Facing the problem raised by Bian Xiaogang, An Liang thought of a solution in an instant

"The solution is simple!"An Liang responded

"We adopt an audit system for patients from the Weiming Island area. If they are natives of Weiming Island, they will be treated directly as patients from the affordable area."An Liang explained

"If they are immigrants, the immigration situation will be reviewed. Immigrants who have been there for more than five years will be treated as patients in the affordable area; immigrants who have been there for more than three years but less than five years will be treated as patients in the preferential area; immigrants who have been there for less than three years will be treated directly as patients in the premium area. An Liang explained.

Bian Xiaogang added,"If they are immigrants from the prohibited area, will we accept them?""

"Of course you have to accept it! An Liang replied with a smile,"We will treat immigrants in the prohibited area according to the selling price in the premium area. Although it is a high price, it is better than the prohibited area, right?""

"Besides, if there are really patients from the no-sale area immigrating, it will be equivalent to weakening the economic strength of the no-sale area. Wouldn't that kill two birds with one stone?"An Liang added with a smile.

"clear."Bian Xiaogang responded

"There are not many Miracle Salvia Pills left at present, how much leftovers are there? An Liang asked.

Sun Shizhong responded,"There are still 4.1 grams of leftover materials from before. After mixing them at 1:1000, and accounting for the loss, we can probably make 8150 to 8180 pieces.""

"When Jingcui Pharmaceutical Company was manufacturing Miracle Danshen Pills, personnel from Renyi Safety Company accompanied them throughout the process. Jingcui Pharmaceutical Company had no chance to obtain additional Miracle Danshen Pills through loss." Sun Shizhong added the explanation.

An Liang nodded slightly,"Make all the leftover materials into Miracle Salvia Pills."

"OK"Sun Shizhong responded.

An Liang discussed with Sun Shizhong and Bian Xiaogang the development plan of the life science research base and some details before leaving the temporary laboratory of the life science research center

"Li Yang, please arrange to register in Shengqing [Anxin Life Sciences Group Co., Ltd.】"An Liang ordered.

At present, Anliang's companies, except for Jingcui Pharmaceuticals, are not formal life science companies, including the Life Science Research Center, which is just a private research laboratory and has not yet been officially registered.

Now, taking advantage of the Miracle Salvia Pills incident, Anliang is preparing to officially register [Anxin Life Sciences Group], and he is planning to take sole control of Anxin Life Sciences Group as he did with Anxin Investment Company.

Life science is the focus of future development and requires a lot of investment. In order to avoid restrictions and troubles, Anliang still likes to control it himself.

In addition, Anliang is planning to place Anxin Life Sciences Group in Shengqing and make it the business card of Shengqing. Naturally, it needs to be isolated from the imperial capital circle.

Otherwise, is Anxin Life Sciences Group a company in the imperial capital or a city card of Shengqing?

"OK, I'll deal with it right away. Li Yang responded.

When Li Yang was handling the registration of Anxin Life Sciences Group, Anliang used the channels provided by No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation to contact the former chief minister of Neon on the deep network.

‘AAA: There is a profitable business!’

‘AAA:【Anxin Life Sciences Group Investment Plan】’

‘AAA: Seats are limited, if you are interested, please contact us directly’

‘EXF: Of course I’m interested!’

‘EXF: Wait a minute, I'll look at the information first. '

The former Chief Minister of Neon is still under the control of Anliang, because the former Chief Minister of Neon needs Thousand Years of Astragalus.

Although there are currently many forces that possess thousand-year astragalus, including Emperor Pushi of the Northern Bear Kingdom, who also has thousand-year astragalus, it is the least difficult to obtain the thousand-year astragalus from An Liang.

Therefore, the former chief minister of Neon still had no choice but to negotiate with An Liang, trying to win a chance of survival by grabbing chestnuts from the fire.

‘EXF: All premium areas are priced at $3 million?’

‘AAA: Yes’

‘EXF: What is our purchase price?’

‘AAA: $2 million’

‘EXF: We give you $2 million and you give us the medicine directly?’

‘AAA: No!’

‘AAA: We will not give you medicines directly. We will only give you a treatment quota. You will arrange for the patients who need treatment to go to Xia Guoshengqing Shiliwan Life Science Research Center, where the patients will receive treatment.’

‘AAA: The entire treatment process lasts one week’

‘AAA: includes one day of pre-treatment observation and analysis, three days of treatment, and three days of observation’

‘AAA: The treatment process will cost an additional 20,000 Xia Guoyuan, including accommodation fees, examination fees, catering fees, etc.’

‘EXF: No problem!’

‘EXF: When will you start?’

‘AAA: Treatment services will be available the day after tomorrow at the latest’

‘EXF: Is there a quota limit?’

‘EXF: For example, if we find 100 patients, can you also provide treatment?’

‘AAA: Yes, but if there are too many patients, we may arrange for patients to stay outside. '

Currently, the Shiliwan Life Science Research Base is under construction, and the accommodation and catering conditions are not yet perfect. If a large number of patients suddenly arrive, the patients can really only be sent to the main city for accommodation.

‘EXF: No problem!’

‘EXF: I'll make arrangements right away. '

There are many rich people in Neon. An Liang offered one million US dollars in profit per patient. How could the former chief minister of Neon not be tempted?

As long as 100 places are sold, a profit of 100 million US dollars can be obtained. This profit can already buy a piece of thousand-year-old astragalus. How can the former chief minister of Neon not be active?

However, the poor former chief minister of Neon was so ill that he sought medical treatment. He only saw the profits shared by Anliang, but could not see the invisible reins behind the profits at all!

This is clearly An Liang's method of controlling him step by step!

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