Kongshan Tea House.

After Wu Zhengfeng left, Zhao Wanxi said casually,"Mr. Wu's situation in the club is not very good."

"I know."An Liang responded calmly.

"That's Uncle Wu's own business, and we don't need to get involved."An Liang added.

How else can An Liang intervene in interpersonal problems?

"Come to my house for dinner tonight?"When Zhao Wanxi heard that An Liang was not involved in Wu Zhengfeng's affairs, she naturally did not mention it again, but directly extended the invitation.

An Liang scratched his head,"Is your brother at home?"

"It should be there. Zhao Wanxi responded,"You don't want to see my brother?""

"no no. An Liang quickly denied,"The main reason is that I am worried that Brother Dongliang will be drunk and his sister-in-law will throw him to the sofa to sleep at night.""

Zhao Wanxi burst out laughing.

Zhao Dongliang used to be the god of wine, but now his drinking capacity has dropped drastically. However, he is unwilling to admit defeat and always wants to confront An Liang head-on. Naturally, he ends up getting drunk.

"It doesn't matter, he got drunk when he was drunk, and he deserved it!"Zhao Wanxi hummed.

An Liang chuckled and replied,"In that case, I won't be polite!"

"I'll call you back first."Zhao Wanxi explained

"OK!"An Liang responded, and he sent a message to Qin Tianxiang on the confidential communication software of Renyi Security Company, asking Qin Tianxiang to prepare a door-to-door gift.

Although An Liang has been to Zhao Wanxi's house several times, and he also gave a heavy gift of 130 tablets of thousand-year-old astragalus. , but An Liang still wasn't ready to go home empty-handed.

Less than half an hour later, Qin Tianxiang sent a cubic column-shaped gift box, and An Liang greeted,"It's almost five o'clock, should we go back now?""

According to the traffic situation in the imperial capital, if we delay for a while, there will definitely be a traffic jam.

"Okay, my grandpa is at home. Zhao Wanxi agreed affirmatively first, and then asked curiously,"What gifts have you prepared?""

"you guess?"An Liang asked back.

"Xiao Qin delivered it alone, still using this ordinary packaging box, and first excluded the thousand-year-old astragalus slices." Analysis by Zhao Wanxi

"This gift box is relatively large. If it contains Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum, it can hold at least 60 bottles. However, it is winter and the daily output of Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum is not that high."Zhao Wanxi continued to analyze

"The only possibility is Shiliwan Maotao wine, do you have it in stock?"Although Zhao Wanxi is asking, her tone is somewhat certain.

"That's right!"An Liang was not surprised that Zhao Wanxi could analyze the answer.

"Grandpa will definitely be happy! Zhao Wanxi replied with a smile,"I hope grandpa will drink less today, so as not to show off to their group of old men again, and then be robbed by Mr. Zhang.""

The Zhang family is next to the Zhao family, and Mr. Zhang always likes to come and rob Zhao Zhuangkang.

The two left from Kongshan Tea House, and Zhao Wanxi drove home in person. However, perhaps An Liang's prophecy came true before, and the two were blocked on the road.

"There's a traffic jam!"An Liang was a little speechless.

Although An Liang and Zhao Wanxi set off early, they unfortunately encountered a traffic jam caused by a traffic accident, and finally returned to Zhao Wanxi's house at 6:15.

At the door of Zhao Wanxi's courtyard, An Liang sighed He said,"I suggest you use a flying motorcycle. Traffic jams are really frustrating."

Zhao Wanxi agreed,"Well, traffic jams are really annoying."

The two walked into the courtyard together. Zhao Zhuangkang was training dogs. The three large wolf dogs were tamed very well by Zhao Zhuangkang, and they completely followed the rules and regulations.

When An Liang and Zhao Wanxi walked in, Zhao Zhuangkang also saw An Liang. Take the initiative to say hello,"Xiao An!

An Liang responded enthusiastically,"Grandpa Zhao." Zhao

Zhuangkang looked at the gift box An Liang was carrying, and he asked without politeness,"What did you bring here again?""

Zhao Zhuangkang's character is a bit like an old naughty boy. In addition, he approves of An Liang and Zhao Wanxi's affairs, so naturally he doesn't mean to be polite.

"There are four jars of precious peach wine, each jar weighs three kilograms."An Liang responded

"nice one!"Zhao Zhuangkang immediately walked over to An Liang.

An Liang took the initiative to hand over the peach wine. Zhao Zhuangkang took the peach wine and walked to the wine room.

Zhao Wanxi said a little helplessly,"My grandfather has such a personality, don't worry about it."

"I didn't care, which showed that Grandpa Zhao recognized me very much."An Liang looked at Zhao Wanxi proudly.

"snort!"Zhao Wanxi snorted.

An Liang stopped teasing Zhao Wanxi. He walked towards the three wolf dogs and took the initiative to say hello,"Big tiger, little tiger, black tiger!"

The three wolf dogs had seen An Liang, but ignored An Liang's intentions. They sat quietly on the ground, fulfilling Zhao Zhuangkang's order before leaving.

An Liang looked at the three wolf dogs with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

Zhao Wan Xi walked over and reminded her,"They are grandpa's treasures.""

"I had no intention of attacking them, but I just lamented that Grandpa Zhao had trained them very well."An Liang said with praise.

"This is my grandfather's main joy in life after retirement." Zhao Wanxi explained.

While the two were chatting, Zhao Zhuangkang returned to the yard. He repeated Zhao Wanxi's previous reminder,"Xiao An, these three are my treasures, don't think about it! An Liang waved his hands repeatedly,"

Grandpa Zhao, don't worry, I have no idea.""

"By the way, Grandpa Zhao, I want to ask about them. An Liang asked while looking at the three wolf dogs.

Zhao Zhuangkang looked at An Liang warily,"What do you want to ask?""

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