After Anliang and the Spanish royal family said goodbye at the entrance of Zarzuela Palace, they returned to Madrid International Airport and took off from Madrid International Airport directly back to Xia Kingdom.

An Liang has been out for more than half a month, and now it is time to return to the embrace of her motherland.

Nearly nine hours later, just after 11 a.m. local time in Xia Kingdom, An Liang landed at the Imperial Capital International Airport. As soon as he landed, he received a call from Huang Guoxiang.

Looking at Huang Guoxiang's call, An Liang put on his wireless headphones and then swiped the screen to answer the call.

"Lao Huang, have you ever heard of an idiom called 'the ghost lingers'?"An Liang asked teasingly

"You said it yourself, when you come back, let me take the initiative to contact you."Huang Guoxiang threw the blame.

An Liang complained,"So I just landed at the Imperial Capital International Airport, and you called me?

An Liang continued to complain,"You are more concerned about my movements than my girlfriend!""

"The Air Traffic Control Bureau has relevant route application information, and the control tower of the Imperial Capital International Airport also has your location information. I happen to be here, so I came to pick you up."Huang Guoxiang opened his eyes and told lies.

"Then I thank you!"An Liang complained.

Huang Guoxiang happens to be here?

Whoever believes it is a fool!

"Since it’s airport pick-up, where are you?"An Liang's additional inquiry

"Taxi runway pick-up point."Huang Guoxiang responded.

After the Gulfstream G650ER business jet taxied, when An Liang got off the plane, he saw Huang Guoxiang standing next to a black Audi A8L waiting.

An Liang walked over directly, and Huang Guoxiang diligently opened the back seat door for An Liang, and also did A gesture of 'please'.

But An Liang didn't appreciate it at all. He went around to the other side and opened the door and got in the car.

Huang Guoxiang could only get in the car by himself. He complained,"You are too disrespectful! An

Liang sneered,"This is not a matter of giving face or not. It's obviously a matter of a weasel paying New Year greetings to a chicken. How can I be fooled?""

"Lao Huang, we are old friends. You have too many tricks. I must be on guard!"An Liang added impolitely.

As An Liang said, he and Huang Guoxiang are old friends, so there are some things that don't need to be too polite.

Huang Guoxiang is so polite, how can An Liang not be on guard?

"you think too much! Huang Guoxiang sighed,"I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart because of your contribution to the country.""

"Don't! Don't! We have something to talk about, and I can’t stand it if you wear a high hat like this!"An Liang denied it repeatedly.

This guy puts on a high hat first, and he doesn't know what his tricks are after a while!

"Can there be a little more sincerity between people?" An Liang hummed and added.

Huang Guoxiang put away his magical power and said casually,"Apart from the Western Hemisphere Electricity and Energy Market, do you have other actions?"

"No."An Liang replied calmly.

"I do not believe! Huang Guoxiang directly denied,"We heard the news in Tyrande. You also said before that you wanted to build a fourth-generation nuclear power plant in Tyrande.""

"So why ask even though you know it?"An Liang complained directly.

"The situation in the Tyrande power energy market is completely different from the Spanish power energy market. The situation here is more complicated. It is very difficult for you to get involved. We can help you!"Huang Guoxiang finally spoke frankly

"What kind of help can you provide? An Liang did not refuse directly.

Huang Guoxiang narrated,"The simplest thing is security. We can..."

An Liang directly interrupted Huang Guoxiang,"Old Huang, that's Tyrande over there!"

The National Security Investigation Bureau provided security assistance to Renyi Security Company in Tyrande?

Huang Guoxiang learned to tell jokes?

It was obviously Renyi Security Company that provided a lot of convenience to the National Security Investigation Bureau in Tyrande. The National Security Investigation Bureau even directly impersonated employees of Renyi Security Company in some of Tyrande's operations.

This is the tacit understanding promised by both parties!

When the National Security Investigation Bureau has to deal with some inconvenient matters in Tyrande, it will directly use the name of Renyi Security Company and let Renyi Security Company take the blame.

Renyi Security Company also adopts this approach sometimes when it needs the authority of the National Security Investigation Agency.

Both sides are aware of the other's actions, but both sides acquiesce in the other's actions

"We can also offer solidarity!"After Huang Guoxiang was interrupted by An Liang, he didn't feel embarrassed at all. He directly changed the topic and mentioned the second help they could provide.

An Liang laughed directly,"Do we need your support?"

"Besides, is solidarity useful? An Liang teased.

Huang Guoxiang was silent for a few seconds, but continued,"You said you would take us to the car!""

"I'm talking about Alya."An Liang mercilessly pointed out Huang Guoxiang's confusion.

"Lao Huang, you have gone in such a big circle and deliberately said some impossible things. I think you have an ulterior motive."An Liangruo said pointedly.

"So what exactly is going on with you?"An Liang turned to look at Huang Guoxiang.

The two are indeed old friends, so can An Liang not know what kind of person Huang Guoxiang is?

According to An Liang's understanding of Huang Guoxiang, Huang Guoxiang will definitely not do such useless things!

Because An Liang I believe Huang Guoxiang also knows him very well. Since he knows him, he knows that he will not violate the bottom line of principles.

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