While Anliang was communicating with Fukuyoshi Akio, Huang Guoxiang also walked into the clinic. He complained directly,"I will also use flying motorcycles to travel in the future!"

Within the Imperial Capital, the travel efficiency of flying motorcycles far exceeds that of ground transportation. Huang Guoxiang secretly decided to replace flying motorcycles as his main mode of travel

"Lao Huang, I am very curious about the real value of Fuyi experts." An Liang asked straight to the point.

Huang Guoxiang responded with a direct refusal,"I can't tell you."

"Why bother? An Liang responded with a sigh,"Since I have guessed it, if you don't tell me, I will definitely investigate it myself." You should know that if I were to investigate, it would be almost impossible to hide it from me."

Huang Guoxiang was silent. He knew very well the power Anliang controlled. If Anliang wanted to investigate, and Anliang knew that Fukuyoshi Akio was a related person, it would be almost impossible to escape Anliang's investigation.

"I'll tell you later. Huang Guoxiang still chose to compromise,"Dr. He, what's the current situation of Expert Fuyi?""

He Wenshuo has no gossip Fukuyoshi Akioresearch project, he responded to Huang Guoxiang’s inquiry,"I just told Mr. An that the current situation of Fuyi experts is very bad, because the liver cancer focus is in the core of the liver, and the problem cannot be solved by simple liver resection, and the cancer Cells spread very quickly. Even with the most optimistic estimates, I think it will take up to a month for it to develop into late-stage liver cancer."

"If Fuyi experts still insist on staying up late to work, this time will be even shorter!"He Wenshuo added.

Fukuyoshi Akio answered on the side,"The current research has entered a critical node. If it succeeds, it will become an epoch-making great technology, so I can't stop. An

Liang secretly remembered it in his heart, and he continued,"It's okay, we have a case of using thousand-year-old Astragalus to treat cancer.""

Huang Guoxiang naturally knew that An Liang was talking about the former Chief Minister of Neon, but the cancer of the former Chief Minister of Neon was only controlled and was not completely cured for the time being. After all, the former Chief Minister of Neon did not have enough thousand-year-old Astragalus.

This is why An Liang controls Neon. One of Nihong's former chief minister's tactics forced former Nihong's chief minister to obey An Liang's mercy.

"Where's the stuff?"Huang Guoxiang looked at An Liang

"Let me see. An Liang took out his cell phone to check the situation,"We are arranging for the flying motorcycle to be delivered, it will take ten minutes at most.""

In less than ten minutes, Li Yang walked into the clinic carrying a silver-white suitcase. Then, at An Liang's signal, he opened the suitcase and handed it to Huang Guoxiang.

Inside the silver-white suitcase was a piece of nitrogen-filled filling compound. Thousand-year-old astragalus stored in vacuum packaging.

Huang Guoxiang handed the thousand-year-old astragalus slices to Fukuyoshi Akio and reminded him,"Chew it as much as possible, chew it into powder and then swallow it. It is very effective.""

Fukuyoshi Akio took the thousand-year-old astragalus, put the thousand-year-old astragalus into his mouth and chewed it. The slices of the thousand-year-old astragalus had a faint sweet taste. As Fukuyoshi Akio chewed, it was chewed into powder.

Anliang also received the Life Winner System hint


‘Congratulations to the host for completing the special task [Buying Horse Bones for Thousands of Gold] and receiving a special reward [a clue]】’


【A clue]:

The electric energy storage market is changing!

Lithium batteries are in a development dilemma due to metal lithium production and technical bottlenecks.

Graphene battery technology is completely monopolized by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. Not only are latecomers unable to break through Dream Future Graphene Technology Group’s patent barriers, they are also unable to break through graphene battery technology difficulties.

The energy density and charging speed of traditional nickel-metal hydride batteries are severely limited.

The world needs new electrical energy storage technology!

A brand-new technology that breaks through the limitations of lithium battery production, breaks through the cost and patent technology barriers of graphene batteries, and breaks through the energy density limitations of nickel-metal hydride batteries!

Attention hosts, new aluminum-ion battery technology is coming soon!


An Liang checked the information of [a clue], and he was secretly surprised. It was actually a brand-new battery technology?

According to the information revealed in [One Clue], this aluminum-ion battery technology should be very good. At least it is lower than graphene batteries in terms of cost, far exceeds nickel-metal hydride batteries in terms of energy density, and does not have lithium batteries in terms of raw materials. limits.

After all, it is a battery based on metallic aluminum, and metallic aluminum is a very common material. How can there be a shortage?

‘This technology is a threat to graphene batteries! 'Anliang immediately labeled the aluminum-ion battery.

Even if the energy density of aluminum-ion batteries is not as high as that of graphene batteries, as long as the cost of aluminum-ion batteries is low enough, coupled with the natural safety of metallic aluminum, it will definitely have an impact on graphene batteries.

Anliang usually likes to nip threats in the cradle. This time, facing the threat of aluminum-ion batteries, Anliang is also prepared to nip it in the cradle....


If the aluminum-ion battery technology can be snatched away, then Anliang would not mind letting the aluminum-ion battery technology flourish. By then, graphene batteries will be targeted at the high-end market, while aluminum-ion batteries will be targeted at the mid- to low-end markets, thus forming an absolute monopoly on the upstream and downstream.

So the first priority now is to investigate the breakthrough point of aluminum-ion battery technology!

Aluminum-ion battery technology is not a new technology. Many companies around the world are researching aluminum-ion batteries, including Xia Guo.

The question now is how to determine which company is about to achieve a technological breakthrough?

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