At the scene where eight field personnel from the Corea Special Intelligence Investigation Bureau were ambushed, two field teams from the Renyi Security Company have arrived and they are working on the aftermath.

In order to cover up the attack on the field personnel of the Corea Special Intelligence Investigation Bureau, the field personnel of Renyi Security Company are preparing [Piranha Solution].

Piranha solution is a super oxidizing solution made from a mixture of concentrated sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide, which can dissolve almost all organic substances.

Almost ten minutes later, the field personnel of Renyi Security Company prepared the piranha solution, and then poured the piranha solution on the eight field personnel of the Corea Special Intelligence Investigation Bureau, dissolving them with the piranha solution.

The power of the piranha solution is very powerful. When it comes into contact with organic matter, it begins to react violently, just like water boiling. In less than ten minutes, only a few metal products such as pistols and metal buckles were left on the scene..

As for other organic matter, whether it was clothes or anything else, they had disappeared without a trace.

The field staff of Renyi Security Company used soil and leaves to camouflage the scene, collected all the remaining metal objects, and then left the scene.

They also carefully drove away the three vehicles that had been abandoned by the Correia Special Intelligence Investigation Bureau to avoid leaving any clues.

Due to the operation of Renyi Security Company, the eight field personnel of Corea's Special Intelligence Investigation Bureau were directly missing, and they did not even know the specific location of their disappearance.

When the Corea Special Intelligence Investigation Bureau rushed to the street, Suzuki Kanaya of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau had successfully arrived at the New Delhi International Airport.

Just as the Leopard Squad guessed, Suzuki Kanaya copied the operation. The Neon Intelligence Bureau planted a bomb at the New Delhi International Airport and anonymously notified the Indian authorities in advance.

Even though the Leopard Team had locked down the situation of Suzuki Kanaya and the three, there was nothing the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau could do when the Indian authorities blocked New Delhi International Airport.


In fact, the Bald Eagle Intelligence Bureau can either choose to cooperate with the India Intelligence Bureau or betray the Neon Intelligence Bureau, leaving Suzuki Kanaya with nowhere to escape.

However, human nature is greedy!

The Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau was unwilling to share the benefits, or the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau felt that it could enjoy the benefits exclusively, so Suzuki Kanaya once again got away with it.

Suzuki Kanaya left the chaotic New Delhi International Airport with a confident smile because everything was under his control.

Suzuki Kanaya is an old coin who has calculated all possibilities in all aspects.

For example, he copied the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau's plan at Silang International Airport, causing chaos at the New Delhi International Airport and making it impossible for the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau to intercept him.

Another example is that the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau is reluctant to cooperate with the India Intelligence and Investigation Bureau.

All these things were clearly planned by Suzuki Kaneya, so Suzuki Kaneya was able to escape.

After Suzuki Kanaya left New Delhi International Airport, he did not go directly to the Neon Embassy because Suzuki Kanaya calculated that the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau would ambush him near the Neon Embassy.

In fact, this is indeed the case!

The Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau has indeed laid a dragnet around the Neon Embassy. As long as Suzuki Kanaya goes to the Neon Embassy, ​​he will inevitably fall into it.

However, Suzuki Kanaya once again predicted the danger.

Suzuki Kanaya, Akagi Nari, and Shimonomura are hiding separately in New Delhi, thereby reducing the risk of exposure. As long as they keep a low profile and lurk in New Delhi, they are basically safe.

Because Suzuki Kanaya has a plan to cross Chencang secretly.

As long as Toshihiko Nakamura returns to the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau with the head of the thousand-year-old Astragalus, and the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau announces this matter, the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau will no longer track them.

So now they just need to hide and wait patiently for the success of the plan to secretly cross Chencang

‘I hope that guy Nakamura has better luck! Suzuki Kanaya said with a sigh.

In fact, Toshihiko Nakamura's luck is indeed very good!

Because the plan to secretly cross Chencang went very smoothly.

Toshihiko Nakamura was proficient in Xia Mandarin. Before participating in the operation in Sirabon, Toshihiko Nakamura even prepared a fake passport of Xia Mandarin. After the plan to secretly cross to Chencang was carried out, Toshihiko Nakamura entered the Kingdom of Maine as a native of Xia Mandarin, and then took a ride through the Kingdom of Maine. Direct flights to Neon.

All this without any suspicion!

Toshihiko Nakamura even entered Neon through a false identity as a Xia nationality, and was not suspected by the Neon Entry-Exit Administration Bureau.

Using the identity of Xia Guoren to enter Neon was also for safety reasons. After all, Toshihiko Nakamura was worried that the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau had set a trap on Neon.

Bald Eagle has deployed a lot of power in Neon, not only military power, but also various intelligence powers.

In order to avoid exposing his identity, Toshihiko Nakamura used the identity of Xia Guoren to enter Neon, thereby concealing his true identity.

This kind of operation can be said to be stable!

But neither Suzuki Kanaya nor Nakamura Toshihiko considered an accident....

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