"Anliang, please take a look at last month's and this month's financial ledgers first."Cai Yushan handed the account book to An Liang for review. An Liang looked through it casually. In fact, An Liang basically didn't care about how much money the Ruyi Private Kitchen Restaurant could make.

Because the original decision to open the Ruyi Private Kitchen Restaurant was just to help Xia Ruyi and Xia He The two sisters Xin are just improving their family situation, and at the same time increasing his own influence in the Xia family.

As for how much money the Ruyi Private Restaurant can make?

An Liang doesn't care at all!

Anyway, no matter how the Ruyi Private Restaurant makes money, it will definitely not be comparable to Anliang's other businesses..

After An Liang casually looked through the account books of Ruyi Private Kitchen Restaurant, he asked,"Auntie, do you have any plans to expand the scale of Private Kitchen Restaurant?

Facing An Liang's inquiry, Cai Yushan responded hesitantly,"My plan is to open a branch.""

Cai Yushan continued,"There is no room for expansion around us. Except for the one opposite us, the other three sides are residential buildings. Opposite us is Qingyang Dao Palace, and there is a road across it, so there is no possibility of expansion around us."

An Liang nodded slightly. Cai Yushan understood the situation in advance and there was no problem. The surrounding situation restricted the expansion of Ruyi Private Restaurant.

"If we want to expand our restaurant, we can only open branches."Cai Yushan expressed her thoughts.

An Liang did not refute. He followed Cai Yushan's thoughts and asked,"Auntie, do you have any ideas about the location of the branch?"

Cai Yushan responded affirmatively,"The branch must choose a larger place, set up more boxes, and more seats in the lobby, especially the seats in the lobby. There are too few seats now. I think it is okay to increase the seats ten times."

"Second is the number of private rooms. Four private rooms are too few. I think twenty private rooms can be set up, especially large ones. For example, one private room can accommodate four tables or even more."Cai Yushan added.

An Liang was listening. He didn't offer any opinion or refute. He just continued to ask,"Does Auntie have a specific location?"

Faced with this question, Cai Yushan fell silent.

Site selection is a big problem!

According to the scale envisioned by Cai Yushan, she selected many places, but in the end she could not find a suitable place, because there is no such place in the main urban area of ​​Tianfu. What about large vacant sites?

"I think Nanhu is good."Cai Yushan gave a reluctant answer.

The property that An Liang gave to Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi was in the Nanhu Courtyard next to Nanhu.

The scenery near Nanhu is indeed very good, but there is a big problem, and that is the facilities around Nanhu The development has been completed a long time ago, and there is simply not enough space for Ruyi private restaurant to open a branch.

"Is there a suitable venue? An Liang asked knowingly.

Cai Yushan shook her head,"Not yet. I'm looking to see if there are any businesses that have moved out.""

An Liang secretly laughed. Even if there are businesses that have moved out, can ordinary venues meet Cai Yushan's requirements?

Secondly, although the environment in Nanhu is good, it is far from the current Ruyi Private Restaurant.

After all, Nanhu is a public scenic spot, so it is impossible Achieve the exquisite interior landscaping of Ruyi private restaurant

"Auntie is teaching disciples recently? An Liang seemed to be asking casually.

Cai Yushan was confused,"No, I have no intention of teaching disciples for the time being.""

Actually, Cai Yushan's idea is very simple, that is, to teach the apprentice, what if the apprentice runs away?

Doesn't that mean he will directly create a competitor?

"The store must be very busy now, right?"An Liang asked again

"It gets busier during the evening dining peak period. Although some dishes can be prepared in advance, many dishes need to be made on site...."Before Cai Yushan finished speaking, she already understood what An Liang meant.

Currently, Ruyi Private Restaurant only has four private rooms and 16 seats in the hall. However, during the peak dining period in the evening, Cai Yushan is already a little busy, and she has no plans to teach disciples, so what is the use of expanding the scale?

An Liang continued,"Auntie, the success of our private restaurant actually depends on many factors."

Cai Yushan listened patiently.

"The most critical factor is naturally the aunt's cooking skills. If we want to open a branch, let's assume that everything goes well in the branch. Then will the aunt cook in the main store or go to the branch?"An Liang listed the difficulties in the future.

"If Auntie chooses to branch out, when the seats in the lobby are expanded tenfold and the number of private rooms is expanded fivefold, will Auntie be able to handle it?"An Liang asked key questions.

"The second issue is the dining environment. The dining environment in our private restaurant is very good, and my aunt should also know this."An Liang explained.

Cai Yushan nodded affirmatively.

There is indeed nothing picky about the dining environment at Ruyi Private Restaurant.

"It also includes the geographical location of our private restaurant, as well as the fact that we only have 16 tables in the lobby, etc., which are all the reasons why our Ruyi Private Restaurant is so popular."An Liang added

"As the saying goes: 'Things are rare and valuable! 'This is also the case in the catering industry. If the number of seats in our private restaurants increases, I think there may even be completely different results."An Liang explained.

Cai Yushan fell into deep thought, as if it was indeed what An Liang said?

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