An Liang doesn't like leaving regrets!

Especially when An Liang has the ability not to leave regrets, why should he leave regrets?

So An Liang immediately ordered Qin Tianxiang to apply for a direct flight to the western half of Spain.

The Gulfstream G650ER business jet has a range of 13,000 kilometers. It is only more than 9,000 kilometers from Shengqing to Madrid, the capital of Spain. With such an excellent range, the Gulfstream G650ER can fly there directly in just over eight hours.

Applying for a flight route is very simple. Whether it is Anxin Investment Company, Renyi Security Company, or even Xiaguo Anxin Bank, the problem can be solved simply.

By the time An Liang arrived at Shengqing International Airport, Qin Tianxiang had already solved the route problem, and the Gulfstream G650ER crew members had also completed the inspection of the aircraft. They only needed to wait for An Liang to board the plane and they could take off at any time.

At around eight o'clock in the morning, the Gulfstream G650ER took off smoothly from Shengqing International Airport, flying from Shengqing to Madrid, the capital of Western Spain.

Nearly nine hours later, it was past 5 pm Xia Guo time, but it was not yet 12 noon in Western Spain.

Relying on his ability to predict danger in advance, Anliang successfully landed at the Madrid International Airport in the Spanish capital.

Renyi Security Company is developing very fast in the western half of the country. By the time Anliang lands, the western half of Renyi Security Company has already arranged all the pick-up work and security work.

"Mr. An, welcome to the Western Hemisphere."A middle-aged man greeted An Liang politely. He is Dai Rong, the head of the Western Branch of Renyi Security Company. He is fully responsible for all the work of the Western Branch.

An Liang nodded slightly,"Old Dai, what's going on here? how?"

"We have received some rumors that someone wants to contact Mr. An, but we have not yet investigated the specific situation." Dai Rong explained

"We are fully prepared in terms of security and there will be absolutely no accidents." Dai Rong added

"Um." An Liang nodded in agreement.

Dai Rong added,"Mr. An, we have arranged a manor only three kilometers away from the Xibanya Palace to serve as President An's stronghold in Xibanya."

"good."An Liang praised.

Everyone left Madrid International Airport and went to the manor arranged by Dai Rong.

This manor is called 'Manor de la Mata'. It is only three kilometers away from Zarzuela Palace in a straight line. All the security forces in the manor are They were replaced by security personnel from Renyi Security Company.

When An Liang and his party arrived, An Liang discovered that there were actually helicopters in the Dramata Manor, and even a Hummer off-road vehicle that looked very familiar.

Dai Rong explained the situation to An Liang,"These Humvees are all Humvees from the Bald Eagle Country. They were all obtained through special channels. Only the weapon systems were removed, but their bulletproof capabilities were not weakened in any way."

"This is to prevent extreme situations from happening. If we encounter some extreme situations, we need to protect the safety of Mr. An."Dai Rong added.

An Liang nodded slightly. He did not deny Dai Rong's caution.

Although if an extreme situation may occur, the danger premonition ability will definitely detect it in advance, but there is nothing wrong with being more fully prepared.

When An Liang was led by Dai Rong While browsing the De La Mata estate, he received a call from the Spanish mainland. An Liang swiped the screen to answer it.

"Hello."An Liang greeted him in Spanish, which he had just learned.

"Hello, Mr. An, I am Carlson, the security director of the Spanish Royal Family."Carlson took the initiative to report his family name.

An Liang still remembers Carlson. The last time An Liang was in the western half of the country, he was unlucky enough to be implicated in an attack. Carlson's performance was pretty good, so An Liang naturally remembers this guy.

"It’s Mr. Carlson. What can I do? An Liang asked.

Carlson explained,"We received a notification from the immigration administration department. His Majesty Philip and Queen Lydia welcomed Mr. An to the Spanish Peninsula.""

An Liang was not surprised that the Spanish royal family knew about his entry.

Because Anliang entered Western Spain through open channels, the Spanish immigration management department must have known about Anliang's entry, and then the Spanish royal family knew about it. What's the problem?

"Thank you to His Majesty Philippe and Queen Lydia. An Liang responded politely.

Carlson added,"His Majesty Philip and Queen Lydia would like to welcome Mr. An to the birthday dinner of Princess Lenore. I will personally greet Mr. An at the door. Please contact Mr. An in advance before arriving."

An Liang replied with a smile,"Then I'll trouble Mr. Carlson!""

"Mr. An was so polite, that was my honor." Carlson responded.

The two did not exchange greetings. After talking about business, they ended the call directly.

An Liang and Carlson left the manor after finishing the call. He was going to buy a formal outfit for Lenore's birthday dinner. After all, it was Lenore. An Liang couldn't go to Nuoer's coming-of-age birthday dinner wearing sportswear, right?

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