Royal Villa Hotel, conference room.

Faced with Pang Zhengfeng bringing up old matters again and once again discussing the power energy market tax rate, Luis Blanco felt a little headache.

The current situation is very clear. Dream Future Energy Group is indeed sincerely preparing to enter the Spanish power energy market, and has sincerely stated that it will reduce power energy prices.

The Spanish court also hopes that Dream Future Energy Group will enter the Spanish power energy market.

The two parties are now equivalent to a boyfriend and girlfriend who are discussing marriage. Although they are ready to enter the marriage hall, they still have differences on the bride price. If the discussion about the bride price is not pleasant, it may actually lead to a fight.

"Regarding the tax rate, we can lower it to 19.8%."Louis lowered the tax according to the reservation plan. He added in the awkward Xia Mandarin,"This tax rate, according to the homophony of Xia Mandarin, means 'to be issued for a long time'."

Louis' Xia Mandarin is not very good. After he said 'it will take a long time', he changed back to Spanish and said,"This is an auspicious number. What do you think?"

An Liang, who was listening in, raised his eyebrows. This second minister of Western Banya is quite interesting. He actually learned these things!

Pang Zhengfeng almost laughed, but he endured it and responded along with this topic,"We Xia people prefer it."All the way" is a homophone, so how about setting the tax rate at 16.8%?"

Louis frowned, and he quickly calculated in his mind the turnover generated when Dream Future Energy Group monopolized the Spanish power energy market, and the corresponding tax rate. In

2020, the annual electricity consumption in the Spanish Half is expected to reach 2380 billion kilowatt-hours to 240 billion kilowatt-hours.

If the electricity consumption is calculated as 238 billion kilowatt-hours, and the electricity price is calculated as the maximum price set by Dream Future Energy Group of 1.5 kWh per kWh, the total turnover is 357 billion kWh.

If The tax rate in the power energy market dropped from 21% to 16.8%, which is equivalent to a reduction of 4.2%.

If you ignore some cost data and simply calculate based on the turnover of 357 billion Xia Guoyuan, and then calculate the tax rate reduced by 4.2%, it is almost A tax reduction of nearly 15 billion euros was reduced.

That was more than 2 billion euros in taxes!

After Louis did a quick mental calculation, he was heartbroken and bleeding when faced with a tax loss of more than 2 billion euros. Naturally, he could not agree.

After all, this tax rate is for a long time tax rate instead of a five-year reduction and a five-year halving time-sensitive preferential policy

"The tax rate of 16.8% is too low. According to your Xia country's custom, we both have to make concessions. The tax rate of 18.8% is a very auspicious number. What do you think?"Louis proposed a new tax rate.

The tax rate number of 18.8% is indeed very auspicious, especially to please the people of Xia.

"Wait a moment, let me contact the person in charge of our Dream Future Energy Group. Pang Zhengfeng said in response.

In fact, Pang Zhengfeng liked the 18.8% tax rate, but Anliang was the final decision-maker.

Pang Zhengfeng used the confidential communication software of Tiantian Baiyujing Club to send messages to Anliang

‘Pang Zhengfeng: Brother Liang, what do you think of the current situation? '

An Liang was listening at the scene. Naturally, Pang Zhengfeng did not introduce the situation in detail, but directly asked An Liang's opinion.

‘An Liang: Let’s talk again!’

‘An Liang: What do you mean by giving in?’

‘An Liang: The other party gave in from 19.8% to 18.8%, which was only a decrease of 1%.’

‘An Liang: We made a concession from 16.8% to 18.8%, which is a 2% tax increase.’

‘An Liang: You proposed to adjust the tax rate to 17.8%. This is the auspicious number that we Xia people like. We will issue it together with the Spanish Peninsula.】’

‘An Liang: Win-win cooperation, we must make a fortune together! '

After Pang Zhengfeng read the message sent by An Liang, he immediately put it forward according to the script.

"Mr. Lewis, the person in charge of our Dream Future Energy Group hopes that you will adjust the tax rate to 17.8%, so as to wish us and you to make a fortune together. Pang Zhengfeng explained.

For the 17.8% tax rate, the think tank of the Spanish court had already prepared, so Louis did not have any surprises. When he just proposed the 18.8% tax rate, it was just a test.

Now Pang Zhengfeng conveyed his dream for the future After thinking about the proposal of the head of the energy group for a while, Louis decided to agree, thus promoting the formal cooperation between the two parties.

"Your proposal is very good. Our cooperation will definitely be a win-win situation and we will definitely make a fortune together. We agree to a tax rate of 17.8%!"Louis knew very well that the person in charge of Dream Future Energy Group was An Liang who was listening, so he quietly praised An Liang's proposal.

Pang Zhengfeng also responded on behalf of Dream Future Energy Group,"Thank you for your recognition and advance notice. I wish both of us happy cooperation!"

Louis echoed the response,"I wish both of us a happy cooperation!"

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