In Cai Yushan's view, Ruyi private restaurant has increased its menu price by 20% at one time, which is already a very high increase.

"Auntie, I plan to adjust the price like this..."An Liang spoke out his thoughts one by one.

Taking the signature dish recommended by the chef, privately made braised beef, as an example, the current price is 998 yuan per serving. Based on a 20% increase and the auspicious digital adjustment, An Liang thinks it can be set at 1,288 yuan.

If it is priced at 1,288 yuan, it is equivalent to a price increase of 290 yuan. The actual increase is far more than 20%, reaching 29%.

As for seasonal vegetarian dishes, the price was initially 68 yuan, then increased to 98 yuan. Anliang plans to raise the price to 128 yuan. The actual adjustment range of this price is far more than 20%, reaching 30%. the height of.

Classic Xichuan dishes like Duyimen Twice-cooked Pork increased from 328 yuan to 398 yuan, which is almost a 20% increase.

While listening, Cai Yushan used her mobile phone to record the prices listed by An Liang. After An Liang finished speaking, Cai Yushan used her mobile phone calculator to quickly calculate the price increase.

"Is it really okay to increase prices like this?"Cai Yushan looked at the adjustments where the lowest price increase exceeded 20% and the highest price increase exceeded 30%. She asked with some concern.

If the price increase is too high, customers should have opinions. ?

Cai Yushan was worried that the customers of Ruyi private restaurant would resist the price increase, causing the business to plummet.

Faced with Cai Yushan's worries, An Liang laughed

"Auntie, our private restaurant is a high-end catering. Compared with ordinary catering, we are in the luxury field of the catering industry."An Liang explained.

"For ordinary working-class consumers, no matter whether we maintain the current price or increase the price, they will not choose us."An Liang added.

It should be difficult for ordinary working-class consumers to support free consumption at Ruyi private restaurants.

Even according to the current situation where per capita consumption is less than 700 yuan, for ordinary working-class consumers, this price is a bit too expensive.

"There is an iron law in the luxury goods industry, which is constant price increases. Although we are not an absolute luxury goods industry, we are luxury consumers in the catering industry."An Liang once again affirmed the consumption level of Ruyi private restaurant.

"Therefore, there is no problem with our price increase. Instead, we are screening customers and increasing our popularity from the consumer side."An Liang added.

If Ruyi Private House Restaurant suddenly announces a price increase of at least 20%, a large number of customers of Ruyi Private House Restaurant will definitely complain, or even complain to others, and may even compare with other restaurants.

In this way , , it may not be a publicity tool.

Cai Yushan is still a little worried,"What if we are boycotted after we increase the price? An Liang responded with a smile,"

That's too simple!""

"If there is really a shortage of people after we increase the price, we can launch a limited-time recharge welfare activity, for example, if you recharge 1,000 yuan, you will get 200 yuan."Anliang gave a solution.

This recharge gift activity can easily offset the price increase problem and lock in customers' consumption in advance. It is simply a routine within a routine.

In fact, any activity to apply for a card and store value , all are this routine.

Cai Yushan suddenly realized,"This method is good!"

"When do you think it’s appropriate for us to raise prices?"Cai Yushan asked additional questions.

An Liang considered responding,"It's almost the end of October. We can notify every consumer who comes to the store in advance starting today, indicating that we will increase prices starting from November 1st."

"In addition, we can also promote it on the public account." An Liang added.

Xinxin Ruyi Private Kitchen Restaurant also has a public account, but it does not support reservation of tables in the lobby. It only promotes the dishes of Xinxin Ruyi Private Kitchen Restaurant and posts some photos of the dining environment of Xinxin Ruyi Private Kitchen Restaurant.

"Okay, I will instruct the service staff to notify the customers during dinner after a while, and have someone announce the situation on the official account."Cai Yushan responded.

The two discussed some details of the price increase, including the pricing of each dish. Cai Yushan recorded them one by one on her mobile phone.

"By the way, has Auntie ever thought about developing new dishes?"An Liang asked.

Cai Yushan said slightly embarrassed,"I have tried it."

"I know that it is relatively difficult to develop new dishes, but we can learn and learn from them. We can learn from what other restaurants have new dishes."An Liang said crazily and suggestively.

The catering industry is almost the same as the milk tea industry. New products are very easy to be learned by peers.

Cai Yushan suddenly realized,"If you are learning new dishes, that's no problem!"

"We are very much looking forward to the new dishes in our private restaurant!"An Liang responded with a smile.

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