It’s past eleven o’clock at night, Xia Guo time.

Bald Eagle Country time, around eleven o'clock in the morning.

While the Bai Yujing Club was having a happy gathering in the sky, Fipzell Company of Bald Eagle Country came out with a very important result on the thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus.

Fipzell Corporate Headquarters.

Oria Rice, who was instrumental in purchasing the thousand-year-old astragalus, was promoted from the position of vice president to senior vice president and was responsible for managing the follow-up research work on the thousand-year-old astragalus.

At this moment, in the top-secret laboratory at the headquarters of Fipzell Company, Oria Rice was looking at a report document. After reading the report document, he looked at a middle-aged man in a white coat. man

"Ryan, are you sure about this report? Oriya Rice shook the report document in his hand and asked Ryan Bryan, the chief expert of the Millennium Astragalus Research Project.

Ryan Bryan has multiple expert titles, including drug expert, biology expert, genetic expert He is an expert in science and technology and is the veteran of Fipzel Company. He once helped Fipzel develop a number of drugs.

Faced with Oriya’s inquiry, Ryan nodded affirmatively,"I’m sure!"

"But..."Oriya was speechless for a moment.

Oriya is not a layman. He has a considerable reserve of professional medical knowledge, so he knows how amazing the report documents submitted by Ryan are!

"I want to see the situation with my own eyes!"Oriya took a deep breath.

Just looking at the report documents, Oriya couldn't believe such a result.

So Oriya wanted to see the situation in person.

Ryan did not refuse, and he brought Oriya to the In front of the guinea pig who was the subject of the experiment,"You have already read the report document, so I will not repeat the relevant content. Now you will do it yourself?""

"good!"Oriya did not refuse.

Oriya started to do it himself. He wanted to detect the length of the telomeres of the mice's genes to determine the condition of the mice.

For more accurate results, Oriya planned to use both Q-PCR and FISH. A method was used to measure the length of gene telomeres.

Oriya spent a busy afternoon in the laboratory, repeated many experiments, and after reviewing Ryan's previous experimental records, he finally came to a conclusion.

Millennium Astragalus Delay It even locks the consumption of telomeres, thereby extending the life span of mice.

Under normal circumstances, the life span of mice is 18 to 20 months, and mice with particularly good living conditions can live to 24 months.

Thousand-year-old Astragalus The life extension effect is one month.

For humans, it is quite difficult to judge a 'mere' month.

After all, in the current era of 2020, it is not a big problem for ordinary people to live to be 80 years old. However, the length of life is only 18 months For mice that are 24 months old, the effect of extending lifespan within one month is very obvious.

In particular, Ryan used multiple mice to conduct many experiments.

Among them, some mice that were about to die were subjected to the experiment, and they were about to die. After taking the thousand-year-old astragalus, the life characteristics of the mice improved rapidly, and their survival time was further improved.

"It's true!"Olia looked at the experimental results he had made, and he still had a shocked expression on his face.

"of course it's true!"Ryan responded on the side,"When I first discovered this result, I felt the same as you, full of disbelief and doubt."

"But with repeated experiments, we are now 100% certain that thousand-year-old Astragalus has the effect of extending life."Ryan said with certainty.

"In humans, what dose produces a life-extending effect?" Oriya asked the key question

"According to our research and calculations, if humans take Millennium Astragalus, according to the reverse analysis of Millennium Astragalus we obtained, at least 2 grams must be taken to produce an effect."Ryan first explained the issue of dosage.

After all, we can't talk about efficacy without considering dosage!

"At a dose of 2 grams, the life-extending effect of Millennium Astragalus on humans is approximately 25 to 35 days. Ryan gave a vague answer.

Ryan continued to add,"Since we don't have enough thousand-year-old astragalus, we don't have an accurate answer. We are just making reverse speculations based on the results of mouse experiments.""

Olia sighed,"Currently, most of the thousand-year-old astragalus is in the hands of the Xia Kingdom. I now suspect that they have long known that the thousand-year-old astragalus has life-extending effects. Ryan responded slightly awkwardly,"According to Xia Guo's traditional Chinese medicine theory, astragalus itself has the effect of extending life." In addition, the theory of traditional Chinese medicine in Xia State believes that the older the medicinal materials are, the better the effect will be, so they must know the life-extending effect of thousand-year-old astragalus."

This theory seems to be impeccable?

After all, in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine in Xia Dynasty, astragalus has the effect of extending life, so what's the problem?

"No wonder those guys from Xia Kingdom are frantically searching for thousand-year-old Astragalus all over the world!"Olia had a feeling of sudden realization.

No wonder the guys from the Xia Kingdom discovered the thousand-year-old astragalus in India, and even went to war to steal the thousand-year-old astragalus!

"Oriya, are we going to announce the life-extending effects of thousand-year-old astragalus?"Ryan asked tentatively.


Update time: November 29, 2021 00:02:54, good night.

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