In the confidential group of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club, when Ye Xiangyu revealed the possible profits, all online members fell silent.

Almost a minute later, Li Cunyuan sent the message

‘Li Cunyuan: What about tax issues?’

‘Li Cunyuan: Are the taxes on the power energy market in Spain high?’

‘Ye Xiangyu: Very high!’

‘Ye Xiangyu: If there are no accidents, according to my guess, the Spanish court will give the highest tax rate of 21%.’

‘Ye Xiangyu: Currently, the Spanish court has adopted a 21% tax rate for MIBEL and OMIE.’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: It’s okay, it’s just a 21% tax.’

‘An Liang: We should also be able to negotiate tax issues.’

‘An Liang: Although it is impossible to reduce the tax permanently, we can at least negotiate a long-term tax reduction and exemption policy.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: According to the monopoly of the Spanish power energy market, we can indeed negotiate with the Spanish court, and we are in an advantageous position’

‘An Liang: @赵wanxi: What preferential policies do you think are appropriate?’

‘An Liang: @Everyone: Everyone can speak freely about their ideas on tax preferential policies. We will adopt your opinions when discussing with the Spanish court later.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Regarding the preferential tax exemption policy, my personal suggestion is to try to ask the Spanish court for a longer time limit.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: For example, five years of full tax exemption, and an additional five years of half tax reduction’

‘Ye Xiangyu: This preferential policy is great! '

Can this preferential policy be bad?

In the past, the preferential policy given by Xia State in order to attract investment was"three exemptions and three half reductions"!

Zhao Wanxi said,"Five exemptions and five half reductions." How can such a preferential tax policy be bad?

‘Li Cunyuan: Can the Western Banya court agree?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: The five-year exemption and five-year half-off policy seems a bit excessive?’

‘Yun Haiyang: Don’t worry! Based on the relationship between Brother Liang and the Spanish royal family, I think such a policy is trivial!’

‘An Liang:...’

‘An Liang: Brother Haiyang, please be a human being!’

‘An Liang: If you keep attacking like this, I will fight back, right?’

‘Yun Haiyang: I was wrong!’

‘Yun Haiyang: Brother Liang, I was really wrong. Please don’t take it personally.’

‘An Liang: @ Zhao Wanxi: I will test the five-year exemption and five-year reduction policy you proposed with the Spanish court first, but I think you are still a little conservative.’

‘An Liang: Our intervention in the Spanish power energy market is to help Spain break its monopoly, thereby preventing the Spanish power energy market from being wantonly manipulated by MIBEL and OMIE. In addition, we plan to build fourth-generation nuclear power plants in Spain and Related supporting large-scale power storage facilities and even independent power transmission networks are long-term management projects, so we should be bolder.’

‘An Liang: I suggest first proposing a preferential treatment of tax exemption for 20 years and half tax rate for 20 years.’

‘Zhao Wanxi:...’

‘Li Cunyuan:...’

‘Ye Xiangyu:...’

‘Qian Xiaogang:...’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Great! Brother Liang is right! We are preparing to operate electricity and energy supply in the Spanish Peninsula for a long time. This is not a one-time deal. We definitely need more and longer-term preferential policies.’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: If we can be tax-free for 20 years, we can save tens of billions of dollars in taxes and fees every year. That’s great! '

Hu Xiaoyu has obviously thought too much. Now he doesn't even have a word for it, so he thinks about completely monopolizing the power energy market in the western half of the country in the future.

Ye Xiangyu just described the future a little too brightly, but the annual profit of 300 billion Xia Guoyuan that Ye Xiangyu mentioned is a complete monopoly on the Spanish power energy market, and the execution is based on the highest monopoly price.

If there is ever a day when the Spanish power energy market is completely monopolized, the final electricity sales price will definitely not be based on the highest price, because it will easily cause dissatisfaction among the Spanish people.

‘An Liang: Regarding the power energy market in Western Spain, please contact the person in charge of Xiaguo Power Grid tomorrow and ask them to make suggestions. After all, they occupy 15% of the equity of Dream Future Energy Group.’

‘An Liang: The main body of this cooperation for the Spanish power energy market is Dream Future Energy Group, through which we will establish a wholly-owned subsidiary in the Spanish Peninsula.’

‘Anliang: When building large-scale power storage facilities based on graphene batteries, Dream Future Energy Group purchases graphene batteries from Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, which is a commercial exchange between the companies.’

‘An Liang: As for the construction of power grids and supporting equipment throughout the western half of the country, it is left to Xiaguo Power Grid. It is also a cooperation between Dream Future Energy Group and Xiaguo Power Grid. It is still a commercial behavior between the companies. '

Anliang owns several commercial companies. Although the shareholders of most commercial companies are members of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club, there are still certain changes in shareholders.

For example, in the Dream Future Energy Group, Xiaguo Power Grid controls 15% of the shares and is one of the largest single shareholders. However, Xiaguo Power Grid is not involved in the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

In view of this situation, Anliang chose internal cooperation to allow normal business cooperation between its subsidiaries to avoid interest disputes.

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