Various hacker organizations in Neon's three major security monitoring systems have lurked, and they are temporarily at peace with each other, but now it is just the calm before the storm.

Both the Desperate Hell Organization and the Dragon-Slaying Warriors Organization are planning misleading events to try to deceive the surveillance of other hacker organizations. The No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation is guessing the true purpose of the Desperate Hell Organization and the Dragon-Slaying Warriors Organization.

People from all directions are scheming with each other, forming a strange balance.

Neon, an area more than 20 kilometers north of Kyoto in winter.

A man wearing a wireless headset was driving a black off-road vehicle. He used the wireless headset to make a call and asked,"Your Excellency Okamura, this is Sonoda Kozuna. I am transporting the target into Winter Kyoto. It is expected to arrive within half an hour. Entering Winter Kyoto and arriving at the destination within an hour."

Okamura Ueno responded affirmatively,"Roger! How are you doing?"

"Everything is going well so far. We have completely isolated the infiltration of the traitor Kishijima Maple to avoid accidents."Sonoda Kono is apparently one of the members of the Deserted Village Action Team affiliated with the Neon Royal Family.

At present, the Deserted Village Action Team already knows about Kishijima Maple's betrayal.

"Mr. Okamura, how is the situation at the headquarters?"Sonoda Outline's probing inquiry

"At present, the situation in this headquarters is normal. Except for me, no one in this headquarters knows the information about your actions." Okamura Ueno explained

"In addition, there are no written records of your actions, so it is impossible to leak secrets from this department."Okamura Ueno added.

Sonoda Yusei breathed a sigh of relief,"Is there anything unusual at the Immigration and Entry Administration?"

"In the past seven days, there have been no abnormal entry and exit information records, especially the entry and exit records from Xia State. We have investigated every person entering Xia State and confirmed that there are no such guys."Okamura Ueno explained in detail

"It would be great!"Sonoda Kobi joked in a relaxed tone,"We originally thought they knew everything, but now it seems that we were overly worried, and they also have things they don't know."

Okamura Ueno agreed,"The reason why we are so cautious this time is to guard against them. Now our plan has succeeded. As long as our confidentiality measures are sufficient, there are things they don't know."

Okamura Ueno added a reminder,"After you enter Winter Kyoto, go directly to the target location and do not stop on the way."

"receive!"Sonoda Outline's response

"I will wait for your return at the target location. I wish you good luck!"Okamura Ueno said blessingly

"gratitude!" Sonoda Kozuna was polite.

After the two parties ended the call, Sonoda Kozuna used the car intercom to give instructions,"Everything goes well with the operation, and we will go to the target location as planned."

There were two escorted off-road vehicles in front and behind the Sonoda Outline, and certain information was sent back from these off-road vehicles. A convoy of five black off-road vehicles quickly headed to Winter Kyoto.

Sonoda Outline also formulated a supplementary plan, In order to prevent the collective action of the five black off-road vehicles from attracting attention, before entering Winter Kyoto, Sonoda Kozuna planned to spread the distance between the five vehicles slightly to reduce attention. However,

Sonoda Kozuna did not know the fundamentals of his plan There is no room to show off!

Because when Sonoda Kono's convoy entered the range of the Winter Kyoto road safety monitoring system when it was still ten kilometers away from Winter Kyoto, it had already entered the surveillance of the Hell of Despair and the Dragon-Slaying Warriors.

When the Slaughterer When the Dragon Warrior and Despair Hell paid attention to them, the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation and the Seven Sins hidden behind the scenes also discovered them.

In the joint invasion of the confidential communication channel, 99Event was the first to send a message

‘99Event: [Picture of five black off-road vehicles]’

‘99Event: Is this their goal?’

‘99Event: These off-road vehicles are high-end customized Lexus models, products of Shenyou Tuning Factory under Neon Royalty, and they are all bulletproof.’

‘99Event: A fleet of five high-end bulletproof customized Lexus cars. I guess it is for the high-level travel of the neon royal prince level.’

‘99Event: Could it be that the Hell of Despair and the Dragon-Slaying Warrior are preparing to assassinate a certain prince of the Neon Royal Family?’

‘99Event: Let me explain first, if this is the case, I will definitely not stop them!’

‘99Event: @ Dead Soul King: You are probably not a Neon person. I suspect you are a Xia person, right?’

‘99Event: Do you want to reveal this piece of news? '

The meaning expressed by 99Event is very obvious. If the No. 4 Tianji Shensuan must reveal this piece of news, then 99Event will definitely stop it!

‘Dead Soul King: I will not reveal this piece of information’

‘99Event: @bad ranger: What about you?’

‘Bad Ranger: We won't reveal it either’

‘99Event: Well, you are an organization of Xia State, I trust you more’

‘99Event: @ Dead Soul King: If you reveal this piece of news, we, 9000 Legend, will be mortal enemies with your Dead Soul Clan from now on!’

‘Dead Soul King: Don’t worry, we won’t reveal the information! '

Although the Dead Soul Clan is Neon's hacker organization on the surface, in fact it is built by the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation. Naturally, it is impossible to consider the problem from Neon's standpoint.

It would be great if Hell of Despair and the Dragon Slayers were actually going to attack a prince of the Neon Royal Family!

Because this invasion of Neon was originally an act of revenge directed by An Liang against the Neon royal family. Wouldn't it be great if someone could do it for them, or someone who brought their own dry food for free?


Author: Happy New Year’s Eve and wish everyone all the best in the Year of the Tiger!

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