Xia Guo time, 7:15 in the morning.

An Liang woke up in Yunjing International Apartment. The main reason was that Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang's mobile phone alarms rang at the same time. They were going to school.

It was approaching eight o'clock, and Anliang was eating breakfast while checking the messages on his phone.

The No. 4 Tianji Shensuan has aggregated the information on the thousand-year-old Astragalus from the Internet and sent it to An Liang.

‘There's something about this Fipzell company! An Liang couldn't help but sigh secretly when he saw the news announced by Fipzel Company that thousand-year-old Astragalus has the effect of extending life.

Thousand-year-old Astragalus does have the effect of extending life, but Anliang has never made this news public.

An Liang saw the news that Neon, India, Corea, and the four Bald Eagle families had joined forces to spray Xia Kingdom. Although the things they sprayed were true, they did not have any evidence.

An Liang checked the news on Xia Guo's Internet again and found that Xia Guo had no response. It was as if he didn't see the other four companies spraying it, so he just ignored it.

So are you planning to make a fortune quietly?

‘Huang Guoxiang: Are you up? '

An Liang received the information sent by Huang Guoxiang through the confidential communication software of the National Security Investigation Bureau

‘An Liang:?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: [Link: The perpetrator behind the thousand-year-old Astragalus!】’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Look at the situation!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: You are involved!’

‘An Liang: Let me take a look first’


An Liang checked the link sent by Huang Guoxiang. It was a hot post on Weibo.


【The perpetrator behind the thousand-year-old Astragalus! 】

Regarding the Thousand-Year Astragalus announced by Fipzell Company and the life-extending effect of Thousand-Year Astragalus, there is a shocking truth!

As one of the insiders, in order to avoid retaliation, I can only briefly explain the situation.

First of all, I am sure of one thing: other companies have indeed lost thousands of years of astragalus!

But the perpetrator who appeared to be public was taking the blame for someone else!

The situation of the three victims is very clear. They have indeed lost thousands of years of Astragalus, but the perpetrator is someone else. This perpetrator is very powerful and his methods are quite ruthless, so this perpetrator can only be named‘RA’

Regarding what the perpetrator RA did in India and Neon to rob the thousand-year-old Astragalus, we dare not reveal any details, because once the details are revealed, the identity of the perpetrator RA may be guessed, and the perpetrator RA may take revenge.

The perpetrator, RA, was very sinister. Once he is retaliated against, we will definitely die without a burial place.

We can only reveal that the perpetrator RA does exist, has mastered a large amount of thousand-year-old astragalus, and even has special means to find thousand-year-old astragalus.

We can only remind other insiders to be wary of this perpetrator RA, because once they discover the existence of Millennium Astragalus, they will definitely do anything by any means necessary.

Finally, let me reveal one thing. The perpetrator RA did not commit the crime alone. He had a powerful accomplice BX, and this accomplice also dared to be ruthless.

I don’t dare to say more. Goodbye, gentlemen!


After An Liang read this hot post, he couldn't complain.

Although the other party used 'perpetrator RA' instead, is this codename serious?

Because anyone with a little knowledge can guess that it is the abbreviation of 'Renyi Security Company', right?

As for 'Accomplice BX'?

Just tell me the name of the Northern Bear Country!

An Liang immediately sent a message to Huang Guoxiang

‘An Liang: Who is the guy who posted this?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Our technical department has investigated and cannot find out the identity of the person who posted the message. The other party used an anonymous network.’

‘An Liang: Either a bald eagle or a neon!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: What if there are people within us who do not receive the benefits?’

‘An Liang: The probability is very small’

‘An Liang: First of all, we have given out a lot of benefits, which has allowed us to form a stable and large interest group.’

‘An Liang: If people on the inside want to target us, they must consider the consequences of being discovered by us.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: It makes sense’

‘An Liang: I actually suspect it’s the Neon guy. '

In fact, Anliang suspects that he is the former chief minister of Neon!

Because this post revealed some information, indicating that the poster knew many details.

For example, the existence of 'accomplice BX' was exposed during Operation Neon.

Neither India nor Corea participated in the Northern Bear Country.

Only Neon's actions involve the participation of the North Bear Country.

However, the deep involvement of the North Bear Country has not been exposed. Interested people from the outside world should only know that the North Bear Country provides a channel for retreat, but do not know that the North Bear Country is deeply involved.

Now that we know that the North Bear Country is deeply involved, it should be Neon's local force.

The Neon Court has publicly complained many times and even sued the International Court of Justice, but to no avail.

An Liang felt that posting disgusting things like this on the Internet was not the action of the Neon Court.

In this case, it should only be the former chief minister of Neon!

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