addition, we also provide optional solutions, such as the variable propeller support arm solution. The basic version has indeed been reduced by us, but users can re-select it."Li Wen responded with a smile. An Liang looked at Li Wen speechlessly. Is this beep too dark?

Zhao Wanxi also looked at Li Wen speechlessly. She reduced the standard configuration and provided it to users. Optional plan, this Li Wen is really a clever little guy!

"You used to work at Porsche? An Liang complained.

Li Wen responded awkwardly,"No, Mr. An, I just like Porsches.""

Li Wen continued,"We have exchanged plans with Aman. Aman has relatively strict control over the quotation, and we have our own pursuit of profits, so we have no way to reduce the allocation."

"But Mr. An, please rest assured that the configurations we have shrunk are all control performance configurations. The core safety configurations will definitely not be shrunk. For example, we have not affected various radar detectors."Li Wen said with assurance.

An Liang nodded slightly,"What is the final quotation for the multi-passenger version of the flying motorcycle?"

"The basic version is priced at 11.88 million, which is only 1.9 million more expensive than the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle."Li Wen explained the price.

"What about after all the options?"An Liang asked

"this..."Li Wen was a little embarrassed,"Mr. An, we have designed a lot of designs for the multi-crew version of the flying motorcycle....Um....More fancy features"

"For example?"Anliang is curious.

"For example, for luxury audio, we have teamed up with multiple luxury audio brands to jointly customize the audio system for the multi-passenger version of the flying motorcycle. If you want to choose Baohua Weijian audio, the optional price is 280,000."Li Wen introduced

"..."An Liang was speechless. Did this beep really learn the options of luxury car brands?

A speaker option can reach 280,000!

Is this okay?

"There are also leather seats, leather accessories, etc. The whole car’s leather customization starts at RMB 180,000. Different leather materials have different prices."Li Wen added.

Zhao Wanxi couldn't help laughing.

An Liang shook his head helplessly,"It's really flashy."

"that...Mr. An, are our plans okay?"Li Wen asked tentatively.

In fact, these plans have not yet passed the high-level meeting of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. At present, Li Wen has only made the plans and has not yet been formally discussed in the group meeting.

An Liang thought for a moment before responding. ,"Fine! No big deal!"

Although the multi-passenger version of the flying motorcycle was customized by Aman Yangyun, it will be targeted at the business market and the ultra-high-end personal market in the future. There is indeed nothing wrong with these customizations.

After all, the multi-passenger version of the flying motorcycle is only in the price range It's a little higher than Rolls-Royce. Rolls-Royce customers can upgrade to the multi-passenger version of the flying motorcycle for a little extra money.

Since we can rob Rolls-Royce customers, we can provide customers with some personalized customization. What's wrong?

"Thank you Mr. An for your support!"Li Wen immediately expressed his joyful gratitude.

"The multi-crew version of the flying motorcycle can be done quickly, I need it too."An Liang added.

"Don't worry, Mr. An, I will definitely get him a car with the most comprehensive configuration."Li Wen said with assurance.

An Liang and Zhao Wanxi visited the flying motorcycle project team again, and took a look at the prototype of the multi-crew version of the flying motorcycle.

After more than half an hour, the two left the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and went to Dark Core Technology Company in the west.

On the way, Zhao Wanxi said jokingly,"This Li Wen is a bit interesting.""

"It must be a bit dark!" An Liang complained in response,"If you put options like this on a flying motorcycle, I'm afraid I'll be criticized!"

Zhao Wanxi responded negatively,"We are the only supplier of flying motorcycles in the world, and our pricing is aimed at ultra-high-end customer groups, and those customers are very sensible."

In fact, just like the network keyboard car gods, most network keyboard car gods don't even have cars!

Those who really want to dream about the future of Graphene Technology Group's multi-passenger version of the flying motorcycle, 99.99% are not potential multi-passenger version of the flying motorcycle. The intention of customers

"Makes sense!"An Liang agreed with Zhao Wanxi's statement.

Dark Core Technology Company is to the west of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, and the distance between the two is very close. An Liang drove the internal electric scooter of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group there.

Zhao Wanxi had old affairs again. Ti Ti said,"Anliang, if you want to bet on quantum chips and carbon-based chips, do you still need to invest?

Facing Zhao Wanxi's inquiry, An Liang sighed,"Aren't you worried about losing all your money?""

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