At around eight o'clock in the evening, in the dining room of Zhao Wanxi's house, Zhao Xingguo and Zhao Dongliang were already drunk. Zhao Zhuangkang avoided the battle and An Liang won another victory.

"You send Anliang."Zhao Zhuangkang, a little drunk, ordered Zhao Wanxi

"Okay, grandpa."Zhao Wanxi did not refuse. She helped An Liang, who had a rosy face.

"Anliang, remember what happens tomorrow!" Zhao Zhuangkang reminded.

An Liang nodded affirmatively,"I remember."

Zhao Wanxi helped An Liang towards the door. She said casually,"Grandpa was just talking about flying motorcycles. He likes flying motorcycles very much.""

"I know."Of course An Liang is not drunk.

"Where are you going back?"Zhao Wanxi asked

"Where do you want me to go back?"An Liang in turn teased

"how could I know?"Zhao Wanxi snorted,"Maybe it's Yunjing International Apartment, maybe it's the warm flowers blooming."

Warm Flower Community is the address of the young actress Liang Xue in the Imperial Capital. She has been developing in the Imperial Capital area recently. When

Zhao Wanxi mentions Liang Xue, it means that Liang Xue has become a member of Zhao Wanxi's alliance. As expected, this Zhao Wanxi In dismantling Anliang's alliance, and disintegrating it very successfully

"It's cold outside. Please go back quickly. I'll go back by myself."Naturally, An Liang did not make a choice directly.

While An Liang was talking, Qin Tianxiang and Li Yang had already walked over.

Zhao Wanxi did not reject An Liang's kindness. She just said softly,"It's my last birthday next month. Want a special birthday gift."

An Liang understood what Zhao Wanxi meant, and he nodded slightly in response,"There is just over a month left, I will prepare a special gift for you, and you should think about it seriously."

"My thoughts, my attitude, and my commitment have not changed. I really can't abandon them. I'm sorry." An Liang added with a sigh.

Zhao Wanxi snorted,"I know."

"go to bed early."An Liang waved goodbye.

"You drank a lot today, so you should go to bed early." Zhao Wanxi reminded.

An Liang replied affirmatively,"I understand."

In less than half an hour, An Liang returned to Yunjing International Apartment.

In Room 8806, Chen Siyu played the piano as always, while Ning Ruoshuang maintained simple yoga movements due to physical reasons, and then used her mobile phone to view the dance explanation video.

An Liang walked to Chen Siyu and sat down. The big imperial cat immediately pushed him with a snort.

"Smells like alcohol!"Chen Siyu hummed.

An Liang replied with a smile,"Drinking at Zhao Wanxi's house, her grandfather, father, and brother were all knocked down by me!"

"Are they that bad at drinking?"Chen Siyu was curious

"Why am I not a good drinker?"An Liang asked back.

Chen Siyu rolled his eyes at An Liang,"Can three people not drink enough for one person?"

"Um!"An Liang nodded.

In fact, there are only two main members. Zhao Zhuangkang cannot drink alcohol due to physical reasons.

"What did you have for dinner?"An Liang asked casually

"I seem to have gained a little weight recently, and I ate dry-pot fish offal and drank milk tea at noon, so I only ate a little steamed fish at night."Chen Siyu's distressed response

"You should actually be more confident!"An Liang teased.

Chen Siyu tilted her head and looked at An Liang,"Are you saying that I look good even if I gain weight?"


This is really confident!

"I will pay attention to it in the future! Chen Siyu added,"Now I go home from school every day and follow Shuangshuang Yoga for an hour. Then I only eat protein for dinner and don't eat any carbohydrates. I try to reduce my sugar intake as much as possible. I should lose weight soon.".

Ning Ruoshuang said in agreement,"I will supervise Siyu.""

An Liang used the interpersonal relationship scanning system to look at Ning Ruoshuang's data. This iceberg girl has maintained her figure very well and has not gained even a little bit of weight.

"I'll take a shower first."An Liang stood up

"Uh-huh, the smell of alcohol is so bad!"Chen Siyu pushed An Liang with his hand.

In the bathroom of the master bedroom, An Liang glanced at the toiletries in the bathroom. In addition to his and Chen Siyu's, there were also Ning Ruoshuang's. It seems that when he was not in the imperial capital, Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang often lives together?

The relationship between these two best friends is really good!

In less than ten minutes, Anliang finished washing up.

As a boy, can you not be happy about taking a bath?

Of course, if there are special circumstances, at least for An Liang is an exception. After all, An Liang always takes more than half an hour, right?

An Liang comes out of the main bathroom wrapped in a bath towel. There is floor heating in the apartment. Even in winter, the indoor temperature is still not cold at all.

When An Liang comes to the living room When he arrived, he found that Ning Ruoshuang had disappeared without a trace, apparently returning to room 8805 opposite.

An Liang came to sit next to Chen Siyu again, and he asked casually,"Shuang Shuang ran away?"

Chen Siyu's face turned slightly red,"Shuangshuang is inconvenient these days."

"Then you still dare to ask me to drink wolfberry tea?" An Liang said jokingly, while reaching out to hold Chen Siyu's waist.

Chen Siyu's face turned redder,"We...Let's play the piano first"

"OK!"An Liang agreed.

As a result, during the four-hand playing, An Liang found that the level gap between himself and Chen Siyu became more and more obvious. After all, Chen Siyu practices piano every day, while An Liang has no time to practice at all.

Even if the winner of life system rewards An Liang with a performance-level piano As for playing skills, Anliang is still unfamiliar without practicing.

Fortunately, Anliang is very proficient in the repertoire"OurLove", and finally regained a little face!

"Master An, your playing skills are too poor!"Chen Siyu teased with a sweet smile.

An Liang hummed in response,"Do you know how involutionary the piano playing environment is now?"

"Um?"Chen Siyu was stunned for a moment.

But the next moment she understood what An Liang meant....


PS: Which piano teacher do you like?

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