Zhao Zhuangkang finally got over the addiction of 'driving' a flying motorcycle. Although the entire process was controlled by the intelligent flight control system, Zhao Zhuangkang was sitting in the driver's seat!

Under the leadership of Zhao Zhuangkang, the matter of introducing wolf dogs as a security supplement was finalized.

On the way back, An Liang announced this news in the confidential group of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club.

‘An Liang: @everyone: Good news!’

‘An Liang: With the help of @赵wanxi, we introduced some wolf dogs from the [Zhongyong Wolf Dog Training Base] as a security supplement for overseas agricultural planting bases’

‘An Liang: Members in need contact @胡小鱼 to register’

‘An Liang: Also, have you chosen the site?’

‘An Liang: Once you have selected the site, we will introduce three external partners, including relevant partners from Neon, Tyrande, and the Northern Bear Country.’

‘An Liang: Special reminder, we can get some security forces from our collaborators in the Northern Bear Country, you know!’

‘Li Cunyuan: I understand!’

‘Yun Haiyang: I understand too!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I will crack the answer in one second’

‘Lin Yili: If there is support from the allies of the Northern Bear Country, I think our previous plan was a little conservative and we will expand our development plan.’

‘Ye Xiangyu: Yes, yes!’

‘Ye Xiangyu: Expand the scale!’

‘Pang Zhengfeng: I was still having a headache over security forces. If there is support from the allies of the Northern Bear Country, I think it would be great!’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Brother Liang, to what extent can we expand?’

‘An Liang: @胡小鱼: It’s up to you, as long as you feel safe, you can be as big or small as you want.’

‘An Liang: You should find that the Arlia area cannot be chosen. That’s because I have joined forces with @赵伟西 and @张子迡, as well as three other collaborators, to include the entire Arlia into the development zone. We will develop Arlia on a large scale. sub-region’

‘An Liang: Everyone should try their best to determine their development area within today.’

‘Li Cunyuan: Got it!’

‘Lin Yili: Got it!’

‘Li Mingfei: Got it’

‘Xu Zhekai: Okay. '

The official members of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club all expressed their affirmative stance.


In Zhao Wanxi's courtyard, Zhao Zhuangkang got off the deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle with a look of regret on his face. He said reluctantly,"This flying motorcycle is really great!" The deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle and a traditional car In comparison, its advantages are too obvious. Just by avoiding traffic jams, it instantly beats cars in the usage environment of the imperial capital.

"This flying motorcycle will be given to Grandpa Zhao. I have already ordered the technical experts from the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, and they will come over in the afternoon to install automatic charging piles for Grandpa Zhao." An Liang explained.

Zhao Zhuangkang was not polite. He had already recognized An Liang as his grandson-in-law, so what pressure would there be on a filial gift from his grandson-in-law?

"How to get a pilot's license?"Zhao Zhuangkang was embarrassed.

An Liang responded pretending not to understand,"The intelligent flight control system it is equipped with is very advanced. Even if he does not have a pilot's license, it can allow Grandpa Zhao to reach his destination safely. Grandpa Zhao does not have to worry."

Zhao Zhuangkang complained,"I want a pilot's license"

"Then I will notify the flight training center and ask them to arrange a one-on-one flight training class for Grandpa Zhao, and try to get Grandpa Zhao to obtain the flight training license within a week."An Liang responded still pretending to be stupid.

Under normal circumstances, passing the test at the flight training center will definitely not solve the problem within a week, but Zhao Zhuangkang can only obtain an L5 driver's license.

This level of flight driver's license only allows Zhao Zhuangkang to It’s just adjusting the parking position with the cooperation of the intelligent flight control system.

So it’s a complete problem within a week!

"You boy! Zhao Zhuangkang opened the skylight and spoke frankly,"I want a more advanced driver's license, preferably one that allows me to personally control the flying motorcycle."

An Liang responded awkwardly," This...Although I have acquaintances at the flight training center, there are strict regulations on the issuance of pilot licenses, and I cannot change the permissions. Zhao

Wanxi almost laughed out loud,"Grandpa, don't embarrass him. You are already eighty years old. Just calm down for a while!""

"Forget it, girls are out, I'll ask your dad to solve the problem tonight." Zhao Zhuangkang said with a wave of his hand.

An Liang and Zhao Wanxi knew in their hearts that even Zhao Xingguo could not solve this problem for Zhao Zhuangkang. Although the safety performance of the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle is very high, it would not let Zhao Zhuangkang Driving by yourself, after all, is not as safe as an intelligent flight control system when driving by yourself. It’s almost 2:30 in the afternoon.

Li Wen, the leader of the flying motorcycle project team of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, personally led a team to install automatic charging for Zhao Zhuangkang An Liang asked casually,"How is the progress of the multi-crew version of the flying motorcycle?"

"Currently entering the final testing stage, we are ready to deliver large-scale deliveries to Amanyangyun Hotel, and by the way, Amanyangyun Hotel will help with testing."Li Wen replied

"be safe!"An Liang reminded

"Safety testing has always been a top priority. Mr. An, please rest assured that we are testing the endurance capability. After all, we will not know until it is actually put into operation under multi-passenger working conditions. Li Wen replied.

An Liang and Li Wen chatted for a while about the multi-crew version of the flying motorcycle, and then looked at Zhao Wanxi,"Are you busy this afternoon?""

"I don't have anything to do, what do you have to do?"Zhao Wanxi asked back


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