For Anliang, bypassing the restricted list of cutting-edge medical research equipment is indeed a very simple matter!

In fact, even if it is a 7-nanometer node EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography machine, if Anliang wants to obtain it, there is no way out.

The EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography machine is indeed on the restricted list and is strictly monitored, but what if Anliang offers a price that cannot be refused?

Even if the Bald Eagle Country prohibits sales, wouldn't it be possible to build a plank road openly and secretly store it?

For example, an accident occurred during the transportation of an EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography machine and an EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography machine sank into the sea. If such a situation happened, could the Bald Eagle Country still be able to find a needle in a haystack?

It's just that Anliang plans to develop into the field of carbon-based chips, so Anliang only found a way to obtain a DUV deep ultraviolet lithography machine, and did not plan for an EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography machine.

Nowadays, we need cutting-edge medical research equipment that is far less restrictive than EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography machines. Anliang has many ways to solve the problem.

Whether you issue a reward through the deep web or purchase it through Amgen Pharmaceutical Company in a brand-name way, you can easily obtain cutting-edge medical and scientific research equipment.

For example, let Amgen Pharmaceutical Company help purchase cutting-edge medical research equipment.

Although logically Amgen Pharmaceuticals will definitely be closely monitored by the intelligence agencies of the Bald Eagle Country, Amgen Pharmaceuticals has been developing in the medical field for many years and must have its own secret channels.

What if Amgen Pharmaceuticals secretly helps through these covert channels?

It’s nothing more than a price to pay.

It just so happens that An Liang has Wang Zha in his hands!

Currently, the world's top pharmaceutical companies are seeking Millennium Astragalus. Anliang has the largest number of Millennium Astragalus. This is his king.

Anliang could use the thousand-year-old astragalus as payment to purchase cutting-edge medical research equipment from Amgen Pharmaceutical Company.

Faced with the attraction of thousand-year-old astragalus, Anliang felt that Amgen Pharmaceutical Company simply could not resist.

If you can resist?

Even in the unlikely event that Amgen Pharmaceuticals really resists the attraction of Millennium Astragalus, Anliang can exchange cutting-edge medical research equipment through Millennium Astragalus in the deep network.

If it really comes to that step, An Liang believes that the manufacturers of cutting-edge medical and scientific research equipment will definitely be unable to bear it and will definitely contact An Liang secretly.

"Professor Sun, Professor Bian, please make a list of cutting-edge medical research equipment, and I will arrange for people to purchase it."An Liang signaled to the two of them to relax. They only need to focus on the field of scientific research, and other matters can be solved.


It was nearly four o'clock in the afternoon.

An Liang came to Nanruo Photography Studio in Mulingshan Entrepreneurship Incubator Park.

When An Liang arrived at Nanruo Photography Studio, Liao Xing was about to go out. He naturally knew An Liang and greeted him politely,"Hello, Mr. An."

An Liang nodded slightly,"Good afternoon, do you want to skip work?"

"I'm not, I didn't, Mr. An, don't talk nonsense! Liao Xing quickly denied it and changed the subject,"Mr. An, you are here to see Mr. Yang. She and Mr. Du are in the post-processing department. I will take you there."

An Liang smiled and nodded,"Okay!""

Liao Xing took An Liang to the post-processing department. On the way, Liao Xing introduced the current situation of Nanruo Photography Studio to An Liang. The former Nanruo Photography Studio was just a small single room. Du Ruonan and Liao Xing , and four people, Qin Xiaochuan and Wu Xingwei, took on all the work.

Now Nanruo Photography Studio has expanded to nearly 400 square meters. In addition to the office area, there are also dedicated conference rooms, reception rooms, and sample playback rooms. There are also staff pantries and smoking rooms.

The employees of Nanruo Photography Studio are very young, and the management plan of the entire studio is also very user-friendly. There are various snacks and drinks in the pantries, and the independent smoking room fully reflects the They showed respect and care.

After a while, the two came to the post-processing department. As expected, Yang Maoyi and Du Ruonan were here.

Liao Xing took the initiative to greet,"Mr. Yang, Mr. Du, and Mr. An are here!""

Yang Maoyi and Du Ruonan looked at An Liang together. Yang Maoyi showed a surprised look,"Your Majesty, why are you here?"

"The matter in Shiliwan is settled, I'll stop by to take a look. An Liang responded, and then took the initiative to ask,"How is your progress? Is the post-production going smoothly?""

"Uh-huh! Yang Maoyi responded affirmatively,"Very smooth!"

Du Ruonan rolled his eyes and complained,"Actually, it didn't go well.""

"Not smooth?"An Liang raised his eyebrows

"Yes, it didn’t go well, mainly because of the soundtrack issue. We contacted the copyright owner of the background music, and they immediately opened their mouths and offered 200,000 yuan. They treated us like New Year pigs!"Du Ruonan complained

"What is the price under normal circumstances? An Liang asked as he didn't understand the market situation.

Du Ruonan responded without concealment,"Normally it's a few thousand yuan, cheaper ones can even be a few hundred yuan.""

"so cheap?"An Liang was surprised.

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