Faced with the surprise of Yang Maoyi and Du Ruonan, An Liang responded calmly,"It's just a small problem!"

Although the national TV channel has not been notified about"Xia Guo Restaurant" being on the national TV recording channel, the horoscope has not yet been determined.

But this thing is indeed completely certain!

"Little Fox, can you finish the post-production of the second episode today? An Liang asked,"If you can handle it, when my friend comes over tonight, I will ask him to bring the two episode samples back to the imperial capital and submit them to the recording channel of the national television station for review."

Yang Maoyi answered affirmatively,"No problem!" Du

Ruonan also agreed,"Let's deal with it now. The only problem left is the soundtrack. We can solve it right away.""

"Well, you go and do your work first. An Liang nodded,"I'll also take care of some work matters.""

In the reception room of Nanruo Photography Studio, An Liang leaned against the sofa and sent a message to Bai Yue on his mobile phone.

‘An Liang: What have you been busy with recently?’

‘Bai Yue: Classmate An, I am currently dealing with matters concerning the Animal Star Rescue Foundation and the Animal Star Protection Home.’

‘Bai Yue: [Animal Star Rescue Foundation Development Plan】’

‘Bai Yue: [Site Selection Plan for Animal Star Protection Home】’

‘Bai Yue: Sister Zijin and I are planning a large comprehensive education base and parent-child tourist attraction in Tianfu’

‘Bai Yue: In order to realize the self-circulation of the Animal Star Protection Home as much as possible, we hope to make the Animal Star Protection Home an alternative zoo.’

‘Bai Yue: In this way, we can not only increase the revenue capacity of the Animal Star Protection Home, but also spread the correct concept of pet raising.’

‘An Liang: Awesome!’

‘An Liang: Is it sufficient in terms of funding?’

‘Bai Yue: That's enough!’

‘Bai Yue: Sister Zijin is so amazing!’

‘Bai Yue: It originally required a large cost of land resources, but Sister Zijin solved this problem. The Tianfu court supported our work and allocated a piece of land to us for free. '

An Liang was secretly surprised, what the hell is Zhang Zijin doing?

Land prices in Tianfu are not cheap!

‘An Liang: Where is this piece of land?’

‘Bai Yue: [Location information: No. 123, Luwei Road, Jianyang City, Tianfu City, Xichuan Province]’

‘Bai Yue: It is near Tianfu Second International Airport. Although it is almost fifty kilometers away from the main city, the transportation is very convenient and it gives us a large territory.’

‘Bai Yue: According to the planning plan, the total area has reached 100 acres! '

Anliang raised his eyebrows, is it near Tianfu Second International Airport?

That makes sense!

Tianfu Second International Airport is more than fifty kilometers away from the main urban area of ​​Tianfu. This airport has been controversial. After all, it is too far from the main urban area of ​​Tianfu.

The Tianfu imperial court gave the Animal Star Rescue Foundation one hundred acres of land to build a new concept of the Animal Star Protection Home, which is actually a kind of venture investment.

If the animal protection home develops here, it will really become a representative business card, and it will also be a kind of publicity and promotion for Tianfu Second International Airport.

Besides, even if the Animal Star Protection Home does not achieve the desired results, it will create a large number of jobs and related consumer demand after its establishment.

In addition, An Liang guessed that the use rights of this piece of land were restricted. For example, it could only be used for the Animal Planet Protection Home. If the Animal Planet Protection Home terminated its operations, this piece of land would be taken back by the Tianfu court.

In fact it is so!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with An Liang's guess. The agreement between the Tianfu Imperial Court and the Animal Planet Rescue Foundation is almost the same as An Liang's guess. That piece of land is just equivalent to the Tianfu Imperial Court lending it to the Animal Planet Protection Home.

‘An Liang: Now that we have 100 acres of land, what about the subsequent investment?’

‘Bai Yue: It’s up to Sister Zijin to solve the problem.’

‘Bai Yue: Sister Zijin said that the Bai Yujing Charitable Foundation has donated 200 million yuan to the Animal Star Rescue Foundation, and the funds are earmarked for building a new Animal Star Protection Home.’

‘Bai Yue: We are discussing details with the Tianfu court, mainly the terms of land use rights.’

‘Bai Yue: For example, under what circumstances, the Tianfu Imperial Court has the right to take back the land use rights, and for example, what kind of profitable things can we do with the Animal Planet Protection Home?’

‘Bai Yue: There are also the details of tax demarcation in our profitable projects, etc.’

‘An Liang: Zhang Zijin is also in Tianfu?’

‘Bai Yue: No!’

‘Bai Yue: Sister Zijin came here once before. She and the Tianfu court confirmed the land matter and left. I am handling other matters. '

It's actually Bai Yue who's handling it?

Xiao Baiyue, who once had low self-esteem and was stubborn, has grown to the point where she is today!

‘An Liang: Did it go well?’

‘Bai Yue: It went very smoothly. The Tianfu court was very cooperative and the conditions given were quite generous. We had no objections in discussing the details. We are currently just refining the terms.’

‘Bai Yue: After all, as the saying goes: villain first, gentleman later’

‘Bai Yue: We are worried that the Tianfu court will cross the river and demolish the bridge, and the Tianfu court is also worried that we will use the land for other purposes, so we need to agree on detailed terms so that we can have a basis in case of a breach of contract in the future.’

‘An Liang: It really should be so!’

‘An Liang: By the way, do you know about the New Year’s Day concert?’

‘Bai Yue: I know’

‘Bai Yue: Manager Feng is dealing with this matter’

‘Bai Yue: What's wrong? '

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