There were abnormalities in the security surveillance video records at the time of the incident!

However, Anliang looked carefully several times and still could not determine what exactly caused the abnormality. He could only confirm that the explosion of the balloon at the time of the incident was definitely not a coincidence.

The changes in the few pixels in the security surveillance video record should be that the security surveillance camera is just an ordinary camera, which cannot capture high-definition images and cannot identify high-speed objects, and ultimately appears as anomalies in a few pixels.

Faced with An Liang's inquiry, No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator responded,"I consulted No. 1 and No. 2, and they gave a possible situation after investigation."

No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator continued to explain,"According to Numbers 1 and 2, During the investigation, they agreed that a high-speed, subtle, and difficult-to-find object was shot at the helium balloon at the time of the incident, causing the helium balloon to explode."

"According to the investigation of the crime scene, neither the Kyoto Metropolitan Police Department nor the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau found any suspicious objects, so we comprehensively judged that this high-speed and subtle object was an ice needle."Tianji Divine Calculation No. 4 will tell the analysis results.

"Ice needle?" An Liang pondered.

The No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator responded affirmatively,"If high-purity pure water is used to make the ice needle, it will be almost completely transparent, and it will completely melt according to the temperature in Kyoto in winter after launch, and naturally no trace will be found on the site.. An

Liang continued,"If it is an ice needle and it is flying at high speed, it must be shot at close range. Otherwise, whether it is the stability of the ballistics or the melting of the ice needle midway, it will be a big problem."

No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator affirmatively agreed,"Boss is wise, and so is our guess." Although the shooting angles of the three security cameras at the crime scene are limited, based on the analysis of the shooting footage, we suspect that the perpetrator is within 20 meters away"

"This is an important clue!"An Liang said affirmatively,"Based on the flight trajectory of the ice needle and the distance judgment, we can determine the location of the perpetrator, and then cooperate with the more peripheral security monitoring system to lock the corresponding perpetrator."

Tianji Shensuan No. 4 agreed again,"Okay, I will notify the converts."

Convert is the code name of Kishijima Maple"

"If the convert successfully obtains more peripheral security surveillance video records, he will be given an additional 200 million yen in activity funds."An Liang said as arranged.

"receive."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator responded.

Kishijima Maple has indeed played a role. After the security surveillance video records he provided passed the first round of analysis by the Tianji system, the mathematician's flaws have been fully exposed and completely locked.

Once Kishijima Maplewood has obtained the security surveillance video records around the crime scene, and it is possible to catch the mathematician.



Kishijima Maple received the message from No. 4 Tianji Shensuan, and once again asked him to obtain security surveillance video records around the crime scene. Naturally, Kishijima Maple could not refuse.

Now that Kishijima Maple has completely betrayed the Neon Royal Family, he can only desperately work for Anliang in order to fight for a chance of survival.

Just three hours later, Kishijima Maple completed the task. He once again sent the relevant security surveillance video records to No. 4 Tianji Shensuan.

When transmitting security surveillance video records this time, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan optimized the transmission plan. By disguising it as a Youtube transmission channel and simulating a multi-user transmission mode, the upload was quickly completed.

After receiving the security surveillance video records, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan continued to send commands

‘No. 4: We also need relevant data from the Exit-Entry Administration, including entry and exit passenger lists and relevant security surveillance video records. Can these be obtained?’

‘No. 4: In view of your good performance, BOSS has decided to give you another 200 million yen in activity funds. '

When Kishijima Maple saw the first message sent by No. 4 Tianji Shensuan, he was filled with embarrassment because the relevant records of the Immigration and Entry Administration were not public and were not connected to the public Internet.

If you want to obtain relevant data from the Exit-Entry Administration, you will definitely have to find a way from within.

However, Kishijima Maple does not have much contact with the Immigration Bureau, and he cannot use the identity of the Deserted Village Action Team. How to obtain relevant data from the Immigration Bureau has become a huge problem.

Fortunately, Anliang gave him another 200 million yen in activity funds. He can completely use this fund to solve the problem.

‘Convert: Received’

‘Convert: Thanks to BOSS, I will definitely complete the mission!’

‘Number 4: I hope so’

‘No. 4: If you complete the task assigned by BOSS, BOSS’s previous promise will definitely be fulfilled. If you fail to complete the task, you should understand the result.’

‘Convert: I understand!’

‘Convert: Lord No. 4, please rest assured that I will definitely complete the tasks assigned by the BOSS. '

The No. 4 Tianji Shensuan did not continue to remind Kishijima Maple. He now needs to use the Tianji system to analyze the security surveillance video records he just received to find traces of the mathematician's existence....


Update time: December 29, 2021 00:01:56, good night.

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