More than half an hour later, everyone arrived at the Royal Villa Hotel to check in.

The Royal Villa Hotel is a good five-star hotel, and check-in was very smooth. However, because there were fifty-five people checking in, it still took more than an hour to get it done.

However, when checking in, priority was given to ladies to give them more time to clean up. Therefore, less than ten minutes after checking in, everyone regrouped in the hotel lobby.

An Liang has arrived at the Royal Villa Hotel, and he is chatting enthusiastically with Pang Zhengfeng.

After the entire negotiation team arrived, Anliang and the personnel from the western half of the Renyi Security Company left the Royal Villa Hotel with everyone.

An Liang led everyone to taste the local delicacies in the Western Hemisphere. To be honest, the local delicacies in the Western Hemisphere were pretty good, at least much better than those in Great Britain.

After all, it’s a joke that Britons know how to cook!

The local delicacies of the Spanish Peninsula, especially all kinds of seafood and the famous ham, made the entire negotiating team very satisfied.

It was approaching eleven o'clock in the evening. Due to the time difference, the members of the negotiation team began to feel sleepy and chose to go back to the hotel to rest.

An Liang sent a message to the WeChat group of the negotiation team.

‘An Liang: @平正峰: The first round of negotiations will begin at ten o’clock tomorrow morning in the conference room of the Royal Villa Hotel’

‘Pang Zhengfeng: Received’

‘Pang Zhengfeng: I will remind everyone’

‘An Liang: Sorry, brother Zhengfeng, go to bed early.’

‘Pang Zhengfeng: Okay, Brother Liang should also go to bed early.’


The next day.

At 9:55 in the morning, An Liang came to the Royal Villa Hotel again. Naturally, he had to participate in the first round of negotiations between Dream Future Energy Group and the Spanish court.

In fact, Anliang is the final decision-maker!

However, the specific details of the negotiations still have to be left to professionals. An Liang is only responsible for some key decisions and the final decision.

In the conference room of the Royal Villa Hotel, the negotiating team of Dream Future Energy Group was reduced from fifty-five people to three people, and the others were observers.

Two of the three representatives are from Xiaguo Power Grid, namely Liu Jingming, a power grid design expert, Wang Wentian, an expert in electric energy storage and peak regulation, and Pang Zhengfeng, a representative of the Tianshang Bai Yujing Club.

The first two are responsible for professional technical issues, while Pang Zhengfeng is responsible for interest negotiations.

The negotiators arranged by the Spanish Imperial Court have different ideas from the Dream Future Energy Group, and the negotiation configuration they arranged is very high.

The Spanish court also arranged three representatives, namely the second minister, Luis Blanco, who was fully responsible for this negotiation.

This was followed by David Gasol, the Minister of Industry and Energy, and Torres Bardem, the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology who had met Anliang before.

From the lineup of the negotiating team, we can see that the Spanish court attached great importance to this negotiation.

But the Spanish court made a mistake!

High standards and professionalism of a negotiation team are different things.

The negotiating team of Dream Future Energy Group demonstrates professional attributes, but the negotiating team of the Spanish Imperial Court probably doesn’t know much about the power energy market, right?

However, just as the negotiations between the two parties began, An Liang understood the negotiation strategy of the Spanish court.

Because the negotiations had just begun, Luis Blanco, the second minister of the Spanish court, spoke directly in Spanish, and the simultaneous translators began to translate simultaneously.

"Hello, friends from Dream Future Energy Group, we in Spain warmly welcome you."Luis Blanco first expressed his welcome

"Regarding our cooperation in the power energy market, we in Spain are willing to give the greatest sincerity. We first agree to your relevant conditions for sole proprietorship control, whether it is fourth-generation nuclear power plants, power storage peaking enterprises, or new power grids. things."Luis Blanco directly expressed the attitude of the Spanish court.

"If you have any requirements, please tell us directly. If we can agree, we will directly agree. If there are disputes, we will negotiate with each other."Luis Blanco added.

An Liang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows as he listened to Luis Blanco's words. The negotiations of the Spanish court were a little too direct. It was equivalent to the direct start of the Landlords. Wang Zha.

Originally, Anliang thought that the Spanish court would put forward some stringent requirements for the new power grid. After all, Dream Energy Group will build its own independent power grid in the future, which is equivalent to completely controlling the power energy market in Spanish Spain.

In the end, the Spanish court actually accepted it directly


Faced with the situation where Luis Blanco, the second minister of the Spanish court, did not follow the routine, two experts from Xiaguo Power Grid looked at Pang Zhengfeng, waiting for Pang Zhengfeng to make up his mind.

Pang Zhengfeng took a deep breath before responding in Xia Mandarin. The simultaneous translator naturally continued to translate Pang Zhengfeng's words.

"First of all, thank you very much for your sincerity and attention to this cooperation. We at Dream Future Energy Group are extremely grateful."Pang Zhengfeng first expressed his gratitude.

"We do have some other questions about specific cooperation."Pang Zhengfeng is also a human being. He did not directly say that there are conditions, but instead said"in doubt"

"Do you have any questions?"Louis Blanco, the second minister of the Spanish Imperial Court, followed Pang Zhengfeng's inquiry and asked back. Of course he knew that this 'questionable' meant that there were conditions!

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