The entrance to Zarzuela Palace.

An Liang waited for less than three minutes before arriving at the drop-off area. He got off the car from the back seat, and Li Yang got off with him carrying a gift box.

Qin Tianxiang passed quickly under the guidance of the waiter and went to the designated area to park.

"Good evening, Mr. An."As soon as Anliang got out of the car, Carlson, the security director of the Spanish royal family, took the initiative to greet Anliang.

The guests near Anliang looked at him curiously, because these people also knew Carlson, and they knew very well that Carlson was a member of the Spanish royal family. Security director.

That’s why they were curious!

After all, as the security director of the Spanish royal family, Carlson greeted Anliang so diligently, so Anliang’s identity must be unusual, right?

"Xia people? Neon man?"A middle-aged female guest said softly.

"He should be from Xia country. The male guest next to her responded,"Think about the list of birthday gifts previously announced by the royal family.""

The female guests felt a little enlightened.

Similar discussions have occurred many times. Most people can think of the birthday gift list announced by the royal family. After all, it is basically not easy for the guys to be eligible to participate in Lenore's adult birthday dinner..

Carlson personally brought An Liang and Li Yang into the Zarzuela Palace without even conducting basic security checks, including the gift box Li Yang was carrying.

This was an invisible show of goodwill from the Spanish royal family, thus Showing his trust in Anliang.

Carlson took Anliang all the way to a small hall in Zarzuela Palace. In this small hall, Philip VI was talking.

When Carlson walked in with Anliang, Philip VI Shi immediately greeted warmly,"Mr. An, good evening."

"Good evening, Your Majesty the King."An Liang responded with a smile.

"Let me introduce to you, this person is our Spanish Chief Minister Paul Peake."Philippe VI introduced An Liang.

Paul Piqué, the Chief Minister of Spanish Spain, was a middle-aged man with a kind face. He took the initiative to extend his right hand and shook hands,"Hello, Mr. An, thank you Mr. An for your kindness to us. Spanish support. An

Liang shook hands with the other party and responded politely,"Good evening, Mr. Paul, our cooperation is mutually beneficial. We also thank you, Spain, for supporting us." Philip

VI continued to introduce Anliang,"This is Torres Baden, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology. You can have in-depth discussions on the export issues of metal ores, pork and seafood.""

An Liang naturally shook hands with Torres Baden and greeted him.

After the introduction of Philip VI, An Liang found that this small hall was full of ministers from the Spanish court. This time he came to directly light up the network of ministers from the Spanish court..Although this network of contacts is just acquaintances, with the first step, Anliang can further expand it if necessary.

This is Anliang's strength!

Anliang is very good at developing common interest groups, and through stable common interests, thereby forming a stable circle of contacts.

For example, the Tianshang Baiyujing Club in the imperial capital circle.

At the beginning, the Tianshang Baiyujing Club was unknown, and even a large number of members made small moves.

As time went by, the Tianshang Baiyujing Club Its power is becoming more and more powerful. Not only the internal members are gradually integrated by Anliang, but also a large number of peripheral members are attracted.

Now the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club has become a first-class interest group in the imperial capital circle, and is the envy of other members of the imperial capital circle. Object.

If Anliang is in need, with the introduction of Philip VI, he can even form an interest group in the Western Hemisphere, and even use this group to become a shadow court.

But Anliang has no need for the time being.

At present, Anliang's cooperation with Spain through Crown Import and Export Trading Company is very smooth. Coupled with Anliang's friendly relationship with Lenore, he naturally has no need to target Spain, let alone win over interest groups to establish a shadow in Spain. Imperial court.

Even if a shadow court is really to be established, it will be for Neon!

In fact, An Liang does have such a plan.

Now the former chief minister of Neon is still half-coerced by An Liang. Unless the other party obtains slices of thousand-year-old astragalus through other channels, otherwise that The guy will eventually fall into An Liang's hands.

Once the other party completely falls into An Liang's hands, An Liang can use the other party's identity to build an interest group in Neon, and then realize the possibility of controlling the Neon court through the interest group, and finally form A shadow court.

In fact, the shadow court is also a Concern organization!

Corea's Concern organization formed the shadow court structure. Although on the surface Correia accepts the management of the Blue House Central Court, in fact, it is controlled by the Sansan Group, Elgi The Concern organization headed by the Group, Handai Group, etc. formed the Shadow Court and completely controlled Corea.

An Liang also hoped that one day in the future, he could build the Concern organization in Neon and finally achieve the goal of becoming the Shadow Court. transformation!

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