Faced with the suggestion made by Suzuki Kanaya of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau, everyone discovered a huge problem!

Is this a distribution plan that seems to exclude Renyi Security Company?

Xu Wencong, the first field team leader of Renyi Security Company's India branch, directly expressed his rebuttal in English,"We object."

Suzuki Kanaya looked at Xu Wencong calmly,"Why do you object? Which intelligence do you represent? Agency?"

Faced with Suzuki Kanaya's difficulties, Xu Wencong ignored him and simply replied,"We are keeping the same pace as the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau. If we don't have our share, we would rather destroy it!"

Suzuki Jin Gu suddenly frowned and sneered twice,"Are you capable of destroying it?"

Xu Wencong still ignored Suzuki Jin Gu.

Suzuki Kanaya looked around,"Aren't you afraid of offending all of us?"

Xu Wencong didn't seem to hear, he just looked at Dylan from the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, waiting for Dylan's decision.

Millennium Astragalus is now under the direct control of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, so the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau has the first say

"Quiet! Dylan raised his voice, then looked at Xu Wencong,"If you want a share, you should tell your identity and the intelligence agency you represent.""

Dylan obviously also wants to exclude Renyi Security Company. After all, if there is one less competitor, there will be more benefits.

Suzuki Kanaya smiled. Of course he knew that Xu Wencong was the representative of Renyi Security Company. He had just deliberately mentioned nine intelligence agencies The purpose of sharing the interests equally is actually to target Renyi Security Company.

Facing Dylan's inquiry, Xu Wencong smiled,"Maybe we are from the Neon Royal Family, maybe we are members of the Asian branch of the Bald Eagle Secret Intelligence Service, maybe we are from the Lion City Security Bureau"

"I will only say one last time, if our interests cannot be protected, we would rather destroy it!"Xu Wencong said the ultimatum in a cold voice.

The representatives of the intelligence agencies of the Europa Alliance and the Northern Bear Country were silent, especially the representatives of the Europa Alliance's intelligence agencies. They heard the gossip and came to join in the fun, and now they may actually get additional Of course they are willing to make a fortune silently.

However, if they are unable to obtain benefits, they will choose the same attitude as Renyi Security Company.

Faced with the tough attitude revealed by Renyi Security Company, Dylan and Suzuki Jingu was silent, and the only one who was happy was Salman Hawan of the Indian Intelligence and Investigation Bureau.

The longer the delay here, the more time they have to respond to the Indian Central Court and the Sila Labang Local Court. , it would be best to leave the Millennium Astragalus completely in India and send everyone present out of the country!

Dylan is obviously aware of the current situation. If it is delayed, it will only cause greater trouble.

So Dylan can only I can recognize it by holding my nose!

"We agree with your proposal to divide the interests into ten parts."Dylan said in agreement.

Suzuki Kanaya also shut up decisively. The suppression of Renyi Security Company is the trend. If it succeeds, everyone will be happy, but the current situation no longer allows for the continued mindless targeting of Renyi Security Company. So Suzuki Kanaya chose to remain silent.

Salman Hawan of the Indian Intelligence Bureau once again jumped out to make trouble,"If the benefits are to be divided into ten parts, how should each part be distributed?"

This is a heart-breaking statement! There is an old saying in the Xia Kingdom: Don't worry about scarcity, worry about inequality!

The benefits of the thousand-year-old Astragalus can be divided into ten parts, but how to distribute it has become a big problem.

Salman Havan Raising the issue of distribution is obviously an attempt to delay time.

Even if every representative of the intelligence agency present is the best of the best, and they have all seen through Salman Hawan's tricks, no one is immune to this. Being involved in interests again, he could only discuss the issues raised by Salman Hawan.

In order to avoid being delayed for too long, Dylan gritted his teeth and said,"This time the target is our Bald Eagle intelligence investigation The bureau found out and we asked for a thirty percent share. Salman

Hawan followed up and said,"This thousand-year-old astragalus plant is in our Indian territory, and we also demand a 30% share.""

If this distribution method is followed, Bald Eagle and India together will occupy 60% of the share, and the other eight forces can only distribute the remaining 40%.

Under normal circumstances, In fact, everyone can accept it.

After all, whether it is the intelligence agencies of the Europa League or the intelligence agencies of Neon and Corea, they are all teammates in the water.

However, Renyi Security Company and Kolber of the North Bear Country Grid obviously disagreed with such a distribution plan. After the two sides exchanged glances, they reached an agreement.

Shelver raised objections on behalf of Kohlberg,"We share the same views as the Bald Eagle Intelligence Bureau and the Neon Desert Action Team. If our interests cannot be protected, we would rather destroy it!

Suzuki Kanaya immediately retorted,"They are not our neon deserted village action team.""

"So who are they?" Shelver asked back

"them...snort!" Suzuki Kanaya snorted, but did not name the Renyi Security Company represented by Xu Wencong, because everyone who knows the answer knows this answer, but there are certain risks in saying it.

After all, many intelligence agencies have been forcibly blackmailed by Renyi Security Company. It seems that Is there some loss of face?

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