Facing An Liang's inquiry, Andres had an embarrassed expression on his face,"This...Can I not say it?"

"We need to know why you were denied a visa so that we can help you reapply for a visa."An Liang said nonsense casually. He just wanted to know the real reason.

Andres sighed helplessly,"The reason for rejecting the visa is very simple. I am an older single young man, and I have no real estate, no stable job, and no sufficient assets. Guarantee, so the visa was directly rejected."

Such a reason for refusing a visa is so normal!

An Liang looked at Andres with a half-smile but not a smile. Andres's face turned red. He picked up the coffee and took two sips to cover up his embarrassment.

"Regarding visa issues, we will send a business letter and use the business visa channel."An Liang explained

"Regarding the graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology, you need to go to Xia Guo for verification first. Only after we confirm that there are no problems with your technology will we pay you the corresponding patent fees."An Liang added

"But don’t worry, we will sign an agreement with you in advance to protect your rights and interests."An Liang added.

Andres breathed a sigh of relief. An Liang's cautious attitude showed that An Liang was serious. If An Liang didn't ask anything, he would be worried.

"No problem at all!"Andres said confidently,"I have actually verified the graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology. I have made a small model to verify the data I mentioned before."

"It’s just that the price of graphene reverse osmosis membrane is too expensive and cannot be applied on a large scale. Only if you dream of the future graphene technology group can you promote this technology."Andres's understanding is very clear. He is not ignorant of the prospects of graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology, but the problem is that the cost of graphene reverse osmosis membrane limits his independent development.

Dream Future Graphene Technology Group obtains graphite The graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology is the icing on the cake. The combination of the two will burst out with brilliance, thereby developing seawater desalination business on a global scale. Even if the

Dream Future Graphene Technology Group does not obtain the graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is also dazzling.

Simply put, graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology is not necessary for Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, but the opposite is different. For graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater It is necessary to downplay technology to dream of the future graphene technology group.

Because of this, Andres is very clear that he is at an absolute disadvantage, so Andres only needs a"mere" 1 million euros in patent technology transfer fees

"Is there actually a model? An Liang was surprised,"I thought it was pure theory!""

"Now that you have a model, it’s even simpler. You take the model to Xia State, and after Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has verified the model and technical theory, we will immediately pay you the relevant patent technology transfer fee."An Liang said promisingly.

"Mr. Andres, when can you go to Xia Country?"An Liang asked casually.

Andres responded a little awkwardly,"I'm single and I don't have a job now. My parents have their own jobs, so they can go to Xia Country at any time."

"How about tomorrow?"An Liang asked

"Visa matters..."Just as Andres spoke, he was interrupted by An Liang

"Don't worry, it's a small thing!"An Liang responded with a smile.

For Andres, the problem that cannot be solved is not a problem at all for An Liang.

After the two parties discussed the specific details, An Liang finally added,"Mr. Andres, I suggest you Get ready today, and we will arrange for you to go to Xia Kingdom tomorrow"

"OK"Andres responded affirmatively.

After Anliang left, Andres waved his fist excitedly. He originally thought that he had no chance to cooperate with Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, but now it has turned around. Of course he is very excited.

On the way back to De La Matta Manor, An Liang sent a message to Zhao Wanxi

‘An Liang: Done!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Did you find Andres so quickly?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: You didn’t really kidnap him directly, right?’

‘An Liang: What are you thinking!’

‘An Liang: That young man was in a bad situation. I was like the savior on earth and pulled him out of the pit of fire. We hit it off immediately and will send him to the Imperial Capital tomorrow.’

‘An Liang: By the way, you need to recruit talents in seawater desalination technology and form a team of seawater desalination technology. We are going to develop an independent department of seawater desalination technology.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Are you planning to put seawater desalination technology into the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group?’

‘An Liang: Otherwise?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: In fact, you can establish a new company separately. Seawater desalination technology has a wide range of applications around the world.’

‘An Liang: I know’

‘An Liang: But I’m not going to make too much money from this project.’

‘An Liang: Most areas where fresh water resources are scarce are actually very poor. Those people are also struggling to have enough food and clothing. I don’t like this kind of money.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: This is why I like you!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: A gentleman has something to do and something not to do!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: I support your decision’

‘An Liang: I can’t tell for a moment whether you are really praising me or not.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Of course I really praise you’

‘Zhao Wanxi: If this technology falls into the hands of others, I am afraid that the most likely way is to think about how to obtain greater profits, right?’

‘An Liang: There are many ways to make money, there is no need to use the worst way’

‘An Liang: For example, Arlia is an area that is extremely short of fresh water resources. We can use fresh water resources to exchange for other resources.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: For example, uranium resources?’

‘An Liang: Of course! '

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