Cadiz, East Bank CEP Plaza, opposite the gate of Kairuifu Supermarket.

Philip VI and Queen Lydia, Lenore and Sofia, under the protection of the security personnel of Renyi Security Company, began to distribute albacore tuna meat to the local residents of Cadiz. Each person can get at least one kilogram of tuna. Meat.

Queen Lydia chose a good location. She especially chose the location opposite the gate of Kairuifu Supermarket. This location happened to receive the people who came to Kairuifu Supermarket to buy goods.

At the site where the Spanish royal family distributed albacore tuna meat, there was neither a raised platform nor a banner, but a brown kraft cardboard with the message"free albacore tuna meat distributed" written on it.

Some local residents of Cadiz did not even know Philip VI and Queen Lydia at all. They did not know them until they received the albacore tuna meat distributed by Philip VI or Queen Lydia.

Thanks to the assistance of the security personnel of Renyi Security Company, the order at the scene was very good. People who came to receive free tuna meat also queued up consciously, and there was no looting.

When Queen Lydia and Philip VI distributed tuna meat, they did not say anything about being grateful to the royal family or promoting the royal family. They only asked people receiving tuna meat to pay attention to safety and not to crowd, and asked the people from time to time. Difficulties encountered

"Sir, please be safe."Queen Lydia reminded a gray-haired old man, and she handed over a bag of tuna meat frozen with ice cubes. The gray-haired old man took the tuna meat, he hesitated, and then asked," Can I get another copy please?"

Queen Lydia looked at the other person quickly and covertly. Although the gray-haired old man was clean and tidy, his clothes were a bit old and the color was dull. They were obviously old clothes. In addition, the old man The condition of his skin is relatively poor, indicating a lack of daily maintenance, which naturally proves that the economic conditions are poor.

Queen Lydia just looked at the old man and said in agreement,"Of course there is no problem."

As she spoke, she handed another piece of tuna meat to the old man.

After Queen Lydia agreed, the old man took the initiative to explain,"My neighbor has a bad leg, and I want to bring him a piece back. The old man continued to add,"Cadiz is too humid in winter. He has arthritis, so it is inconvenient to come here.""

Cadiz has a typical Mediterranean climate. Although the temperature in winter is above 10 degrees Celsius, the weather is very humid, which is simply torture for patients with arthritis.

Queen Lydia followed the other party's topic and started to communicate. Under the guidance of Queen Dia without leaving any trace, the gray-haired old man sighed,"Even if there is a dehumidifier or an electric heater is installed, the electricity price is too high and it is difficult for us to afford it."

Queen Lydia naturally took advantage of the situation and mentioned that the Spanish royal family is actively discussing with Dream Future Energy Group about investing in the Spanish power energy market.

"If our cooperation with Dream Future Energy Group can go smoothly, the price of electricity and energy in our western half of the world will come down!"Queen Lydia said with confidence.

In fact, this is also the case.

Regardless of whether the Dream Future Energy Group can finally monopolize the Spanish power energy market, as long as the Dream Future Energy Group enters the Spanish Half, the price of Spanish power energy will definitely be will decline.

If Dream Future Energy Group enters the Spanish power energy market, it will push up the price of electricity and energy. Then neither the Spanish royal family nor the Spanish court will allow Dream Future Energy Group to enter.

Now it has It is the era of 2020. If you want to make money, you must seek win-win cooperation instead of using certain conditions to forcibly monopolize the market.

Even if you really use certain conditions to forcibly monopolize the market, I am afraid it will cause complaints and eventually suffer. Backlash.

Almost two hours later, Philip VI and Queen Lydia took Lenore and Sofia to distribute all the albacore tuna meat, and Queen Lydia naturally spread the news about the royal family joining the Dream Future Energy Group to discuss electricity. News in the energy market.

Queen Lydia is very smart. She did not arrange for journalists or paparazzi to help spread the news. She just let the news ferment. Even if no one spreads the news, Queen Lydia can subsequently spread it on the Internet..

However, how could such important news not be spread by anyone? In the era of 2020, mobile Internet and smart network devices are everywhere in life, and only a mobile phone is needed to publish news on the network.

So Given the convenience, how could the Spanish royal family distribute tuna meat across from the Redford supermarket in CEP in Cadiz without being posted on the Internet?

When An Liang and the Spanish royal family arrived at Jerez Airport, At that time, there had already appeared on the local Internet in Spain something like the"Spanish Spanish royal family Cadiz show"’,‘The Spanish royal family is daydreaming' and other discussion posts.

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