Neither An Liang nor Zhao Wanxi took the mathematician Bian Junping seriously.

If Bian Junping has been hidden in the fog, there are some threats. But without the protection of the fog, what threats does Bian Junping still have?

The greatness of Bian Junping is the same as that of Renyi Security Company. They are all hidden in the darkness with calculations and unintentional intentions.

Once he is unable to do mental arithmetic, Bian Junping poses almost no threat when the target is on guard....


After Bian Junping's identity was exposed, not only was he no threat, but he directly switched positions offensively and defensively, changing from a hunter to a prey.

Now it is Renyi Security Company that is fully pursuing Bian Junping!

Neon, Kyoto in winter.

One house after another is being built in the port area, and Bian Junping is writing and drawing on a tablet. He has previously proven his ability through Operation Ice Needle and thus gained the trust of the Neon Royal Family. Now he is designing a plan against An Liang.

Just as An Liang guessed, Bian Junping was indeed wishful thinking. He could not forget Zhao Wanxi. When he discovered the relationship between Zhao Wanxi and An Liang, Bian Junping prepared to target An Liang because of his unbalanced mentality.

However, Bian Junping had no idea that his plan had been exposed!

What's more important is that his true identity has been exposed!


An alarm sound came from Bian Junping's mobile phone. He immediately picked up his mobile phone to check the situation. His mobile phone displayed a real-time monitoring screen. In the real-time monitoring screen, several people wearing black masks and black sportswear were standing where he was. One of the houses has a door built.

Bian Junping immediately started operating on his mobile phone, and the security surveillance screen displayed on the mobile phone screen immediately changed. There were mysterious people wearing black masks and black sportswear in all four directions of the building.

Apparently he was surrounded!

‘Oops! 'Bian Junping finally realized that he had been exposed.

But he couldn't remember for a moment, what did he do badly that exposed his whereabouts?

Although Bian Junping couldn't think of why he was exposed, he continued to operate his mobile phone. New changes suddenly appeared on the first floor of the building where he was located. All the windows had bulletproof steel plates lowered, and the same was true for the doors!

The person in charge of this operation was Mu Nagahiro, whose pseudonym was Yamaki Yushi. After he discovered the accident on the first floor, he ordered through the wireless headset,"The operation has been exposed, all personnel implement the second plan!"



Members of the Neon Branch of Renyi Security Company responded one after another. It is a second-floor building.

After Bian Junping temporarily blocked the actions of Renyi Security Company through the defense methods on the first floor, he grabbed his backpack and mobile phone without hesitation , he came to the roof of a house built and prepared to escape through the roof of a house built.

On the roof of a house built, Bian Junping operated his mobile phone again. He set up a mechanism in the house built to prevent him from being killed if necessary. Under such circumstances, the natural gas device inside a building can be remotely controlled, eventually causing a natural gas explosion.

Bian Junping had just activated the natural gas explosive device, and when he was about to escape, he discovered a new problem - there were two medium-sized unmanned aerial vehicles in the sky plane!

The specifications of the two medium-sized drones clearly exceeded the legal limit, and the two medium-sized drones were obviously targeting him.

This speculation was quickly verified!

Because one of the medium-sized drones Launching a direct attack, it used a stun gun to shoot Bian Junping, causing Bian Junping to tremble and fall directly on the roof of a building. In less than two minutes, Mu Yonghong led the people from the Neon Branch of Renyi Security Company The field staff came to the roof of the building and then quickly left with Bian Junping.

The field staff of the Neon Branch of Renyi Security Company discovered the natural gas explosive device designed by Bian Junping, but did not dismantle it or stop it because traces of their actions were also It can be annihilated through natural gas explosion.

Bian Junping's natural gas explosion plan is simply a divine assist!


Manor de la Mata.

When Bian Junping was caught by the Neon Branch of Renyi Security Company, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan immediately reported to An Liang

"BOSS, the Neon Branch has captured the mathematician. How should we deal with it?"No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation Inquiry

"Sure enough, it’s still in Neon! An Liang snorted softly,"Since you are in Neon, then stay in Neon forever!"

An Liang added,"To deal with it more cleanly, it is best to make it an accident. He used to like to arrange accidents, so we will also arrange an accident for him.""

When Bian Junping does something, he always likes to disguise it as an accident. This is also the method favored by Renyi Security Company, because this method has the smallest sequelae and is even more likely to be regarded as a real accident, thereby avoiding caused extra trouble.

That's why An Liang ordered Bian Junping to be dealt with by accident.

"receive."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator responded.

When No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator responded, the Life Winner System issued a prompt

‘Ding! '

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