Kingdom of Maine.

Park Yixun and his party had no idea that they were being monitored from the air, and instead relaxed their vigilance.

In a large building in an unknown location, a screen wall showed a scene of Park Yixun and his party being monitored, and the No. 4 Tianji Divine Speller stood in front of the screen wall and looked at it.

This is a stronghold of [Wanshi Shengyi], a subordinate organization of Renyi Security Company. Wanshi Shengyi is a computer technology organization led by No. 4 Tianji Shensuan.

"Has the local situation in the Kingdom of Maine been taken care of?"Tianji Divine Calculator No. 4 asked.

Kui Mulang responded,"The processing has been completed. The air defense equipment in the target area will be repaired for malfunctions, and no records will be left."

"Are follow-up arrangements arranged?"Tianji Shensuan No. 4 continued to ask.

"Bi Yuewu is responsible for this matter. According to the instructions of Manager No. 2, our attack this time is not only to intercept the target and snatch the thousand-year-old astragalus, but also to test the combat effectiveness of the [Tianjian Type 1] drone. Kuimulang responded.

The Tianjian-1 drone is an armed drone designed by the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group secretly outsourced to the Alek team who invented the flying motorcycle. This drone is equipped with an assault rifle, and Carrying 2,000 bullets, it has the dual functions of long-range sniping and close-range fire suppression.

Although this armed drone has been tested on the training ground, with the support of graphene batteries, it has shown extremely strong combat effectiveness. , but it has not yet been tested in actual combat.

This time, the No. 2 manager of Renyi Security Company issued an order, asking Wan Shishengyi to test the actual combat effectiveness of the Tianjian-1 armed drone when intercepting the Corea Special Intelligence Investigation Bureau.

"Have Bi Yuewu made arrangements?"Tianji Divine Calculator No. 4 asked again. Before Kui Mulang answered, Tianji Divine Calculator No. 4 added,"Arrange two additional field teams to prepare for support. If the Tianjian Type 1 test plan fails, let the logistics team solve the aftermath problems."

"clear."Kui Mulang first responded to the arrangement of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation, and then pointed to a green cursor on the screen wall,"Bi Yuewu is currently one hundred and thirty kilometers in front of the target, waiting for the target to surrender."

Tianji Divine Calculator No. 4 immediately started operating on the tablet. He quickly established a combat communication channel and pulled Bi Yuewu and Kui Mulang in.

"Bi Yuewu immediately released Tianjian-1 to remotely control the target and test the long-range communication and combat capabilities of Tianjian-1."Instructions from No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator

"receive."Bi Yuewu answered immediately.

Less than a minute later, the screen displayed on the screen wall was divided into two. The left side was the independent side monitoring Park Yixun and his party, and the right side was divided into twelve small squares, displaying twelve Sky Arrows. Picture of Type 1 UAV.

Bi Yuewu reported on the combat communication channel,"All Tianjian Type 1 UAVs took off smoothly, and all parameters were normal. They are expected to make contact with the target in about 26 minutes.""

The fastest speed of the Tianjian-1 UAV can reach 300 kilometers per hour, but the battery life can only reach 2 hours, because the size of the Tianjian-1 UAV is much smaller than the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle. Therefore, the battery life has not been greatly improved by eliminating the need to carry crew members.

In less than half an hour, on a winding mountain road in the Kingdom of Maine, three off-road vehicles were moving forward, and a dozen drones appeared. In the sky.

Such a situation was not discovered by Park Yixun and his team, because the flight height of the Tianjian-1 drone also exceeded one thousand meters, so it was naturally not discovered.

However, as the Tianjian-1 drone continued to approach , Park Yixun finally discovered them!

"Hurry up and get into the woods, we're being targeted by drones!"Park Yixun is not a straw bag after all. He is a representative of the Corea Special Intelligence Investigation Bureau. How could he really be a straw bag? The previous optimistic speculations were actually all illusions caused by the intelligence gap. Now when facing drone attacks , he made the most correct choice at the first time.

Faced with a drone attack, the best way is to hide in the woods and use the woods as cover to make the drone unable to track.

If you encounter an ordinary drone This method is indeed the best method.

However, the Tianjian-1 UAV and the third-generation flying motorcycle are of the same origin. Not only are they related in design, the intelligent flight control system has also been perfectly transplanted. In the lighthouse project With the support of the high-precision image recognition system provided, the woods could not block the Tianjian-1 UAV at all.

In fact, this was indeed the case!

Although Park Yixun and his group chose to abandon the car and escape into the woods, trying to block the UAV through the woods, the result was that The small and flexible Tianjian-1 UAV enters the woods easily.

Like the surveillance drone, the Tianjian-1 UAV adopts an eight-axis design and has more flexible direction-changing capabilities. There was no pressure at all as he shuttled through the air.

As the low hum caused by the high-speed rotation of the propellers got closer and closer in the woods, Park Yixun could only yell,"Get ready to fight!""

The remaining seven people immediately stood with Park Yixun to cover each other, thus covering the positions behind each other.

Everyone understood that now the only way to survive is to fight the drone to the death!

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