In fact, this is indeed the case!

The Cyber ​​Security Department under the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau is more interested in the Hell of Despair and the Dragon Slaying Warriors. After all, these two organizations are criminal hacker organizations, and the Cyber ​​Security Department believes that they pose a higher threat level.

When 99Event revealed the news about Despair Hell and the Dragon-Slaying Warriors to the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau naturally would not believe it easily.

But when the Cybersecurity Department investigated the public security monitoring system, road safety monitoring system, and private networked security monitoring system, problems were quickly discovered.

So the Cybersecurity Department immediately began tracking the Desperate Hell and Dragon Slaying Warriors against the three major surveillance systems.

When the Cyber ​​Security Department took action, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan and the Bad Person Organization, as well as 9000 Legend, also started taking action. The three organizations joined forces to follow the Cyber ​​Security Department.

The Hell of Despair and the Dragon-Slaying Warriors soon discovered the actions of the Cyber ​​Security Department, but they did not discover the behind-the-scenes actions of the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation. They thought that the invasion of the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation was a joint operation of the Cyber ​​Security Department.

Under such circumstances, the No. 4 Tianji Shensuan, with the joint help of the 9000 Legend organization, successfully put a shell on the three security monitoring systems to monitor the actions of the Despair Hell and the Dragon-Slaying Warriors.

The Hell of Despair and the Dragon-Slaying Warriors did not notice the little tricks of No. 4 Tian Ji Shen Shu at all. Although they analyzed that it was the Dead Soul Clan that attracted the Department of Network Security, they thought it was just the Dead Soul Clan's revenge for the two of them withdrawing from the attack alliance..

Faced with such a situation, whether it was the Hell of Despair or the Dragon-Slaying Warriors, the two organizations did not panic at all. They allocated part of their strength to reinvest in the intermediary transaction settlement system, and sent a message to the Dead Soul Clan to express their willingness to continue targeting the intermediary transaction settlement system. Transaction settlement system.

Joint Invasion of Confidential Communication Channels

‘99Event: @ Dead Souls Tribe: The Hell of Despair and the Dragon-Slaying Warriors have begun to actively invade the credit card settlement system again. Should we cooperate with them in acting?’

‘Dead Soul Clan: Of course!’

‘Dead Soul Clan: We have implemented the shelling plan you proposed. Of course we have to act with them to see what they are going to do.’

‘Dead Soul Clan: We can take advantage of their attacks and use 0day vulnerabilities to completely break through the credit card settlement system, and let the two organizations take the blame.’

‘99Event: What a great idea! '

Yuan Hao looked at the exchange between No. 4 Tianji Shensuan and 99Event. He just felt that he was still too young. These two guys were simply devils, with all kinds of tricks emerging one after another.

At 7:08 a.m. local time in Neon, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan broke through the defense of the credit card settlement system through a 0-day vulnerability as planned, causing the entire credit card settlement system to collapse.

Neon banking network security experts who were originally in high spirits looked extremely ugly after discovering that the intermediary transaction settlement system collapsed.

Yokotani Military Village, the cyber security director of Fuji Bank, immediately contacted Naruhito Amanaya from the first class of the cyber security department.

"Chief Tianye, the intermediate transaction settlement system of our banking industry has collapsed. The Hell of Despair and the Dragon-Slaying Warriors came back to kill us. They pretended to leave and then came back to kill us, catching us off guard."Henggu Military Village said vaguely.

Tianye Mingren frowned,"Those guys actually killed them back again?"

Tianye Mingren secretly guessed in his heart, so the news that just anonymously reminded them that Despair Hell and the Dragon Slaying Warriors were invading the security monitoring system was actually confusing them?

Tianye Mingren had to be so suspicious, because they went to the security monitoring system When tracking the Hell of Despair and the Dragon-Slaying Warriors, the Intermediate Transaction Settlement System was actually killed with a carbine.

Isn't this just a trick on them?

‘Damn hopeless hell! Damn Dragon Slayer Warrior! 'Tianye Mingren cursed in his heart

"What are your actions now? Yokotani Village asked a little out of line,"The intermediary transaction settlement system of our banking industry has completely collapsed, and we are now trying to restart it. If it crashes again after restarting, it means that we must catch the person behind the scenes.""

"We want to take action with you!"The Yokotani Military Village put forward the opinions of the banking industry.

Tianye Mingren responded hesitantly,"You deal with your troubles first and try to solve the problems of the intermediate transaction settlement system. We are tracking the Hell of Despair and the Dragon Slaying Warriors organization!"

However, while Tianye Mingren was arguing with the Hengtani Military Village, the Hell of Despair and the Dragon-Slaying Warriors had already started a new operation, and the No. 4 Tianji Divine Speller was also secretly watching the actions of the two organizations behind the scenes.

In the joint invasion of the confidential communication channel, 99Event organized by 9000Legend sent a question message

‘99Event: The guys from Despair Hell and Dragon Slayer Warrior are blocking the entire Winter Kyoto through the security surveillance system. They seem to be searching for specific people who enter Winter Kyoto.’

‘99Event: If they want to carry out some assassination, should we cause trouble?’

‘Dead Soul Clan: Of course we must sabotage their actions! '

After No. 4 Tianji Shensuan answered, he suddenly discovered a serious problem. It seemed that there was more than one oriole behind the mantis stalking the cicada?

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