Neon Royal wants to break the rules of the game?

An Liang just wanted to say that the Neon Royal Family is crazy!

Because once the Neon Royal Family uses a method that breaks the rules of the game, it means that An Liang can also use a method that breaks the rules of the game.

Now Anliang has grown into a towering tree, and is not the soft persimmon he once was.

If under the current circumstances, the Neon Royal Family is still prepared to break the rules of the game, An Liang will definitely not show mercy.

As we all know, the power controlled by Anliang is not a pure commercial economy.

An Liang wants to take revenge by breaking the rules of the game, and even the Neon Royal Family can hardly resist it.

It's just that An Liang will definitely not break the rules of the game first.

Because there are various order rules in this world. Although these order rules are not clearly listed, they do exist.

After all, after reaching a certain level, everyone has a huge amount of energy. If there is no order and rules, wouldn't it become chaos?

For example, if An Liang made a deliberate and unintentional sneak attack, if he fully mobilized the power under his control, the Neon Royal Family would definitely suffer huge losses.

But the consequences...

That is, Anliang first violated the rules of order and was boycotted and sanctioned by other forces.

After all, An Liang can target the Neon Royal Family, so how can he be sure that An Liang will not target others?

The existence of order rules is ultimately Maslow's hierarchy of needs: safety needs!

If security requirements cannot be guaranteed, who will have peace of mind?

Therefore, An Liang would never be the first to break the rules of the game, whether it was against Jia Dewen or Chen Ming in the previous imperial capital circle.

An Liang and Chen Ming fought for a long time. The fundamental reason was that Chen Ming also understood the rules of the fight. Neither party broke the rules of the game and acted completely within the rules of the game.

In the end, Chen Ming also took a leap of faith on his own, and An Liang did not take action directly.

If An Liang takes action himself, I am afraid that An Liang will not be able to gain a foothold in the imperial capital circle at all.

Now Kishijima Maple revealed that the Neon Royal Family actually wanted to break the rules of the game and plan to attack people related to Anliang. Anliang couldn't believe it.

"you sure?"Anliang stared at Kishijima Maple.

Kishijima Maple replied affirmatively,"I'm sure! The Neon Royal Family is secretly plotting to attack your parents, and your girlfriend"

"What's the motive?"Anliang asked back.

Assuming that the Neon Royal Family is really planning to attack his parents and girlfriend, but there must always be a motive?

Although Anliang had previously planned the Mount Fuji operation with the North Bear Country, thereby snatching away the thousand-year-old astragalus growing in Mount Fuji, it was not enough as a motive.

After all, it is obviously unreasonable for the Neon Royal Family to break the rules of the game for revenge.

"These attacks were carried out to cover another operation."Kishijima Maple added.

"oh?"Anliang showed a curious look.

Kishijima Maple didn't hide anything, he responded directly,"The Neon Royal Family has conducted a lot of investigations on you, including Shiliwan Holly Seed, Shiliwan Peach Gum, and Alpine Sour Dates, all of them. They were all investigated by the Neon Royal Family"

"Through this information, Neon Royal Family speculates that you may have hidden and cultivated Astragalus membranaceus for thousands of years in Shili Bay. However, because Shili Bay has been fully owned by your family company AXA Construction, Neon Royal Family has no way to investigate further." added Kishijima Maple.

"This time, the Neon Royal Family plans to attack people related to you. In fact, it is to cover up the attack on Shili Bay. After all, once it launches an attack on the people around you, your attention will be drawn to it, and you may not be able to take care of Shili Bay. Bay situation."Kishijima Maple said the real motive.

So that's it!

If this is the motive, it makes sense!

Although the Neon Royal Family's guess is wrong, Anliang did not transplant the thousand-year-old astragalus in Shili Bay, but Shili Bay has The golden age is too old, so is the Neon Royal Family a mistake?

But is the Neon Royal Family really ready to break the rules of the game?

An Liang still doesn't believe it!

Although An Liang despises those neon people who have a good life, An Liang knows it very well Those guys are not fools, and they certainly cannot break the rules of the game openly.

Once the Neon Royal Family breaks the rules of the game first, even if An Liang retaliates, other forces will feel that it is the Neon Royal Family’s fault.

So An Liang feels that the Neon Royal Family must There are other means!

"Do you know how Neon Royalty prepares to attack?" Yasuo asked tentatively.

Kishijima Maple still had no intention of making any conditions. He responded directly and affirmatively,"I know!"

"In fact, I am one of the executors. When the plan was first formulated, I personally participated in it."Kishijima Maple explained.

"Mr. An, you should be wondering now why the Neon Royal Family dared to plan an attack on people related to you. After all, once such an act is carried out, you can launch unlimited counterattacks, right?"Kishijima Maple is a very smart guy. He asked An's doubts in advance.

"So why does the Neon Royal Family dare to make such a plan?"An Liang asked following the other party's topic.

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