Li Cunyuan has many brothers and sisters in his family!

Once, when Anliang had just started to make money and Li Cunyuan was making money with Anliang, Li Cunyuan was beaten up by his brothers and sisters. The same situation exists now.

Qian Xiaogang complained,"No way! Brother Yuan, I can understand your brother fighting against the autumn wind, but your sister fighting against the autumn wind, is that too much?"

"Some guys in our club are annoying!"Li Cunyuan complained

"Damn it? Qian Xiaogang said in shock,"Could it be that someone..."

Yun Haiyang also said hesitantly,"Isn't it right? I remember your cousin Yang Sirui is only 14 years old!"

When the Tianshang Bai Yujing Club organized activities before, Li Cunyuan's cousin Yang Sirui followed Li Cunyuan to participate in the activities.

"There is such a scum in our club? An Liang raised his eyebrows.

Li Cunyuan laughed and scolded,"What are you thinking!""

"I mean, there are guys in our club who have no contribution points themselves and find ways to buy other people's holly drops."Li Cunyuan explained the situation.

"I have already thought about letting Brother Gangzi take the blame this year. I will say that my Dongqingzi oral liquid was taken away by Brother Gangzi. Anyway, everyone knows that Brother Gangzi has two girlfriends and he just needs Dongqingzi oral liquid.."Li Cunyuan smiled and threw the pot.

Yun Haiyang's eyes lit up,"Yes, yes, you are absolutely right. Everyone knows that Brother Gangzi has two girlfriends, so he must need more Dongqingzi Oral Liquid. This pot Gangzi Brother must carry it! Qian Xiaogang complained,"

You must be poisonous!" An

Liang then threw the blame,"I don't think the problem is big. It's the truth anyway. It's okay to let Brother Gangzi take the blame.""

Everyone laughed and decided that Qian Xiaogang would take the blame. Qian Xiaogang could also afford to take the blame.

"I'll make a call to Lao Huang first, and you guys can drink first."An Liang raised his glass and clinked it with the three of them, and then drank a large glass of beer in one gulp.

Li Cunyuan and the other two people did not raise fish, so they drank the beer in one gulp.

An Liang put on a Bluetooth headset, and then used the National Security Investigation Bureau to keep secrets Use the communication software to contact Huang Guoxiang.

Huang Guoxiang connected to the voice very quickly and spoke first,"What are you doing in TWG?""

"Don't be nervous, Wanxi and I are just going to have a look."An Liang responded with a smile.

An Liang continued,"Ask a serious question."

"What's up? Huang Guoxiang asked back

"We still need to test medicine at Shiliwan. Do you still have suitable personnel to arrange it? An Liang asked straight to the point.

Huang Guoxiang hesitated,"Is it safe?""

"how could I know?"Of course An Liangzhong knows the answer.

Golden Tai Sui's trial medicine is absolutely safe!

But An Liang can't tell it because An Liang shouldn't know such a result, so An Liang said he doesn't know the answer.

"For specific situations, you can contact Professor Bian and leave professional matters to professionals. Where do I know these things?"An Liang complained

"Fine! Huang Guoxiang sighed,"I will contact Professor Bian later.""

"By the way, Lao Huang, I heard that you are doing secret activities in Shengqing. What are you doing? An Liang asked casually.

Huang Guoxiang said in a haha,"Is there any?""

"hehe! An Liang said with a smile on his face,"We have discovered your secret activities a long time ago. Are you looking for Tai Sui?""

Huang Guoxiang still didn't answer the call.

"Forget it, I’m too lazy to care about you! An Liang complained,"Remember to contact Professor Bian. Professor Bian's research is very important. I am very concerned about this matter.""

"Okay, okay, got it!"Huang Guoxiang agreed

"Let’s not talk about it for now, my brothers and I went drinking."An Liang hung up the phone without waiting for Huang Guoxiang's answer.

Headquarters of the National Security Investigation Bureau.

Huang Guoxiang sighed and put down his phone. He knew that the activities of the National Security Investigation Bureau in Shengqing could not be hidden from An Liang, but who knew it would be exposed so quickly. ?

After thinking for a while, Huang Guoxiang contacted Professor Bian Xiaogang. When the call was connected, the two began to fight with each other. On the other side, in the Laoliu Braised Restaurant, An Liang continued to drink with the three brothers from Didu.

When another drink After drinking the beer, An Liang took the initiative to ask,"Brother Yuan, how many people did you unite with in this overseas agricultural planting base cooperation? Li

Cunyuan responded quickly,"Our three families, the Dalin family, the Ye family, the Hu family, the Erli family, and everyone's network, such as Brother Gangzi's younger brother Liu Neng, joined in."

Yun Haiyang added,"Our family has quite a lot of connections, including some connections from Shengqing and Xichuan. Especially the connections from Xichuan, which will provide a lot of security." strength. Yun

Haiyang said hintingly,"Our security forces in some mining industries in Xichuan are actually very powerful.""

"The Dalin family can also provide the Donghai navy with a network of connections. Qian Xiaogang added.

Li Cunyuan added,"Our family has found a middleman and is promoting cooperation with the Leah court. We are trying to get the Leah court to completely lease a port to us, and even allow us to unite with the East China Sea Navy." Establish supply centers."

Is this learning from the Northern Bear Country?

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