The next day, Sunday.

Nine o'clock in the morning, small courtyard.

Zhao Wanxi poured tea for An Liang, and she asked casually,"Going back today?""

"Well, I have to go back to school."An Liang nodded.

"I want to go to Tianfu to see pandas."Zhao Wanxi looked at An Liang.

An Liang said invitingly,"Then let's go there together. You can also take photos with the pandas at the Tianfu Panda Breeding Base."

Tianfu's Panda Breeding Base does have activities for taking photos with pandas.

However, you need to apply in advance, and you also need to donate a certain amount of charity money to the Panda Breeding Fund in order to have the corresponding photo experience. The charity money donated by tourists is completely used for the protection of pandas. and breeding work, so donating a certain amount of charity money is a necessary prerequisite.

And before the photo experience, you also need to wear disposable sterile protective clothing, sterile gloves and foot covers to have the photo experience.

In addition, the photo experience The panda is a young panda cub of the right age.

As for an adult panda?

That is impossible!

Faced with An Liang’s answer, Zhao Wanxi smiled and said,"I’ll go over behind me. The lithography machine with dark core technology is about to arrive. I’ll help You handle this matter"

"Um."An Liang nodded slightly.

The two chatted for nearly half an hour. At ten o'clock in the morning, An Liang got up and prepared to leave.

Zhao Wanxi took the initiative to hug An Liang a little reluctantly. She and An Liang had just confirmed their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend, but There was no real progress, and this was actually the time when both parties felt the most.

So Zhao Wanxi was reluctant to leave An Liang.

An Liang gently patted Zhao Wanxi on the back,"I will be back soon, and you can use it as well." Take this time to think carefully about our relationship."

Before Zhao Wanxi answered, An Liang continued,"It's difficult to change my situation. I hope you didn't make an impulsive decision, so after I leave, you can calm down and think about it slowly."

Zhao Wanxi just snuggled into An Liang's arms. She had no intention of speaking.

The two hugged each other for almost five minutes before Zhao Wanxi let An Liang go."Next time you come to the Imperial Capital, remember to tell me in advance."

"OK"An Liang agreed.

More than half an hour later, An Liang arrived at the Imperial Capital International Airport. The Yushuang was already ready to take off. The Gulfstream G650ER was still in the North Bear Country, so An Liang was ready to use the Yushuang.

In just over an hour, the Yushuang succeeded. Landed at Tianfu International Airport.

Security personnel from Renyi Security Company were already waiting for Anliang at Tianfu International Airport. Li Yang personally drove Anliang back to school.

On the way, Anliang sent messages to the two sisters of the Xia family

‘An Liang: @夏如意: @夏河心: Where are you?’

‘Xia Ruyi: Are you back?’

‘An Liang: Well, I just got off the plane and am on my way back to school.’

‘Xia Ruyi: We are still making up classes. We have to make up for the missing classes during national celebrations. Classes will end at 12:20.’

‘Xia Ruyi: Do you want to have lunch together?’

‘An Liang: Is your cafeteria?’

‘Xia Ruyi: Okay!’

‘Xia Ruyi: Our second cafeteria has changed chefs, and the recent dishes are delicious.’

‘An Liang: Then I want to try it! '

An Liang doesn't mind eating in the cafeteria. He doesn't have the bad habits of the nouveau riche. If you are rich, you must eat delicacies from the mountains and seas. He can choose either the school cafeteria or ultra-high-end private kitchens.

After An Liang and Xia Ruyi made an appointment to have lunch in the cafeteria, they sent a message to Bai Yue.

‘An Liang: Classmate Bai Yue, are you at the Animal Planet Protection Home?’

‘Bai Yue: No, I'm at school’

‘Bai Yue: Gao Turtle has changed his classes, and he is in Versailles again. It's annoying to hear that, but this Turtle has no self-awareness at all. '

Gao Turtle is a lecturer of monetary finance in the sophomore course of Tianfu School of Economics. This person once studied in Pennsylvania, the country of the bald eagle, and is deeply proud of this study abroad experience. He also visits Versailles every day, so he is privately called ' tall turtle’

‘An Liang: Didn’t anyone escape from Gao Turtle’s class? '

What classes are you taking this weekend?

‘Bai Yue: [Picture]’

‘Bai Yue: There are too many skipping classes. There are only twelve people in class now. '

There are 41 students in the 2019 finance class three of Tianfu Economic College where An Liang is located, including 12 girls and 29 boys.

The photos sent from Bai Yue show that all the remaining twelve people are girls, so there are no boys left?

Isn't it too obvious to skip class like this?

After all, there aren't even any boys, so what if they are called?

‘An Liang: Shocked!’

‘An Liang: I discovered that this tall turtle actually has an advantage!’

‘Bai Yue: Advantages?’

‘An Liang: He must have a good temper!’

‘An Liang: After all, when so many people skipped class, he was still able to attend class calmly and calmly, and gave Versailles to the remaining classmates. I think he has a really good temper. '

Ordinary lecturers wouldn't be able to tolerate such skipping classes, right?

This tall turtle can tolerate things that others can't tolerate, and he must have a pretty good temper.

‘Bai Yue: [About the pilot measures for teacher grading】’

‘Bai Yue: Starting from this semester, our college will allow students to anonymously rate their teachers. This high-ranking turtle is afraid that we will give low marks, so he doesn’t call names at all, doesn’t look at how many people come, and turns a blind eye even if he skips class.’

‘An Liang:...’

So this is ah?

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