Tianfu School of Economics, Classroom 207, Third Teaching Building.

Before the class meeting, An Liang looked at Shen Shizhong,"Where are you going to start a business?"

Shen Shizhong did not answer,"I'll treat you to hot pot after class, and we can chat while eating?""

"OK!"An Liang agreed.

At three o'clock sharp, the class bell rang, and Wan Yunfei walked onto the podium.

"Regarding today’s class meeting, we mainly talk about three things."Wan Yunfei said straight to the point.

"The first thing is about the adjustment of class committees. We will conduct an anonymous vote for all class committee positions. If more than half of the students decide to adjust the corresponding class committee positions, we will freely run for the corresponding class committee positions again."Wan Yunfei explained.

Lu Wenshan immediately lowered his voice and explained to An Liang,"Brother Liang, you have been absent from school for a long time, and a few guys have expressed dissatisfaction with you occupying the position of the Life Committee."

An Liang nodded noncommittally.

As for the position of the Life Committee, An Liang didn't care at all.

After all, An Liang's vision was different.

When his classmates were still aiming for the position of the Life Committee as a springboard to join the student union, An Liang had already looked at the whole world. And it will have a certain impact on the global structure.

However, after anonymous voting, 34 of the 41 people in the class chose to support the current Life Committee, so Anliang’s position on the Life Committee is solid.

It seems that smart people account for the majority?

Although Anliang He occupies the position of the life committee and is often away from school, but when necessary, Anliang can always make clear arrangements.

If someone else occupies the position of the life committee, can he still do the same as Anliang?

It is probably difficult!

Therefore, most students are smart people. They do not compete for the life committee and have no interests. They naturally know how to choose.

"Since most students support the current class committee, the matter of changing the class committee will be discussed in the junior year."Wan Yunfei declared.

"The second thing is about the New Year's Day celebration. Our school plans to hold a New Year's Day party, where each class will put on a show, and there are limits on the number of various programs."Wan Yunfei explained

"For example, only five rap programs are allowed, only three sketch programs are allowed, and only three dance programs are allowed."Wan Yunfei added.

Such category restrictions are to prevent everyone from performing some singing. So isn't this New Year's Day party boring?

"Our class was a bit unlucky and was selected for a dance program, so we discussed how to handle our class's program."Wan Yunfei raised a question.

Faced with this question, An Liang looked at Chen Le in the front row. This guy is a literary and art publicity committee member. Should he be responsible for this kind of thing?

Sure enough!

Class monitor Bai Jingjing immediately spoke,"Teacher Wan, I think Student Chen Le should be responsible for this matter. After all, he is the literary and art publicity committee member, and the anonymous vote just now shows that everyone trusts him!"

"..."Chen Le looked at Bai Jingjing speechlessly.

School committee member Liu Xiaoyan immediately seconded,"The squad leader is right, I support the squad leader's suggestion!"

Ma Long, who has thick eyebrows and big eyes as the sports committee member, also seconded,"The school committee member is right!"

An Liang glanced at Ma Long, then looked at After taking a look at Liu Xiaoyan, Liu Xiaoyan's appearance score reached 69 points, which is almost the level of one in a hundred, and she feels like Xiaojiabiyu.

But Liu Xiaoyan came from the imperial capital, and her family's conditions were quite good, so An Liang felt that Ma Long had no chance.

Chen Le looked at An Liang,"Brother Liang, save me!"

Faced with Chen Le's request for help, An Liang responded with a smile,"A Le, you are the literary and art publicity committee member. You will definitely be needed for such activities involving literature and art. Organized."

Chen Le smiled bitterly,"But I can't dance."

"If you don't know how, you can ask if there are any classmates in the class. I believe there must be such talents in our class. An Liang explained,"You are responsible for organizing this event, and I am not asking you to participate in it yourself, right?" Chen Le's eyes lit up,"

Brother Liang is mighty!" Teacher Wan, leave this matter to me and I will handle it well."

An Liang looked at Chen Le's confident look and laughed secretly in his heart. This Chen Le is still too naive!

Wan Yunfei glanced at An Liang and then looked at the confident Chen Le. He also teased Chen Le for being too naive. a little

"Since you have confidence, let me leave it to you."Wan Yunfei handed over the New Year's Day activities to Chen Le

"One last thing, I think everyone has heard about the gossip about Professor Tao Donglin, right?"Wan Yunfei said while looking at An Liang.

An Liang shook his head slightly, saying that he didn't know.

Wan Yunfei immediately explained,"Professor Tao Donglin is a retired professor of our school. He has outstanding achievements in the fields of finance and mathematics. For his contributions, especially in mathematics, he was nominated for the Wasu Award"

"This time when our school arranged a physical examination for faculty and staff, Professor Tao was found to have mid-stage liver cancer, so the school hopes to organize a donation."Wan Yunfei explained.

"There is no limit to the amount of donation, it is entirely up to everyone’s wishes. Wan Yunfei added,"Classmate Anliang, you are the life committee. How about I leave this matter to you?""

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