If the situation in the Tyrande power energy market is normal, there are no problems with either the electric energy owners or the power energy structure. The supply of natural gas for power generation is normal, and Tyrande’s local natural gas reserves are sufficient. According to the structure of the Tyrande power energy market , An Liang cannot have any chance to intervene.

After all, the Tyrande court is not stupid. How could it not know the consequences of the power and energy market being independently controlled by overseas capital?

However, the information provided by Song Ren showed that the Tyrande power energy market only appeared to be stable on the surface, but was actually in crisis.

In particular, Tyrande's local natural gas resources are close to depletion, and a chain reaction may occur at any time due to the depletion of local natural gas.

This situation just allows Dream Future Energy Group to take advantage of it!

An Liang was thinking about the plan to take advantage of the situation while continuing to check the information sent by Song Ren.

This document also introduces the situation of Tyrande's new energy market.

The development of the new energy industry in Tyrande is very unsatisfactory.

Whether it is wind energy, solar energy, or nuclear energy, their development in Tyrande has failed, and there is almost no development at all.

Taking solar energy as an example, Tyrande's solar energy resources are actually not bad. The solar energy resources on various islands can even be said to be quite abundant.

However, the local area is not willing to develop solar energy at all.

The reason is very simple. The benefits from developing solar energy are far less than the benefits from the tourism economy, so why develop solar energy?

For example, for a beach with abundant solar energy, for the local area, it would definitely be more profitable to choose tourism development. How can it be possible to lay solar photovoltaic panels on the beach?

The situation of wind energy is not much different from that of solar energy.

Even ignoring the cost of building wind power plants, the location of wind power plants is difficult.

The wind resources available in Tyrande are mainly distributed on the seaside, which once again conflicts with the tourism economy, so the tourism economy naturally wins, and wind power generation is not worth mentioning at all.

As for nuclear power energy, although it does not occupy tourism resources, the problem is that Tyrande has a strange problem!

Tyrande is obviously ruled by a king, but when it comes to nuclear power development plans, it always conducts some public satisfaction surveys, environmental assessment surveys, and other similar surveys.

If it was just an investigation, that would be excusable.

However, the results of these investigations will directly affect the implementation of the nuclear power development plan.

For example, in the public satisfaction survey, if the public does not accept nuclear power plants, the nuclear power development plan will be shelved.

The safety accident at the Neon Fushishima Nuclear Power Plant caused a certain degree of nuclear power panic around the world. Tyrande's public satisfaction survey has never passed, which is one of the reasons why Tyrande's nuclear power development plan has been shelved.

As for the environmental assessment investigation, it is also a very disgusting thing, and it is almost impossible to pass such an investigation and assessment.

After An Liang read the information sent by Song Ren, he contacted Song Ren again and took the initiative to ask questions first.

"Brother, I read the information you sent, and there are two very serious problems in it. An Liang expressed doubts,"Regarding the public satisfaction survey and environmental assessment survey in the nuclear power development plan, they seriously limit the possibility of nuclear power development."

Song Ren responded with a smile,"These two issues are indeed big issues.""

"But we have a solution!"Song Ren said confidently

"How to solve?"An Liang asked back.

"If we go through normal channels, we will definitely not be able to solve these two problems. Whether it is a public satisfaction survey or an environmental assessment survey, there are various problems. If we want to pass both surveys, we need to deal with too many problems. things."Song Ren explained the situation.

"When encountering a problem that cannot be solved, I think it is easier to solve the person who raised the problem, what do you think? Song Ren asked back.

An Liang was stunned for a moment, then agreed with a smile,"That makes sense!" If the problem cannot be solved, then the person who raised the problem will be eliminated. As long as the person who raised the problem is solved, no one will raise the problem again, and naturally there will be no problem."

"Yes! Song Ren also laughed,"We have a way to solve the problem of those who raised the issue. We can directly skip the public satisfaction survey and environmental assessment survey, so that the nuclear power project can be implemented directly." Song

Ren added,"The fourth-generation nuclear power technology mastered by your Dream Future Energy Group far exceeds the safety of third-generation nuclear power plants. It is almost impossible for nuclear leakage to occur, so through the fourth-generation nuclear power technology , we can definitely address the person who asked the question. An

Liang confirmed this first, and then added,"Brother, you said before that you can solve the problem of Tyrande Electric Power Management Bureau. What is the situation?""

The Tyrande Power Administration is responsible for transmitting electricity. No power generation company can bypass the Tyrande Power Administration, so the Tyrande Power Administration is also a key trouble!

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