India, Sila.

When the Bald Eagle National Intelligence and Investigation Bureau decided to send reinforcements, the intelligence agencies of other countries naturally discovered anomalies.

After all, we are all colleagues in intelligence work. How could the anomalies of the Bald Eagle National Intelligence and Investigation Bureau be hidden from other intelligence agencies?

When many intelligence agencies operating in Silang discovered that the Bald Eagle National Intelligence and Investigation Bureau was a reinforcement, other intelligence agencies also chose to provide reinforcements.

Faced with such a situation, the Indian court felt the most uncomfortable!

The Indian court wanted to intervene forcefully, but this time it was not only the Renyi Security Company operating in Silang, but also the Bald Eagle National Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, the British MI Secret Service, the Gaul Overseas Security Service, and the German BND Intelligence Service. Waiting for a large number of world-renowned intelligence agencies.

When facing these intelligence agencies, the Indian court also had a headache!

You can’t just blockade the entire Sila State, right?

In fact, the Indian court really has such an idea, but India is a fragmented country, and the control of the central court is too weak. The federal provinces will not obey the arrangements of the central court 100%.

Therefore, the Indian court can only arrange for intelligence agencies to join this melee. Their only advantage is that they have the advantage of fighting locally.


The next day.

At nearly nine o'clock in the morning, Zhao Wanxi woke up in the bedroom of the small courtyard. She subconsciously touched the place next to her, and then found that An Liang was no longer around.

Zhao Wanxi felt a little disappointed, but she soon heard loud laughter coming from the small courtyard. If she heard it correctly, it seemed to be her grandfather's voice? etc!


Why is her grandpa here?

Zhao Wanxi hurriedly got up and washed up, then dressed neatly and came to the small courtyard. As expected, she saw her grandfather Zhao Zhuangkang and An Liang playing chess.

Although it is winter now and the climate in the imperial capital is very cold, the small courtyard has air curtain technology. Not only is it not cold, but it has a warm feeling.

"Grandpa, why are you here? Zhao Wanxi asked with a slightly red face.

Zhao Zhuangkang responded with a hum,"Yesterday was your birthday and you didn't go home. Of course I have to come over today to see you!""

"I sent a message to my mother."Zhao Wanxi explained in a low voice.

"snort! Zhao Zhuangkang snorted,"I know you were with An Xiaozi yesterday. I am very satisfied with An Xiaozi. You should have taken him home yesterday." An

Liang added jealously,"I also told Wanxi yesterday that we should go home, but Wanxi said that her family didn't want to see me, so she wouldn't take me there.""

"nonsense! Zhao Zhuangkang raised his voice,"Who in our family doesn't want to see you?""

"Mr. An, you are kind to our family. You are Xiao Yin Yin’s savior. How can we not welcome you?" Zhao Zhuangkang added.

An Liang looked at Zhao Wanxi proudly,"Hey, let me tell you, grandpa definitely can't hate me!"

Zhao Wanxi looked at An Liang helplessly. She had never thought that An Liang actually had such a side, but An Liang's real performance made Zhao Wanxi like him more and more, because this feeling full of life is great!

"Grandpa, don't listen to his nonsense. He was delayed by something yesterday, so we didn't go back!"Zhao Wanxi defended

"I do not believe!"Zhao Zhuangkang directly refuted

"I believe Mr. An, this young man seems to be very honest, but you, on the other hand, have been full of tricks since you were a child!"Zhao Zhuangkang directly denied Zhao Wanxi's remarks.

"..."Zhao Wanxi looked at Zhao Zhuangkang helplessly.

An Liang is very honest? this...

Does her grandfather have some problem with old eyesight?

An Liang said jokingly,"Oh, Wanxi, you had a lot of clever ideas when you were a child, right?"

"grandfather!"Zhao Wanxi was coquettish.

Zhao Zhuangkang laughed loudly,"Boy An, let me tell you something about Wanxi when she was a child."

"Okay, grandpa, I just want to know more about Wanxi. An Liang responded quickly,"By the way, Grandpa, is there still wine at home?""

"Do you still have peach wine?" Zhao Zhuangkang asked back

"The peach wine is no longer available, but we have researched new wines, including high mountain jujube kernel soaked wine and Shiliwan holly seed soaked wine, and they both work well."An Liang explained

"Alpine jujube kernel wine can not only effectively reduce high blood pressure, but also relieve insomnia; Shiliwan wintergreen wine is even more effective. It can not only strengthen the body, but also nourish qi."An Liang added.

Zhao Zhuangkang's eyes suddenly lit up. If other people said these effects, Zhao Zhuangkang would not believe a word and even doubt the punctuation.

But the credibility of An Liang's words is very high!

Because Zhao Zhuangkang knows the existence of thousand-year-old Astragalus. , and also tasted Shiliwan Maotao Wine. He believed what An Liang said and couldn’t wait to taste it.

"Good boy! Zhao Zhuangkang praised,"How much wine are there?""

"There isn’t much at the moment, mainly because the output is relatively small. I will arrange for it to be delivered right away. I will give you twenty kilograms of each type. Grandpa, please save it and don’t show off anymore!"An Liang reminded him.

Zhao Wanxi complained on the side,"Don't worry, he will definitely show off. After he has two drinks, he will definitely show off to his old buddy. Zhao

Zhuangkang laughed slightly awkwardly,"Twenty kilograms is too much. You send two kilograms over first, and keep the rest with you first. I will tell you when I want to drink it later.""

An Liang suppressed his smile because he understood Zhao Zhuangkang's subtext. Zhao Zhuangkang meant that he really couldn't help but show off. If he had too much wine in his hand, he might be taken advantage of by the old guys..

So just ask for less, the old guys will be embarrassed, right?

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