Next day, October 27; seven o'clock in the morning.

An Liang sends a message to Bai Yue on time

‘Anliang: Have breakfast in the cafeteria? '

Actually, Bai Yue is also waiting for information from An Liang. She and An Liang have a tacit understanding, that is, they have an appointment for breakfast.

Bai Yue cherishes the time to have breakfast with An Liang. She can sit opposite An Liang and look at An Liang's figure.

‘Bai Yue: Okay, see you at the door of the cafeteria?’

‘An Liang: OK! '

After the exchange between An Liang and Bai Yue ended, he raised his voice and tried to wake up his three dog sons.

"There is morning class today, won’t you go?"An Liang reminded.

Shen Shizhong woke up and yawned,"Today's morning class is for Gao Turtle. I don't want to go!"

"Don’t add one!" Lu Wenshan responded.

This bitch didn't come back until close to twelve o'clock last night. Fortunately, they are now sophomores and have become familiar with the dormitory manager, otherwise they wouldn't even be able to get in.

Ma Long also refused and said,"I Want to sleep some more"

"I'm going to the cafeteria. Do you want to bring you breakfast?"An Liang asked

"Want it! Shen Shizhong responded,"Brother Liang, watch the tape while I sleep for a while.""

Lu Wenshan and Ma Long also expressed that they wanted An Liang to bring breakfast.

An Liang couldn't complain. Although he was often not at school, when he was at school, he seemed more like a college student than the other three dog sons?

Less than ten minutes later, An Liang and Bai Yue met at the door of the cafeteria, An Liang still ordered breakfast, and Bai Yue occupied the table.

Bai Yue watched An Liang come back with a lot of breakfast, and she asked jokingly,"The three of them are not up again? An

Liang nodded,"Morning class is for Gao Turtle. Can those three lazy dogs get up?"

Bai Yue nodded in agreement,"I actually don't want to go to Gao Turtle's morning class, but there are too few people going. It would be bad if I don't go.""

"You girls won’t go either?"An Liang was surprised.

When An Liang and Bai Yue were chatting before, he knew that boys were skipping Gao Turtle's classes.

Now are even the girls skipping?

Bai Yue responded affirmatively,"If it's morning class, usually There are five or six girls who won't go"

"This tall turtle is so miserable!"An Liang sighed.

Bai Yue seconded,"Gao Turtle is indeed miserable, but this person is very thick-skinned. Even if few people take his class, he still brags about himself."

Sure enough, the most humble person is invincible?

"Are you going to class today?"Bai Yue looked at An Liang and asked.

An Liang shook his head, how could he go to Gao Turtle's class?

Gao Turtle's Versailles was too low-level, and An Liang didn't want to listen to it at all.

"I won't go. An Liang said negatively,"I'm going to visit Professor Tao." Bai

Yue looked at An Liang curiously,"Are you going to donate extra money to Professor Tao?""

"It depends. An Liang did not deny it,"I will send a message to Lao Wan first to ask for details.""

An Liang was eating breakfast while sending a message to counselor Wan Yunfei.

‘An Liang: Lao Wan, when are we going to visit Professor Tao today?’

‘Wan Yunfei:...’

‘Wan Yunfei: Did you wake up so early?’

‘An Liang:? ? ?’

‘An Liang: Do you have any misunderstanding about me?’

‘An Liang: Although I rarely go to class, my schedule is very good. '

Wan Yunfei looked at An Liang's reply. He couldn't complain, so is this a classic example of being richer than you and working harder than you?

‘Wan Yunfei: Wait a moment. I'll ask about the situation first and contact you later. '

Actually Wan Yunfei hasn't gotten up yet!

However, yesterday, Wan Yunfei had already made good contact with Qin Daorong, dean of economics. Wan Yunfei and An Liang, together with Xue Zhiping, director of the Academic Affairs Office, visited Tao Donglin on behalf of Tianfu School of Economics.

Wan Yunfei got up and sent a message to Xue Zhiping, director of the Academic Affairs Office.

‘Wan Yunfei: Director Xue, when are we going to visit Professor Tao today?’

‘Xue Zhiping: It’s only after seven o’clock now!’

‘Wan Yunfei: Ahem...’

‘Wan Yunfei: Sorry, Director Xue, classmate An Liang just sent me a message to ask. '

Xue Zhiping looked at the message sent by Wan Yunfei. Because An Liang was mentioned, Xue Zhiping could only put away his dissatisfaction and patiently reply to the message.

‘Xue Zhiping: I contacted Professor Tao’s family yesterday. It would be best for us to visit after ten o’clock.’

‘Wan Yunfei: Okay, I will convey it to An Liang immediately’

‘Xue Zhiping: OK! '

Wan Yunfei immediately conveyed the corresponding information to An Liang

‘An Liang: Teacher Wan, are you familiar with Professor Tao?’

‘Wan Yunfei: Not familiar’

‘Wan Yunfei: But I took Professor Tao's class when I was studying. I personally think Professor Tao's level is very good. '

Wan Yunfei hesitated for a few seconds and then continued to send the message.

‘Wan Yunfei: Professor Tao is also a very good character. I have never heard of any dark history about Professor Tao.’

‘Wan Yunfei: Do you want to help Professor Tao? Facing

Wan Yunfei's inquiry, An Liang was not surprised.

Because An Liang had asked so clearly, it was normal for Wan Yunfei to have a guess.

After all, how could there be so many fools?


Update time: December 14, 2021 00:02:41, good night.

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