In Wu Chunsheng's office, An Liang continued to ask,"What is the current development status of aluminum-ion batteries?"

"Aluminum-ion batteries are only theoretical for the time being. Although research papers on aluminum-ion batteries are published one after another, there are almost no actual research results."Wu Chunsheng explained

"Take the Bald Eagle as an example. The Bald Eagle country should be the most active place in researching aluminum-ion batteries. Especially after our graphene batteries came out, the Bald Eagle Country invested a lot of money in the research and development of aluminum-ion batteries."Wu Chunsheng added

"When I was at Bald Eagle, I was very concerned about the development progress of aluminum-ion batteries, but currently there is almost no progress in the development progress of aluminum-ion batteries. Wu Chunsheng shook his head slightly.

An Liang asked casually,"In your opinion, how long will it take for aluminum-ion batteries to be developed?""

Wu Chunsheng thought silently for a moment before giving the answer,"The current progress of aluminum-ion batteries is similar to the second-generation graphene battery. It is possible that the technical difficulties will be overcome in the next moment, or it may not be overcome in ten years. technical difficulties"

"So I can't give an exact time figure."Wu Chunsheng answered as accurately as possible.

Scientific research is rational, and there are unknowns. No one can accurately tell a definite time.

An Liang nodded slightly, indicating that he had heard it.

But in fact, An Liang's mind had already begun to plan in India. Diasela’s upcoming aluminum-ion battery technology


Near noon, An Liang and Zhao Wanxi declined Wu Chunsheng's offer to stay, and together they came to the smart aviation docking port of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

Two luxury third-generation flying motorcycles landed next to An Liang and Zhao Wanxi. However, Zhao Wanxi did not drive the flying motorcycles herself. Instead, she remotely controlled the intelligent flight control system through the mobile app and allowed the flying motorcycles to return to the small courtyard on their own..

Zhao Wanxi boarded the cockpit of An Liang's flying motorcycle. She sat behind An Liang, naturally hugged An Liang and leaned on An Liang's back.

"What do you want to eat for lunch?" An Liang asked casually.

Zhao Wanxi responded,"Let's go to Qinggu in Shishan District."

"Is Chen's food ready?"An Liang immediately asked back.

During Yang Maoyi's charity live broadcast, he discovered an inheritor of palace cuisine, so the two parties jointly planned to open a private restaurant of palace cuisine in Qinggu Village, Shishan District, the Imperial Capital.

"Chenjia Cuisine has basically completed preparations and is planning a trial opening. We can go there in advance to try the dishes." Zhao Wanxi explained.

An Liang sighed secretly. This Zhao Wanxi is engaged in the backyard alliance again. Through Qinggu Chenjiacai, Zhao Wanxi can easily pull Yang Maoyi into the alliance. According to

Yang Maoyi's Personality, she would rather wrong herself than embarrass An Liang. Under such circumstances, Zhao Wanxi once again won a great victory!

‘Xiyan, you little fool, you seem to have a very small chance of winning! ' An An couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Compared with Li Xiyan and Zhao Wanxi, her winning rate is really too low!

"Since we are preparing for the trial opening, we went over to try the dishes in advance."An Liang agreed firmly.

"OK I will contact Master Chen first and let them prepare in advance."Zhao Wanxi said casually.

An Liang heard the subtext again. Has Zhao Wanxi already taken care of Chen Sansheng and made Chen Sansheng directly defect to Zhao Wanxi's lineup?

In less than a minute, Zhao Wanxi sent Chen Sansheng received the information and received a positive reply from Chen Sansheng

"Well, Master Chen said there is no problem and we can go there now." Zhao Wanxi reminded An Liang.

An Liang used the intelligent flight control system to set the destination and let the deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle fly there by itself.

Some people don't like the intelligent flight control system of the deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle, but An Liang But I like it very much, because it can drive automatically and does not require Anliang's intervention at all.

The luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle took off, and Anliang took a look at the remaining power. Naturally, it was 100%. After all, the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has a smart aviation parking port. Automatic charging function

"You just asked about aluminum-ion batteries. Did you find anything?"The smart Zhao Wanxi has already guessed the possible answer.

"Aluminum-ion batteries pose a huge threat to us! An Liang seemed to have answered the question.

Zhao Wanxi agreed,"According to Wu Chunsheng's analysis, the threat to us from aluminum-ion batteries is fatal. Even though the final cost of aluminum-ion batteries is not that low, with the advantages of raw material reserves and environmental protection Advantages, it will still form a crushing advantage over our graphene batteries"

"yes!"An Liang let out a long sigh.

"Could it be that you discovered it?..."Zhao Wanxi tried.

An Liang answered affirmatively,"Yes, I found some clues. Our intelligence channels show that there is a company that is very advanced in the research and development of aluminum-ion batteries."

Zhao Wanxi did not ask which company it was, nor how. When asked about the situation, she just asked gently,"Do you need any help?"

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