Dark Core Technologies, Building 11.

The ternary computer technology project team reported the situation. An Liang originally thought it was a mistake, but as a result, the ternary computer technology project team completed the performance upgrade of the lighthouse helmet without any noise!

"Have you done any actual testing? An Liang asked.

Sokosky nodded affirmatively,"Liao Shenka, bring over test subject No. 1 and test subject No. 2.""

Liao Shenka stood up immediately, and in less than a minute, he brought over the two experimental lighthouse helmets.

Sokoski continued,"We made two experimental helmets respectively, and conducted independent verification respectively, and finally it was 100% certain. Advantages of ternary technology on lighthouse helmets"

"BOSS, this ternary technology is just our simulation solution through binary silicon-based chips. If we develop a carbon-based chip that adapts to ternary technology, the final performance will be greatly improved!"Sokoski gave a bright future outlook.

However, the development of carbon-based chip technology has just started.

Even though Dark Core Technology has the support of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, it has natural advantages in graphene raw materials , and has completed the first step of the carbon-based chip, the orderly arrangement of carbon nanotubes.

However, there is no clue how to change the orderly arrangement of carbon nanotubes into a carbon-based chip.

"Sokoski, you will contact the lighthouse project team immediately, and you two will jointly develop the third-generation lighthouse helmet. I hope this project will be completed before the Spring Festival of our Xia country, is that okay?"An Liang asked

"No problem at all! Sokoski answered affirmatively,"In fact, we can complete this project now because we have solved all the technical difficulties and implemented the algorithm integration, perfectly integrating the ternary technology into the lighthouse system.""

"We are considering optimizing binary silicon-based chips and trying to better simulate ternary carbon-based chips through a combined solution of binary silicon-based chips plus memristors." Sokoski added

"You can take care of these technical matters by yourself, I only want results."An Liang responded calmly.

An Liang is used to leaving professional issues to professionals. After all, An Liang is not a superman. He cannot be familiar with all knowledge, so An Liang prefers to use professionals to solve professional problems. An Liang asked the lighthouse project team to work with him on the spot

The ternary project team contacted each other and confirmed the development of the third-generation lighthouse helmet. After confirming the joint research and development of the third-generation lighthouse helmet, An Liang and Zhao Wanxi returned to the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and prepared to listen to Wu Chunsheng's report.

In Wu Chunsheng's office, An Liang and Zhao Wanxi were sitting on the sofa in the reception area. Wu Chunsheng was sitting opposite them. He was reporting on his work with a tablet computer.

Mainly dreaming about the future of Graphene Technology Group Development situation.

Wu Chunsheng is responsible for both the subsequent development of graphene batteries and the management of the entire Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. He is a rare talent integrating R&D and management.

Zhao Wanxi listened carefully to Wu Chunsheng’s report, while An Liang Somewhat carelessly, Wu Chunsheng reported only small things, and An Liang did not care about these things.

Almost half an hour later, Wu Chunsheng finished reporting on various management tasks, and An Liang took the initiative to speak,"Old Wu, the development of the second generation graphene battery How's the progress?

Facing An Liang's inquiry, Wu Chunsheng shook his head in embarrassment,"It has not been successful yet. It is stuck on the last problem point and the energy density cannot be improved.""

"what reason?"Anliang is curious.

"Mr. An should know that the [graphene battery] produced by our group is actually a lithium-ion battery, but the electrode material is a composite electrode of graphene and metal oxide."Wu Chunsheng explained the situation.

In fact, the current graphene batteries of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group are indeed lithium-ion batteries in essence, but they use graphene and metal oxide composite electrodes as Wu Chunsheng explained.

"Our graphene batteries still have to follow the limitations of lithium-ion batteries in terms of energy density, so we can only find ways to increase battery energy density from other directions."Wu Chunsheng added

"We are currently looking for new graphene and metal oxide composite electrode materials to further increase the energy density of graphene batteries. However, this search process is very complicated. It is possible that we will find the right graphene and metal oxide in the next second. , but it is possible that it will not be found in ten years."Wu Chunsheng showed a distressed look.

Research involving materials science is indeed metaphysics sometimes.

After listening to Wu Chunsheng's explanation, An Liang suddenly remembered what Wu Chunsheng once said. Even if the second generation graphene battery is successfully developed, The energy density can only be increased by about 20%.

At first, An Liang was a little dissatisfied, but now after Wu Chunsheng's detailed explanation, he realized that it is the limitation of lithium ion materials.

Sure enough, there is a specialization in the art!

An Liang does not understand technology, so naturally I don’t know about this matter.

However, Anliang suddenly thought of aluminum-ion battery technology!

If the aluminum-ion battery is successfully obtained from Silang, India this time, can it be possible to use the technology of graphene and metal oxide composite electrodes? What about its application in aluminum-ion batteries?

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