When Sun Shizhong persuaded An Liang before, he considered the price of Angong Niuhuang Pills at 110,000 per pill. According to the price of 110,000 per pill, the value of the thousand-year-old astragalus was further magnified.

The Millennium Astragalus, originally worth 500 million, will be enlarged to more than 1.3 billion after taking into account the price of Angong Niuhuang Pills.

Sun Shizhong himself felt that the price of Angong Niuhuang Pills was already outrageous, but now the price proposed by Bian Xiaogang was even more outrageous!

9 Millennium Salvia Pills are sold in a bundle, and the price is set at 3 million Xia Guoyuan. Isn’t this a bit outrageous?

After this calculation, the price of a single Millennium Salvia Pill is as high as 333,300 Xia Guoyuan!

"Is it too expensive? Sun Shizhong expressed his opinion.

Bian Xiaogang shook his head in denial,"Is it expensive?""

"Of course it’s expensive! Sun Shizhong once again confirmed his opinion,"How much does a heart transplant surgery cost?""

If you have a suitable heart source, a heart replacement surgery will cost between 100,000 and 150,000, which is not expensive. Of course, Bian Xiaogang knows the price of a heart replacement surgery, but he also insists on his opinion,"It's different.!"

"Heart transplant surgery is heart transplant surgery, and treating heart disease is treating heart disease. The two cannot be confused."Bian Xiaogang added

"Let’s not talk about how difficult it is to match a suitable heart source. Let’s just talk about the risks of heart transplant surgery, the rejection problem after heart transplant surgery, and the problem of decreased heart function."Bian Xiaogang listed the facts

"Judging from the current situation of the No. 1 experimental subject, our Millennium Danshen Pills are indeed effective in curing coronary heart disease. After we subsequently verified the efficacy of Millennium Danshen Pills in other types of heart disease, why can't we sell them more expensively?"Bian Xiaogang asked back

"Our Millennium Salvia Pills are mainly targeted at ultra-high-end consumer groups, and they are a one-time deal. After all, you can be cured after buying them, and you won’t become repeat customers. Why not give it a hard knock?"Bian Xiaogang continued to ask.

As Bian Xiaogang said, it's a one-time deal anyway, and we don't expect repeat customers, so why not do something dirty?

"Our customers must be wealthy people from all over the world. Although we cannot obtain pharmaceutical sales licenses from other countries, patients from other countries can fly to our country for treatment. Once patients from other countries come, they will always have to stay and eat. , consumption, we should be considered as stimulating the local economy, right?"Bian Xiaogang said rationally.

"Mr. An, you previously planned to build the world's leading life science research base around Shili Bay. I think this Millennium Salvia Pill is a good opportunity."Bian Xiaogang suggested.

An Liang nodded in response,"The imperial capital is the imperial center of our Xia Kingdom, and the magical capital is the economic center of our Xia Kingdom. Pengcheng and Suzhou and Hangzhou both have Internet technology city business cards, and the city card of our Shengqing has not yet been determined."

"I plan to rely on the Shiliwan Life Science Research Base to build our Shengqing city into a globally civilized life science city."An Liang explained.

This plan is of great benefit to Lao An's family!

Because all the land around Shiliwan has been taken over by Ansheng Construction Company.

In the Shengqing real estate circle, Ansheng Construction Company's actions have caused a stir Colleagues are paying attention, but they don’t know the purpose of Ansheng Construction Company’s purchase of land near Shili Bay.

After all, Shili Bay is a little too remote, more than 60 kilometers away from the main city, and it takes more than 40 minutes to drive without traffic jams. , coupled with the fact that there are no supporting industries around it, it is not the main development direction of Shengqing in the future.

So what is the use of land in such remote areas?

The value of land depends more on the location!

However, if it is the life science research center envisaged by An Liang Once the project develops, the land around Shiliwan will be valuable, and Ansheng Construction Company will be able to soar directly with the Shiliwan project.

Anliang himself is indeed very rich, but he has not forgotten the development of the family business.

Anyway, In the distant future, An Liang will also take over Ansheng Construction Company. Naturally, he hopes that Ansheng Construction Company will be stronger.

"So this time Millennium Salvia Pills is a good opportunity!"Bian Xiaogang said swornly.

"I have a hunch that Millennium Danshen Pills will definitely have a very good effect on other types of heart disease. As long as the effect of Millennium Danshen Pills becomes a hit, it will kick off the Shiliwan Life Science Research Center!"Bian Xiaogang added

"Mr. An, I suggest changing the name of Millennium Salvia Pills, for example [Miracle Salvia Pills]】、【Miracle Salvia Pills】、【Ancient Salvia Pills] and so on, so as to avoid revealing the existence of thousand-year-old astragalus from the name. After all, we are not the only ones who have thousand-year-old astragalus."Bian Xiaogang reminded him.

An Liang raised his eyebrows, it seemed to make sense!

Sun Shizhong seconded,"I agree with Professor Bian's suggestion. I didn't take this into consideration when I named it before."

"That’s called [Miracle Salvia Pills]. How many people know the formula of Miracle Salvia Pills?"An Liang asked

"Not much, we can make everyone sign a confidentiality agreement. Bian Xiaogang responded.

Sun Shizhong seconded,"This matter can be handed over to Renyi Security Company.""

It is very appropriate for Renyi Security Company to handle the matter of signing a confidentiality agreement, and Renyi Security Company can handle it very well!

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