It's normal for An Liang and Zhao Wanxi to go to Gongyuan Shulou together and be fooled!

After all, neither An Liang nor Zhao Wanxi had revealed their identities, so they naturally could not receive preferential treatment.

Is this probably what is called fooling customers?

After a small interlude, everyone exchanged glasses and changed glasses. Hou Limin, who seemed a bit old-fashioned, turned out to be a master of the alcohol test.

But considering that Hou Limin is the purchasing director of the National Television Record Channel, you can actually guess that this guy has a lot of money.

Otherwise, if the producer gets drunk and agrees to a high-priced purchase contract in a daze, wouldn't that be a shame?

An Liang judged that Hou Limin was a master in the alcohol test, and Hou Limin also judged that An Liang was also a master, and Ye Xiangyu was also a master, so the three of them were very restrained, and it was a great time for the host and the guest.

It was less than ten o'clock in the evening, and the duel between the masters was over.

Hou Limin brought up old matters again,"Mr. Du, have you settled the contract matter?"

Du Ruonan nodded affirmatively,"Of course! Wait a moment, I'll have someone send it over."

In less than two minutes, Liao Xing took the Two copies of the contract and the relevant official seal of Nanruo Photography Studio came in.

Hou Limin quickly checked the contract. The terms of this contract were clear, there were no contract traps, and the provisions on breach of contract were relatively tolerant to both parties.

Hou Limin quickly read the contract. Although the restrictions on breach of contract were relatively loose, Hou Limin did not care about this because Hou Limin was more willing to believe in An Liang.

After all, Anliang is a golden brand in the imperial capital circle!

"There is no problem with the contract!"Hou Limin said as he quickly completed the signing.

Du Ruonan, on behalf of Nanruo Photography Studio, also quickly completed the contract signing. She asked,"Director Hou, when do you plan to broadcast"Xiaguo Restaurant" Woolen cloth?"

"There are currently three schedules."Hou Limin explained

"The first slot is Monday night at nine o'clock. After three days, this slot will be available, but I don't recommend you to choose this slot."Hou Limin ordered it to end.

On Monday, plus nine o'clock in the evening, this is a completely unpopular time!

"The second slot is Wednesday at 7 o'clock in the evening. There are still seven days left for this slot to be available. I also don't recommend it very much. I recommend you choose the third slot."Hou Limin recommended it.

"The third schedule is Friday night at 8 o'clock, which is an absolute prime time. This schedule will not be available for more than a month. It just so happens that in this more than a month, you can produce two more episodes and stock them, which will make it easier for me to make business."Hou Limin said the best option.

Du Ruonan agreed directly and said,"We listened to Director Hou's recommendation. We can produce at least six episodes in more than a month. We will never make it difficult for Director Hou."

"Thank you Mr. Du for your understanding!"Hou Limin breathed a sigh of relief. Six episodes were produced in a month and only four episodes were broadcast. Even if it was broadcast and filmed at the same time, there would be no problem.

When Hou Limin and Du Ruonan signed the agreement, An Liang, who was on the side, received the"Winner of Life System" hint


‘Congratulations to the host for obtaining the good fortune that Yang Maoyi has accumulated for the host and triggering a special reward!’

‘Special Bonus: Aluminum Ion Battery Clues’


Aluminum-ion battery clues:

Aluminum-ion batteries are about to be successfully developed in India!


This aluminum-ion battery clue is very brief, but this clue is very crucial because it narrows the scope of aluminum-ion batteries from all of India to Silang.

Searching for aluminum-ion battery developers from across India was once as difficult as finding a needle in a pond, but now it is as difficult as finding a small magnet.

According to the current situation where the developer of aluminum ions is confirmed to be in Xilaibang, as long as Renyi Security Company searches patiently, he will definitely be found!

An Liang immediately sent a message to No. 4 Tianji Shensuan

‘Zero: What new discoveries have you made about aluminum-ion batteries?’

‘No. 4: We have excluded the east and north of India and are currently searching for the west and south.’

‘No. 0: I have received accurate information. The target should be in Sila, and Sila is listed as a key investigation target. '

Tianji Divine Speller No. 4 didn't ask An Liang for information at all. As long as An Liang said it, he believed it. After all, the loyalty of Divine Speller No. 4 is a die-hard level.

‘No. 4: Received’

‘No. 4: BOSS, should we mobilize the Tianji artificial intelligence system to intervene in the investigation?’

‘No. 4: If the target is really in Silabon, as long as we involve the Tianji artificial intelligence system in the investigation, our investigation progress will be greatly accelerated.’

‘Zero: The Tianji artificial intelligence system is executing the [Return Gift Plan], and there are currently no resources to conduct new investigations, right?’

‘No. 4: We can temporarily provide more computing resources for the Tianji artificial intelligence system’

‘Zero: Is it safe?’

‘Number 4: There is a certain risk’

‘Number Zero: Since there are risks, don’t take risks. No matter whether it is the [Return Gift Plan] or the current search for developers of aluminum-ion batteries, no accidents can happen’

‘No. 0: Instruct the Carbon-based Chip Business Group and the Trinary Business Group to join forces to customize exclusive chips for the Tianji Artificial Intelligence System. We must gradually get rid of the dependence on external chips and hide the Tianji Artificial Intelligence System.’

‘No. 4: Okay, I will immediately arrange for field personnel to intervene in the investigation in Silabu. Our control in Silabu is relatively strong. Even without the intervention of the Tianji artificial intelligence system, it only takes a little more time to find the target.’

‘Number Zero: Waiting for your good news! '

Anliang believes in the capabilities of Renyi Security Company, and they will definitely find aluminum-ion battery developers in Silabon!

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