The imperial capital, Qinggu Village, Shishan District.

Inside the riverside private room of Chenjia Cuisine in Qingsong Pavilion

"I actually don't know what birthday gift I should give you."An Liang sighed.

"Whether it's a high-value gift or a special gift, it doesn't seem to mean much." An Liang added.

When An Liang and Zhao Wanxi confirmed their relationship before, An Liang generously presented 130 pieces of Millennium Astragalus. According to the price anchored at that time, it was worth 52 billion Xia Guoyuan.

As for the special gift, Millennium Astragalus Is it special enough?

Is the additional one percent equity of Dark Core Technology Company special? Is the treatment of the person in charge of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club considered special?

Zhao Wanxi is almost treated like the person in charge of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club. For example, she You can adjust the rules of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Charity Foundation, and you can also adjust the rules for obtaining contribution.

These are Zhao Wanxi’s privileges!

Zhao Wanxi responded gently on the side,"Anliang, it would be great if you could celebrate my birthday with me. Got it!"

As she spoke, she took the initiative to hold An Liang's hand,"I'm really happy that you are by my side now!"

An Liangzhong looked at Zhao Wanxi warmly. This beautiful girl from heaven has no princess disease at all, which made An Liangxian full of relief.

After all, Zhao Wanxi is a real princess, and she is very decent in both education and knowledge. It can be said to be a model of knowledge and courtesy.

After a while, Chen Sansheng's son Chen Houxing personally took charge of serving the food. During the process of serving the food, An Liang took out his mobile phone to send messages to Qin Tianxiang and Shen Yonghua, the person in charge of the lighthouse project.

Although An Liang He said that he didn't prepare a birthday gift for Zhao Wanxi, but how could he really not prepare a birthday gift?

Zhao Wanxi did lack everything, but whether An Liang prepared a gift or not, that was a matter of his heart.

It took less than twenty minutes At the right time, all the dishes were served, and Chen Sansheng specially prepared two bowls of longevity noodles.

"Wanxi, try Master Chen’s cooking skills."An Liang greeted.

Zhao Wanxi nodded slightly. She tasted the longevity noodles first. The noodles were very chewy, and the soup base was fragrant and not greasy. They were excellent clear soup noodles.

She also tried Wanfu Pork and Fugui Chicken, and then praised them. He said,"Not bad, Master Chen's cooking skills are really good. Although it is a different style from Li's cuisine, I prefer the style here."

Having said this, Zhao Wanxi looked at An Liang,"Do you know the prices of these dishes of yours? An Liang was curious,"

When I was in Xingfeng County, Wanfu Pork cost 198 yuan a portion, and Fugui Chicken started at 68 yuan. This jade shredded pork is slightly cheaper, only 38 yuan, stir-fried. Shi Su is basically 10 yuan, and the white jade tofu soup should be 12 yuan."

Zhao Wanxi smiled,"That's the price in Xinfeng County, but this is the Yong'an River in the imperial capital."

"All prices quintupled?"An Liang said tentatively.

Zhao Wanxi shook her head,"You have the same answer as Master Chen. Master Chen also planned to increase the price of all dishes five times."

"Too high?"Anliang asked back.

The distance between Qinggu Village and the central city of the Imperial Capital is a little far, with a straight-line distance of more than 20 kilometers. If it is ground transportation, even if there is no traffic jam, it will take at least forty minutes.

After all, there are traffic lights in the city. Even if the traffic is smooth, there is still a waiting time.

However, according to the poor traffic situation in the Imperial Capital, the probability of no traffic jam is too small, so it is normal for ground transportation to take more than an hour.

This means that it is necessary to arrive at Chenjiacai from the central city of the Imperial Capital The transportation time was too long, thus eliminating part of the demand for dining, so An Liangcai asked if the price was too high?

Zhao Wanxi shook her head,"It's a little too cheap!"

"Um?"An Liang raised his eyebrows.

Is it too cheap when the price is five times?

Zhao Wanxi responded with a smile,"According to that person's intention, Chen's cuisine should be on par with Li's cuisine, or even surpass Li's cuisine, so the price is definitely To improve."

An Liang knew that Zhao Wanxi was talking about Yang Maoyi. This little vixen really hoped that Chen's food would surpass Li's food.

"So in terms of pricing..."An Liang guessed that the price of the little vixen should be higher?

"The comprehensive pricing is about ten times the coordinated pricing."Zhao Wanxi responded

"For example, Wanfu Pork used to be 198 yuan per serving, but now it is 1,888 yuan. If the price is ten times higher, it should be 1,980 yuan, but it is adjusted to the auspicious price of 1,888 yuan."Zhao Wanxi explained

"Another example is Buddha Jumping Over the Wall. The final coordinated price is 6,688 yuan, and it needs to be booked three days in advance."Zhao Wanxi gave another example

"The price of jade shredded pork has increased from 38 yuan to 398 yuan, and the price of stir-fried vegetables is slightly more expensive, from an average price of 10 yuan to 188 yuan." Zhao Wanxi added.

An Liang complained,"You two are really evil!"

Zhao Wanxi tilted her head cutely,"This kind of price is actually quite good. After all, most of them have auspicious meanings."

"Besides, Chen's cuisine is originally positioned as high-end private cuisine. The price should be a little higher to create a high-end style." Zhao Wanxi added

"Makes sense! An Liang nodded,"Let's eat first to avoid getting cold after a while.""

Zhao Wanxi looked at An Liang with a half-smile,"All the tableware for Chen's cuisine are based on the insulated tableware from Ruyi private restaurant."

"..."An Liang glanced at Zhao Wanxi helplessly.

Zhao Wanxi naturally put a chicken drumstick for An Liang,"The heat preservation tableware is really useful."

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