In the Gulfstream G650ER business jet, after Philip VI reminded Anliang, he took a sip of whiskey from his wine glass, and then patiently waited for Anliang to think further.

After being reminded by Philip VI, An Liang thought about it deeply and understood what Philip VI meant.

"Your Majesty Philip is brilliant!"An Liang first sighed

"At present, your Spanish power energy market has been monopolized by MIBEL. The Spanish court has no control over MIBEL and no pricing power in the power and energy market. This is already the worst situation."An Liang explained with a smile.

"Faced with such a bad situation, if His Majesty Philip invites our Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Dream Future Energy Group in the name of the Spanish Royal Family to disrupt the Spanish power energy market, it will be the credit of the Spanish Royal Family!"An Liang added

"After all, if we can break the situation, it will be a good thing for Spain, especially for the people of Spain. As long as the electricity cost drops, your Spanish royal family can further win public opinion."An Liang added.

Philip VI did not deny it,"Mr. An's analysis is correct. Although the conditions proposed by Mr. An are relatively stringent, in the special environment of Spain, the Spanish court will definitely agree."

"This is a win-win cooperation for all parties. Our royal family gains prestige and support from the public; the Spanish court gains the right to dialogue with MIBEL and OMIE; ordinary people gain economic benefits from reduced electricity prices; Mr. An, you gain economic benefits!"Philip VI listed the benefits of each party.

This is indeed a win-win cooperation for all parties.

So Anliang proposed such outrageous conditions, and even the condition of sole proprietorship of the Spanish power and energy market, the Spanish court could only be forced to accept

"Mr. An, if our Spanish side has finalized a cooperation plan, when will your side be able to finalize the cooperation plan?"Philip VI asked.

This cooperation is of great benefit to the Spanish royal family. The main reason is that all ordinary people in Spanish Spain are affected by high electricity prices. Once this problem is solved, then the Spanish royal family will will gain huge reputation.

An Liang responded with a smile,"This cooperation is also very important to us. Once the cooperation is successful, we will gain huge economic benefits, so we will definitely be very active"

"After we land, I will contact Xia Guo and send our cooperation plan. As long as your Spanish court has no objections, we can sign an agreement. An Liang added.

Philip VI affirmatively seconded the proposal,"I will contact the chief minister after it lands. I believe Paul will definitely support this cooperation.""

"I wish both of us happy cooperation!"An Liang raised his glass.

Philip VI also raised his glass and clinked it with An Liang,"I wish you a happy cooperation!"

Half an hour later.

The Gulfstream G650ER landed at the Jerez Airport. This is a small airport. It is a newly established airport. It is less than fifty kilometers away from Cadiz.

When there was no airport in Cadiz, Flying from Madrid requires an airport 150 kilometers away.

However, Madrid and Cadiz are only more than 400 kilometers apart!

On the way from Jerez Airport to the Victoria Beach Hotel in Cadiz, Anliang and Philip VI contacted the corresponding personnel to discuss cooperation in the Spanish power energy market.

Since this cooperation involves the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and the Dream Future Energy Group, An Liang directly communicated in the confidential group of the Tiantian Baiyujing Club send Message

‘An Liang: @everyone: Is anyone else staying up late? '

It's close to six o'clock local time in Xia Guo in the western half of Spain, and it's late at night or close to early morning in Xia Guo.

‘Hu Xiaoyu:?’

‘Li Cunyuan: Brother Liang, something is wrong with you!’

‘Li Cunyuan: What time is it? Are you looking down on everyone’s ability to stay up late?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: [Late night match picture]’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Late night car god, come and report!’

‘Yun Haiyang: Add another late-night car god!’

‘Yun Haiyang: Brother Gangzi and I have a peak showdown tonight!’

‘An Liang: Car accident competition?’

‘Cloud Ocean:...’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Of course Brother Haiyang is running laps alone. I definitely don’t dare to run laps with Brother Haiyang.’

‘Lin Yili: Bubble!’

‘Ye Xiangyu: Eating supper’

‘Zhou Ronghua: [Location information: Workers Stadium HuanBar]’

‘Zhou Ronghua: Brothers, welcome to come and drink together!’

‘Pang Zhengfeng: I want to too, but my girlfriend is also there’

‘Li Mingfei: It’s coming, it’s coming!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: @安梁: What’s the matter with you?’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Wait for the good news from Brother Liang!’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: I have a hunch that Brother Liang must have good news’

‘An Liang: Of course it's good news, otherwise what do you think I would do in the western half of the country?’

‘Li Cunyuan:?’

‘Qian Xiaogang:?’

‘Yun Haiyang:?’

‘Lin Yili:? ? ?’

‘Ye Xiangyu: I’m convinced!’

‘Zhou Ronghua: Got it! I learned it again!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: None of your brothers believe you!’

‘An Liang:...’

‘An Liang: Brothers, accumulate virtue with your words!’

‘An Liang: This time I brought great good news!’


Update time: January 2, 2022 00:02:32, good night.

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