It’s almost noon, Xia Kingdom time.

An Liang and Zhao Wanxi made an appointment to have lunch together. An Liang was preparing to 'drive' the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle, which was actually driven automatically by the intelligent flight control system.

Chen Siyu doesn't like the automatic driving of the intelligent flight control system, but An Liang thinks it doesn't matter. Automatic driving is automatic driving. You can still be lazy, right?

On the rooftop of Yunjing International Apartment, An Liang rode a luxury third-generation flying motorcycle customized with ALON aluminum nitride transparent ceramic to the small courtyard where Zhao Wanxi was staying.

While on the road, An Liang received a voice call from Sun Shizhong.

An Liang put on his Bluetooth headset and answered,"What's going on?"

"Regarding the Millennium Astragalus, the Millennium Astragalus obtained from Neon this time should be the Millennium Astragalus grown in extremely cold areas. After analysis, we determined that the medicinal efficacy is similar to that of the Alpine Millennium Astragalus. A total of 114 pieces were cut, and 7.9 grams of leftovers remained. , which is roughly equivalent to half a piece of thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus."Sun Shizhong reported the situation.

This thousand-year-old Astragalus root indeed comes from Beihai Road, a place with extremely cold conditions.

"Astragalus can actually grow in extremely cold areas?"An Liang asked doubtfully.

An Liang once knew about the situation of astragalus. Although astragalus is cold-resistant and drought-resistant, and is afraid of heat and waterlogging, it shouldn't be able to grow in extremely cold environments, right?

"Because the specific growing environment cannot be determined, we are not sure of the specific conditions, but based on its growth conditions, we can judge that it is in an extremely cold area." Sun Shizhong explained

"Mr. An, I have one more thing." Sun Shizhong added

"What's up?"An Liang asked

"I hope Mr. An will allow me to use scraps for in-depth research." Sun Shizhong explained,"Fipzell from Bald Eagle Country held a press conference before and said that thousand-year-old astragalus has the effect of extending life. I also think it is true, so I hope to study it in depth."

"Mr. An, please rest assured that I will use these leftover materials under supervision and will never misappropriate them privately."Sun Shizhong said with assurance.

An Liang used the interpersonal relationship scanning system to take a look at Sun Shizhong's loyalty. This guy's loyalty reached a 100-point rating. Naturally, there is no possibility of betraying An Liang.

"no problem! An Liang agreed,"Old Sun, you should study the thousand-year-old astragalus carefully.""

"OK"Sun Shizhong responded

"Hang up first, I have something to do here."As the deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle slowly landed, An Liang expressed his intention to end the call. The deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle landed in Zhao Wanxi's small courtyard.

Wait until the deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle has completely landed. , Zhao Wanxi came over,"You don't need to come down, we will go directly to eat."

"good."An Liang responded.

Zhao Wanxi sat on the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle. She naturally hugged An Liang and leaned on An Liang's back. Then she asked casually,"Did you encounter anything happy?"

"Is it so obvious? An Liang asked back.

Zhao Wanxi replied with a chuckle,"You are looking happy now. You must have encountered something happy, right?""

"Since you are so smart, guess what makes you happy?"An Liang asked back.

Zhao Wanxi denied it directly,"The range is too big, I can't guess it. Can you give me a hint?"

"Neon."An Liang gave the most basic reminder.

"It's you!"Zhao Wanxi guessed the answer in an instant, and she continued to sigh,"You stole the thousand-year-old astragalus from the Neon Royal Family, right?"

This Zhao Wanxi is indeed very smart!

An Liang only gave the most basic hint, and Zhao Wanxi guessed the answer

"To be precise, we accidentally picked up the thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus in Neon."An Liang denied Zhao Wanxi's guess.

"snort!"Zhao Wanxi snorted,"I believe you are a ghost!"

An Liang first set the destination for lunch and handed it over to the intelligent flight control system for automatic driving. Then he explained it in detail to Zhao Wanxi.

After An Liang finished speaking, Zhao Wanxi said doubtfully,"So there is no one at the moment. Knowing that the thousand-year-old Astragalus was taken away by you, did you still think it was a conspiracy of the Neon Royal Family?"

"You got it too."An Liang said jokingly.

Zhao Wanxi secretly warmed her heart, because An Liang told her such a secret. In fact, if An Liang didn't tell her, it would be impossible for Zhao Wanxi to guess it.

"What are you going to do with these thousand-year-old astragalus?"Zhao Wanxi asked casually.

An Liang replied jokingly,"Brother Haiyang has been very distressed recently. Xiaoyu's family and Li Qian's family have put a lot of pressure on him."

"He deserves it!"Zhao Wanxi snorted,"This guy is asking for trouble! Look at Qian Xiaogang, even if it has been made public, he has everything he wants and has no problems at all."

Qian Xiaogang has two girlfriends. Sometimes when he participates in the activities of Tiantian Baiyujing Club, he will even bring Xia Shihan and Huang Beilei over at the same time. Xia Shihan and Huang Beilei also get along very harmoniously.

"The situation of Xiaoyu and Li Qian is different, especially Xiaoyu's family. Her family has a very high voice, and within three years at most, she can reach the first level of the God City Circle."Zhao Wanxi explained

"Although Li Qian's family is a little worse, Li Qian's family has always been in the imperial capital circle and is also located on the third floor. It is impossible for her family to let Yun Haiyang do whatever he wants." Zhao Wanxi added

"Even if you hand over these thousand-year-old astragalus to Yun Haiyang, he has no chance of success."Zhao Wanxi added

"Yun Haiyang can only choose one of the two now. Whether he chooses Xiaoyu or Li Qian, there is no problem. Even he is a bastard like you. After choosing Xiaoyu or Li Qian, he can choose someone else, as long as it is not the imperial capital. Members within the circle actually have solutions."Zhao Wanxi said while hitting An Liang's back.

"So Brother Yang is doomed to tragedy?"An Liang said happily.

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