Ye Qiangwei checked the information of [Miracle Danshen Pills Phase II Clinical Trial Volunteer Invitation Program]. This information stated that Anxin Life Sciences Group was inviting volunteers for the second phase of clinical trials to verify the efficacy of Miracle Danshen Pills..

A registration form is attached to the information, indicating that you can register directly.

Ye Qiangwei sighed secretly in her heart. She was not a child, so how could she not know the tricks of this information?

‘Obviously, clinical trials have been bypassed through classic traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, so why is there suddenly a second phase clinical trial? Ye Qiangwei saw through the essence at a glance.

Ye Qiangwei had heard about An Liang's situation, and she also knew the rumors about An Liang and the Xia sisters, so facing An Liang's olive branch, Ye Qiangwei hesitated for a while.

After thinking silently for a few minutes, Ye Qiangwei gritted her teeth and searched the Internet again for information on Miracle Salvia Pills.

After a while, Ye Qiangwei basically confirmed the situation of Miracle Salvia Pills.

Miracle Salvia Pills have huge advantages in treating heart disease. In addition to congenital heart disease, the other five major types of heart disease can be cured.

There are also"mighty netizens" on the Xiaguo Internet who jointly recruited 58 patients with six major types of heart disease from Shengqing First Hospital, Shengqing Ninth Hospital, and Shengqing People's Hospital for a"Phase 1 clinical trial" 'Exposed.

This revelation shows that among the heart disease patients who participated in the first phase clinical trial of Miracle Danshen Pills, except for 6 congenital heart disease patients, the other 52 heart disease patients were 100% cured.

Ye Qiangwei looked at the information in silence. Her mother suffered from heart disease and she knew a lot about heart disease.

For example, the risks of heart transplant surgery.

Even if everything goes well with the heart transplant surgery, rejection may occur after the heart transplant surgery.

Even if the rejection is not serious, you still need to take anti-rejection drugs for life.

What's more important is that these assumptions are all ideal situations. The reality is that you are stuck at the first level, without a suitable heart source, and you are waiting in line.

If you don’t even have the source of your heart, how can you talk about the next level?

Ye Qiangwei sighed secretly, silently reopened the"Miracle Danshen Pill Phase II Clinical Trial Volunteer Invitation Plan", then filled in the registration information, and then sent the registration information according to the email address provided in the registration information.

Ye Qiangwei has said before that she is willing to work hard for her mother, but everything will be left to chance. If she has the right heart, she will naturally try her best. If she does not have the right heart, she will not push beyond the bottom line.

Ye Qiangwei's mother Cheng Yuhan can also understand her thoughts and supports her ideas.

However, Anliang now offers a better choice!

For treatment with Miracle Salvia Pills, there is no need to match a suitable heart source or risk heart transplant surgery. Just take Miracle Salvia Pills to get quick results and completely cure heart disease.

Faced with such a treatment plan, Ye Qiangwei was unable to refuse!

When Ye Qiangwei sent the registration information to Sun Shizhong, Sun Shizhong immediately contacted An Liang

‘Sun Shizhong: [Screenshot of email]’

‘Sun Shizhong: Boss, is this the patient you told us about before?’

‘An Liang: Yes’

‘An Liang: According to the plan, whether it is this patient or patients from other countries, all of them will sign the second phase clinical trial volunteer consent form. We will collect the money and conduct the clinical trial at the same time.’

‘Sun Shizhong: Okay! '

In Sun Shizhong's view, this idea is so wonderful. It can not only make money, but also solve the problems of clinical trials. It is simply killing two birds with one stone!

After Sun Shizhong received An Liang's feedback, he responded to Ye Qiangwei via email, saying that Ye Qiangwei's registration application had been approved and reminding Ye Qiangwei to wait patiently.

Sun Shizhong planned to wait for the patients from Bald Eagle Country and Neon Country to come over before intensive treatment together.

An Liang looked at other people's New Year's Day concert preliminaries videos on the Yuyue app. Just like Bai Yue said, there are too many young ladies like Yang Siyuan, but most of them are for beauty and make-up.

‘An Liang: After roughly looking at the situation, I think Teacher Ye is a bit awesome!’

‘Bai Yue: Teacher Ye is currently ranked second, of course he is very good!’

‘Bai Yue: Except for our school, other schools have one or two great ones.’

‘An Liang:...’

‘An Liang: Don’t we have one or two freshmen this year who can play?’

‘Bai Yue: No’

‘Bai Yue: Actually, there is a girl from elementary school who is pretty, but her singing is a bit tone-deaf.’

‘An Liang: There are also beautiful elementary school girls in our school?’

‘An Liang: I don’t believe it!’

‘An Liang: If there were really beautiful elementary school girls in our school, the dog boys in our dormitory would have made a huge noise!’

‘Bai Yue: It really does!’

‘Bai Yue: Wait a moment. '

In less than a minute, Bai Yue continued to send messages

‘Bai Yue: [Photo: Yao Mengpan, Class 2, Department of International Trade, Class of 2020]’

‘Bai Yue: Classmate An, are you pinpin? '

? ? ?

An Liang was a little confused. Bai Yue sent him photos of beautiful schoolgirls?

What does this mean?

Anliang still decides on Pinpin!

An Liang clicked on Yao Mengpan's photo. His first impression was that it looked good. It had a girl-next-door feel and looked quite stunning. An Liang couldn't help but use the interpersonal relationship scanning system to check the situation.

The appearance score is 89 points, which is only one point away from entering the one-in-a-million level, but is it still excellent?

But there's a problem with this guy!

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