Delivering Miracle Salvia Pills to Bald Eagle Country?

An Liang heard Eric's inquiry, and he showed an intriguing expression.

If Miracle Salvia Pills are sent to Bald Eagle Country, who knows if these Miracle Salvia Pills are for treating heart patients, or whether they have entered the laboratories of some pharmaceutical companies?

An Liang also had to admit that the Bald Eagle Country was indeed very powerful in the field of modern medicine, at least far more powerful than most pharmaceutical companies in the Xia Kingdom.

After all, in the field of modern medicine, none of the top ten companies investing in R&D throughout the year are pharmaceutical companies from Xia State!

Amgen Pharmaceuticals, which is currently discussing cooperation with Anliang, ranks ninth among global pharmaceutical companies in R&D investment, with total R&D investment in 2019 approaching US$10 billion.

In the same year, the R&D investment of Xia Guo's famous Nanyun Hongyao Enterprise was 170 million Xia Guoyuan. Although this year has not yet ended, the R&D investment of Nanyun Hongyao was only about 180 million Xia Guoyuan.

In the two years of 2019 and 2020, Nanyun Hongyao has not published any valuable research documents in the field of medicine. The only document is a paper on business management.

Doesn’t this comparison make sense?

After Eric asked, he realized that the question was inappropriate, and he quickly apologized and made up for it,"Sorry, Mr. An, my original intention was that some heart disease patients are not suitable for traveling long distances by plane and are not suitable for flying to Xia Country. Under the premise of such a condition, how should we treat it?"

Eric's explanation showed that he was not trying to help Amgen Pharmaceutical Company obtain Miracle Salvia Pills for research.

However, An Liang had asked Bian Xiaogang and Sun Shizhong before if a pharmaceutical company could reverse-engineer the Miracle Salvia Pills and crack the formula.

But both Bian Xiaogang and Sun Shizhong rejected such an answer.

An Liang also used the danger premonition ability to make judgments. If he agreed to send Eric the miracle salvia pills to the Bald Eagle Country, the danger premonition ability still did not have any danger premonition.

However, even if the Miracle Salvia Pills cannot be reverse engineered, An Liang will not easily agree to Eric's request.

"If there are really patients with special conditions, please submit your application first, and after we review it, we will consider whether to arrange a team to deliver Miracle Salvia Pills to Bald Eagle Country."An Liang explained

"Of course, if we agree to transport, all transportation costs will be borne by you. An Liang added.

Eric immediately agreed and said,"Of course no problem!""

"Mr. An, can we arrange for patients now?"Eric asked further.

"So anxious?"An Liang asked back.

"We at Amgen Pharmaceuticals have a huge customer network. We care about the health of our customers and provide health protection for our customers. Once we obtain your authorization, we will immediately provide relevant health advice to the corresponding customers."Eric said in a high-sounding voice. Translated into human language: Amgen Pharmaceutical Company has a huge customer information database. They continue to track customers' physical health data and are ready to provide customers with promotional services at any time.

An Liang naturally understands Eric's mean

"Our Anxin Life Sciences Group is expected to be officially registered tomorrow. Once the registration is completed, it will be officially put into operation the day after tomorrow, which means that patients can be admitted the day after tomorrow. So you can contact customers now, apply for passports and visas for customers, and send customers over at any time.."An Liang explained

"It would be great! Eric said excitedly. He is the representative of Amgen Pharmaceutical Company in Xia Country. The better his achievements in Xia Country, the more benefits he will have.

Now that he is cooperating with Anliang again, for Amgen Pharmaceutical Company , that is a matter of getting benefits for nothing, Eric is naturally very happy

"Thank you Mr. An for your care! Eric said politely.

An Liang responded with a smile,"Mr. Eric, Merry Christmas.""

Today is a traditional Western holiday. Although An Liang doesn't care about this holiday, under the premise that the cooperation between the two parties is successful, An Liang naturally wants to bless the other party.

After all, chat, talk about what the other party likes to hear!

"Thank you Mr. An, and I wish Mr. An a happy New Year and New Year’s Day in advance!"Eric is also very knowledgeable. He did not wish Anliang a Merry Christmas, but followed the local customs and wished him a Happy New Year and a Happy New Year.

This is the embodiment of high emotional intelligence.

Only the people at the bottom with low emotional intelligence are struggling with and resisting foreign cultures. People with emotional intelligence understand that doing as the locals do and respecting other people's culture will bring benefits to themselves.

For example, why do businesses in Xia Guo want to promote Christmas? It's just for profit!

What do you really want to celebrate Christmas?

Wake up!

There is no profit. How could it be possible that everything was in vain?

Everything was done by interests behind the scenes.

After Eric and Anliang ended the call, they immediately sent the information back to the Bald Eagle Country headquarters of Amgen Pharmaceutical Company and applied for the headquarters to be in the Bald Eagle Country area. Screening potential customers.

After receiving Eric's information, Amgen Pharmaceutical Company first confirmed the cooperation situation, and then began to screen potential customers without any scruples, even if their operation seemed to be playing tricks on Anliang..

However, if someone really asks Amgen Pharmaceuticals this way, they will definitely be criticized. After all, some people are not qualified to be dogs, right?

Being a dog also depends on the qualifications!

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