An Liang explained without concealment,"Based on the analysis of the gossip we intercepted, we suspect that India is at the forefront of the world's research on aluminum-ion batteries, so we hope to intercept it in advance."

"But now we have encountered a trouble. We intercepted the encrypted information from the deep web. We only analyzed that India is at the forefront of the world in aluminum-ion battery research, but we don’t know which Indian company is about to A breakthrough was made in the research of aluminum-ion batteries."An Liang continued

"However, after continued investigation, we have now narrowed the scope to the western state of India." An Liang added details.

Zhao Wanxi was slightly surprised,"Is it that Xila Labang?"

An Liang understood that Zhao Wanxi was asking about Xila Labang who had been robbed of thousands of years of astragalus by Renyi Security Company.

"Yes, that's Sila. We have a certain foundation there. We are currently conducting a detailed investigation. If there are no accidents, we can definitely find out the specific situation."An Liang responded

"Wanxi, I'm going back to school in two days to deal with the New Year's Day concert, so I'll give you the corresponding permissions in a while, and you can pay more attention to the situation in Xilabon."An Liang arranged a new task for Zhao Wanxi.

Zhao Wanxi snorted,"You know how to command me!"

"This is called hard work for those who are able."An Liang responded with a smile. He actually knew that Zhao Wanxi liked to do these things. After all, Zhao Wanxi's family situation was such that she was quite talented in this area.

"You know, I will pay more attention to it."Zhao Wanxi agreed.

Just after Zhao Wanxi agreed, she reminded her,"Now I suddenly start to worry about something."

"Um?"An Liang was confused.

"Will Renyi Security's investigation in Selabu attract the attention of intelligence agencies in other countries?"Zhao Wanxi said worriedly.

In the past, Renyi Security Company always hid in the darkness, thereby gaining the advantage of calculating and unintentionally.

However, when Renyi Security Company repeatedly made profits, it entered the blacklist of various national intelligence agencies. , thus being focused on.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult to conceal some of the actions of Renyi Security Company.

After all, the intelligence agencies of those countries are not idiots!

That’s why Zhao Wanxi is worried that Renyi Security Company is so sensitive in Xila When conducting investigations in the region, will the intelligence agencies of other countries pay attention to the actions of Renyi Security Company?

An Liang was stunned for a moment. It seems that there is indeed something that Zhao Wanxi is worried about.

"I'll ask about the situation."An Liang immediately used his mobile phone to send a message to No. 4 Tianji Shensuan

‘Zero: What is the status of the investigation in Silang?’

‘No. 4: A little problem’

‘No. 4: We investigated all new energy companies and new energy-related research institutions in Silabon, but we did not find any abnormal problems.’

‘Number 4: In addition, we also found a little trouble’

‘Number Zero: Trouble?’

‘Number 4: A dog is following us’

‘No. 4: Maybe it’s because we once discovered the thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus in Sila State, so when we were active in Sila State again, we were immediately targeted.’

‘No. 4: Judging from what we have discovered so far, the intelligence agencies of Bald Eagle, Neon, Europa, and even Maple Leaf Country and Australia Country are all targeting us.’

‘No. 4: BOSS, the situation in Silla is very strange now!’

‘Number 4: I think these guys may be suspecting that we have discovered another thousand-year-old astragalus in Silang, so they are chasing us. '

So it's a prophecy?

Did Zhao Wanxi's worries become a reality?

‘Zero: Our current actions are not exposed, right?’

‘No. 4: Not exposed yet’

‘Number 4: Our preliminary investigation has been completed, and after discovering that there was a dog following, we adopted misleading tactics’

‘No. 4: Since the other party suspected that we might have found another thousand-year-old astragalus in Silang, we acted in accordance with this suspicion.’

‘Number 4: Currently we have arranged multiple action teams to walk dogs in Silang, and let the field personnel of the intelligence agencies follow our action teams everywhere to avoid them discovering our true intentions.’

‘Number Zero: Pay attention to safety’

‘No. 4: Don’t worry, Boss. Those dogs are very cautious. They have been following us secretly. They probably don’t let go of the eagle when they see the rabbit.’

‘Four: Especially the Bald Eagle guys, I found out they even mobilized satellites. '

The bald eagle actually mobilized its satellite?

Isn't it a bit of a fuss?

Now that Bald Eagle has mobilized its satellites, the activities of Renyi Security Company in Silabon must be restricted, adding a large number of uncontrollable factors to the search for aluminum-ion batteries.

‘Number Zero: The misdirection tactics are well done!’

‘No. 0: Continue to deepen the misleading tactics, let those dogs focus on the thousand-year-old Astragalus, and avoid the exposure of the aluminum-ion battery. '

Following An Liang's instructions, the Life Winner System suddenly issued a prompt


‘Random mission: [Unexpected involvement: Misleading tactics!】’

‘Mission content: Given that the search for aluminum-ion batteries in Silang was implicated due to unexpected reasons, when misdirection tactics are implemented, falsehoods will become true. '

Making falsehood true? this...

So when executing misdirection tactics, will you really find a thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus?

Is there such a good thing?

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