Song Ren explained in more detail that there is a slight difference between Tyrande's power energy market and Xia's.

There are only two links in the Xiaguo power energy market: upstream and downstream.

The upstream link is naturally power generation.

Most of the power generation companies in the Xia Kingdom are owned by the Xia Kingdom, and only a few small hydroelectric power stations, wind energy power stations, and photovoltaic power stations are privately owned.

The power generated by private power generation companies does not even account for 0.1% of the total power generation.

The downstream link is naturally the trinity of power transmission, distribution and sales.

There are only two companies in this link, namely Xiaguo Power Grid and Xiaguonan Power Grid.

Whether it is Xiaguo Power Grid or Xiaguonan Power Grid, although they are two companies on the surface, the two companies are brothers and both belong to the Imperial Asset Management Bureau.

It’s just that Xia Guonan Power Grid is the eldest brother and Xia Guonan Power Grid is the younger brother.

The Tyrande power energy market is different. According to Song Ren, the Tyrande power energy market separates the power transmission link as an intermediate link.

Song Ren continued to introduce the situation of Tyrande's power energy market,"The one responsible for the transmission link here in Tyrande is the Tyrande Electric Power Administration. It has also been chartered by the Tyrande court to enter the upstream power generation link, but it cannot enter the downstream. Electricity distribution and sales links"

"The downstream power distribution and sales links are split into two agencies, the Kobang Electricity Bureau and the Provincial Electricity Bureau. The Kobang Electricity Bureau is responsible for the entire Grand Kobang area, and the Provincial Electricity Bureau is responsible for areas other than the Grand Kobang area." Song Ren added in detail

"The operating process of the Tyrande power energy market is that power generation companies generate electricity and then sell the electricity to the Tyrande Electricity Authority, which then transmits the power to the Guman Electricity Authority and the Provincial Electricity Authority for sale."Song Ren explained the whole process.

An Liang answered,"So the Tyrande Power Administration is an existence that we cannot avoid. It is equivalent to monopolizing the entire Tyrande power transmission business and controlling the entire Tyrande power transmission business. Germany's power transmission network, any power generation company must sell the electricity it generates, and it belongs to the Tyrande court, so we cannot bypass it."

Even though there are certain differences between Tyrande's power energy market and Xia Guo's, the existence of Tyrande Power Administration has completely strangled the power energy market. It is simply impossible for foreign investors to independently control Tyrande's power and energy market. Song

Ren also understood what An Liang meant, and he responded with a smile,"What if we take control of the Tyrande Electric Power Management Bureau?"

"this..."An Liang frowned.

Control the Tyrande Electricity Authority?

The Tyrande Electric Power Administration is under the Tyrande court. How to control the Tyrande Electricity Administration?

This kind of thing is not just a small matter to provide some convenience, but an attempt to control the entire Tyrande power energy market. It is impossible to hide it.

Once there is such an operation, how can the Tyrande court indulge it?

Although Tyrande is quite underdeveloped, the Tyrande court is not a fool. How could it not understand the consequences of the independent monopoly of foreign capital in the power and energy market?

Unless it's possible...

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to control the Tyrande power energy market!

"You should have investigated the Tyrande power energy market, right? Song Ren asked.

An Liang answered affirmatively,"Yes, we have investigated the power energy market of Tyrande. In view of the special mechanism of Tyrande's power energy market, we have temporarily shelved the investment plan.""

"I will send you a piece of information. After you read it, you will know that we still have a chance!"Song Ren explained

"OK"An Liang responded.

After Song Ren hung up the phone, he sent the corresponding information to An Liang through secure communication software.

An Liang checked it immediately. He was very interested in Song Ren's proposal. If he could win Tyrande Power again, Energy market, that's great!

Among the information sent by Song Ren, the first is the introduction information of the owners of Tyrande Electric Power and Energy.

In the Tyrande Electric Power Energy Market, the power generation of the Tyrande Electric Power Management Bureau, which is affiliated to the Tyrande Court Accounting for 40% of the total power generation.

In the field of private power generation enterprises, Tyrande divides private power generation enterprises into large private power generation enterprises and small private power generation enterprises.

Large private power generation enterprises are also called independent power producers, abbreviated as IPP, and small private power generation enterprises. The company abbreviation is SPP.

Among them, the power generation of independent power producers IPP accounts for 37% of the total power generation, and the power generation of small private power generation enterprises SPP accounts for 13% of the total power generation. To put it simply, the power generation of private power generation enterprises exceeds that of Thailand. The power generation capacity of the power generation companies controlled by the Rand court.

In addition, the data showed that Tailand also imported and outsourced 10% of its power resources.

Looking at such information, An Liang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, Tailand Does the German court have such little control over the power generation?

After all, 60% of the power generation in the Tyrande power energy market is not directly controlled by the Tyrande court, although the electricity generated by these power generation companies can only be sold to Tyrande Power. Authority, but what if these power generation companies do not generate electricity?

That means that the Tyrande power energy market will be short of power!

‘With such low control, there seems to be some opportunity...’An thought silently in his heart.

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