The cooperation between Dream Future Energy Group and the Spanish court in the power energy market was not only hotly discussed on the Spanish Internet, but also suddenly broke out on the Xiaguo Internet late at night.


International Know-It-All:

Big Events!

Big event!

Really big event!

Say important things three times, this time is really a big event!

As is the old rule, go to the link first, and please check scientifically.

【Link: Spanish National Television reported: Xia Guo Dream Future Energy Group signed a power energy market cooperation plan with the Spanish court】

【Link: The Spanish power energy market is broken! Competitors from Xia Kingdom will break the monopoly!】

【Link: Is it a spoiler or a new monopoly?】

【Link: A terrorist group is invading the Spanish hemisphere!】

[Corresponding news photo]

On the evening of November 9, local time in Spain, the Dream Future Energy Group from our Xia Kingdom and the Spanish court officially signed a cooperation plan for the power energy market.

This blogger checked some hot discussion topics on the Spanish Internet and translated them. You can take a look at the situation first.

[Translation map of the Spanish royal court’s face messages]

[Translation picture of Spanish royal family’s Face messages]

[Anonymous-Q topic discussion translation map]

[MO-SIN topic discussion translation picture]

From these topics we can find a big problem. This time Dream Future Energy Group enters the Spanish power energy market, I am afraid it is really going to become a new monopoly giant.

Take a look at the layout of Dream Future Energy Group in the western half of the country, building fourth-generation nuclear power plants, building graphene power storage stations, and establishing a nationwide power transmission network in the western half of the country.

This means that Dream Future Energy Group will complete all aspects of power generation, transmission, peak shaving management, and power sales in the Spanish power energy market.

Dream Future Energy Group completely controls the Spanish power energy market from upstream to downstream.

This is an absolute monopoly group!

After all, it has been controlled by Dream Future Energy Group from the very beginning, and Dream Future Energy Group also controls an independent power transmission network. It’s scary to think about it!

In addition, let’s take a blind guess that Dream Future Energy Group should have pricing power, and may even put pressure on the Spanish court in terms of tax rates, and may also ask for some preferential tax policies.

To sum up, after Dream Future Energy Group signed a power energy market cooperation agreement with the Spanish court, Dream Future Energy Group will become the absolute overlord of the Spanish power energy market!

Finally, it is an irresponsible guess. After Dream Future Energy Group has completed its monopoly layout in the Spanish power energy market, will it also carry out a similar layout in China?

This blogger specially studied the previous news about fourth-generation nuclear power technology, and inquired about the relevant information of fourth-generation nuclear power technology, and found that fourth-generation nuclear power technology is an epoch-making energy technology.

The fourth-generation nuclear power technology can be said to be a complementary and alternative technology to nuclear fusion technology. It completely surpasses the current third-generation nuclear power technology in terms of safety and reliability, and has an absolute advantage in terms of cost.

This technology will be the best energy technology before nuclear fusion technology is realized.

If Dream Future Energy Group wants to build fourth-generation nuclear power technology in China, it means that the cost of power generation will drop significantly. Will we usher in a new energy era in the summer?


Although it is now past ten o'clock in the evening, Xiaguo time, for contemporary young people, how can it be possible to sleep past ten o'clock in the evening?

Around ten o'clock in the evening is the time to be in good spirits!

Therefore, the topic posted by International Know-how on Weibo quickly aroused heated discussion, and a large number of melon-eating netizens joined in the discussion.

The top comment even received more than 1 million likes!



Monopoly is illegal!

Western Hemisphere?

That’s okay!


This most popular comment has been supported by a large number of melon-eating people, who all said that the monopoly in the Spanish half of the world is not a monopoly and there is no problem at all.


Management time:

I’m curious as to why Spain allows foreign capital to monopolize a key industry like electricity and energy?


This is the second most popular comment. Many netizens are also curious about why the Spanish court allowed a foreign company to control the local power and energy market?

Even in a capital market like Bald Eagle Country, the electricity and energy market is not monopolized, but there are many energy suppliers competing with each other.

The second most popular comment was from blogger International Know-It-All


International know-it-all:

【Detailed introduction to the Spanish power energy market]

In short, the Spanish power energy market is now jointly monopolized by MIBEL and OMIE. The Spanish court has lost control of the Spanish power energy market and has no pricing rights, and no management rights.

Now the Spanish court has introduced Dream Future Energy Group, which is using monopoly to fight monopoly.

As the saying goes: only magic can fight magic.

That's the situation now.

That’s why the Spanish court allowed Dream Future Energy Group to have an absolute monopoly in the Spanish power energy market.


Given the situation in the Spanish electricity energy market, what other options are there?

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