The development of new drugs is very difficult. An Liang has understood certain situations before, so An Liang and Sun Shizhong have the same idea. Even if some outsiders suspect that there is a relationship between Miracle Salvia Pills and Millennium Astragalus, who is willing to make a fuss with a high probability? What about using thousand-year-old Astragalus to develop new drugs?

"Lao Sun made miraculous salvia pills out of all the scraps of astragalus from previous millenniums."An Liang ordered

"Also pay attention to holly."An Liang added.

Bian Xiaogang answered,"About the cultivation of holly seeds, Mr. An, I have a new idea!"

"Um?"An Liang looked at Bian Xiaogang in confusion.

Didn't you give up before?

Bian Xiaogang was troubled by the holly seed breeding project before. He cultivated nearly 300 mutant holly seed strains through cuttings, and found that all of them were It failed.

Later, Bian Xiaogang tried grafting and even sowing, but all failed.

So Bian Xiaogang gave up the project of cultivating holly seeds just now.

Now is he interested again?

"How are you going to nurture it? An Liang asked with interest.

Bian Xiaogang responded negatively,"No, no, no, I am going to change the direction this time. Since I cannot cultivate new mutant holly seeds, I will find a way to increase the production of these three mutant holly parent trees!""


Can this still happen?

"How are you going to do it?"An Liang asked curiously.

"There is currently a two-step plan."Bian Xiaogang explained

"First, support frames were erected for the three mutant holly mother trees to guide their branches to extend further to the periphery to facilitate the growth of more branches and thus more fruiting capacity."Bian Xiaogang explained in detail

"The second is more detailed planting and care work, because the first step plan can make the three mutant holly mother trees grow more branches, which will inevitably require more nutrients, so we need more detailed care."Bian Xiaogang added

‘Ding! '

After Bian Xiaogang finished speaking, the Life Winner System issued a prompt

‘Specific reward: In view of Professor Bian Xiaogang's proposal, the output of the three mutant holly plants will increase by at least 20% from the following year. The specific increase will be determined according to Professor Bian Xiaogang's specific work. '

So it was the Life Winner System that approved Bian Xiaogang's plan?

That’s no problem!

"Mr. An, do you think this plan is okay?"Bian Xiaogang asked.

Even the Life Winner System recognized Bian Xiaogang's plan, so what's wrong with it?

"no problem! On the premise of not harming the mother tree, you can try it as you like. If the plan succeeds, I will prepare a generous bonus for you! An Liang said encouragingly.

Bian Xiaogang responded with a smile,"Thank you, Mr. An, I've decided on this bonus!""

An Liang and Bian Xiaogang discussed the issue of increasing the production of holly seeds again. After the exchange was over, Sun Shizhong answered the question.

"Mr. An, do we still need to change the sales channels and final pricing of Miracle Salvia Pills? Sun Shizhong asked.

An Liang thought about it for a moment before responding,"Since Miracle Salvia Pills cannot be simply deduced in reverse, the sales price will be based on the bundling plan mentioned by Professor Bian. 9 Miracle Salvia Pills are a complete course of treatment. The price is 3 million Xia Guoyuan"

"As for specific sales channels..."An Liang thought about it for a moment before responding,"Since we have chosen the informal sales method, I will personally arrange the sales channels."

Sun Shizhong hesitated for a moment, but still asked,"If those three companies are willing to cooperate and recommend patients, Woolen cloth?"

"How do you think it should be handled?"An Liang asked back.

Sun Shizhong looked at Bian Xiaogang and motioned for Bian Xiaogang to speak.

Bian Xiaogang was too lazy to complain. Sun Shizhong would always avoid suspicion about such controversial matters, but Bian Xiaogang didn't care. He knew that An Liang was informal.

"I think we can accept patients recommended by the three companies willing to cooperate within a certain limit. After all, if we develop other drugs in the future and need to test them, we will definitely need their cooperation."Bian Xiaogang explained.

An Liang nodded slightly,"In that case, the three cooperating hospitals, plus the two of you, each have three quotas every month, and can enjoy Miracle Salvia Pills at a low price.

Sun Shizhong immediately understood what An Liang meant,"Mr. An plans to increase prices?""

"Of course it’s the old rules! An Liang replied with a smile,"Patients from overseas areas will definitely have to pay a price increase. As for the extent of the price increase, it depends on which region the patients are from.""

Anliang is a veteran price increase player!

The products of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group have various almost explicit seed discrimination and regional discrimination sales policies. Although they are daily protested by overseas consumers.

But the products of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group They are basically monopolistic, so what is the use of protesting?

Taking Lighthouse Helmet as an example, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group found an overseas agent to avoid suspicion. Even if the overseas agent is a local company in Bald Eagle Country, the local company in Bald Eagle Country No more price increase?

Are you kidding!

After all, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has added a large price increase when wholesale and shipped from the factory. Can the agency company of Bald Eagle Country be a philanthropist?

Now Miracle Salvia Pills are a monopoly product. Then I'm sorry, Anliang is habitually preparing to implement the double discrimination sales plan of regional discrimination and seed discrimination!

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