After An Liang thought clearly about the cause and effect, he immediately replied to Fan Ping.

‘An Liang: There is indeed a problem!’

‘An Liang: Bald Eagle is uniting with allies to target our new energy industry in Xia Country. The first step is to target Tereson, the world's largest lithium mine.’

‘An Liang: Once Bald Eagle takes over Tereson Lithium Company, our new energy companies in Xia Kingdom will be hit hard. Bald Eagle will definitely limit the output of lithium mines and even prohibit sales to Xia Kingdom. '

Of course Fan Ping knows about Tereson Lithium Mining Company. He is very aware that an accident at Terisen Lithium Mine will cause a series of chain reactions.

‘Fan Ping: What should we do now?’

‘Fan Ping: Shall we follow up with those Bald Eagle institutions? '

Fan Ping means to take a sip of the soup.

An Liang thought about it for a moment before replying to the message.

‘An Liang: Okay, it’s not a bad idea to take a sip of soup first. '

Just soup? joke!

An Liang also has his own plan.

At present, Renyi Security Company is still looking for a breakthrough in aluminum-ion batteries in India. Once it finds a breakthrough in aluminum-ion batteries and obtains the corresponding technology, the current lithium mine blockade carried out by Bald Eagle will be meaningless.

Because metal aluminum is the third most abundant element in the earth's crust, after oxygen and silicon, accounting for 8.3% of the earth's crust, while the content of lithium is only 0.0065%. The content of aluminum is nearly 1,300 times that of lithium..

And the mining difficulty of the two is completely different. It is very easy to mine aluminum ore, the cost is very low, and the technology is also very mature.

If Renyi Safety Company really obtains the relevant technology of aluminum-ion batteries, lithium-ion batteries can be completely eliminated in terms of raw material costs alone.

So now An Liang is going to take a sip of soup first, and then take a big bite of meat after the subsequent situation is determined.

‘An Liang: Join the competition in an all-round way and strive to gain more benefits for us’

‘Fan Ping: Got it. '

After the exchange between An Liang and Fan Ping, he clicked on the confidential group of Bai Yujing Club in the sky.

‘An Liang: @Everyone: Is anyone here?’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Yes!’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: I am a hard-working group-keeper!’

‘Li Cunyuan: Bubbles, I’m in class’

‘Yun Haiyang: [Classroom Picture]’

‘Yun Haiyang: I’m also in class’

‘Qian Xiaogang: [Laboratory Picture]’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I am fishing, working on a research project, and collecting credits.’

‘Lin Yili: @安梁: Is there anything wrong with Brother Liang?’

‘Ye Xiangyu: Wait for some good news!’

‘Zhou Ronghua: Is it a matter of the overseas agricultural planting base plan?’

‘An Liang: Do you want to make some pocket money?’

‘Li Mingfei: Think!’

‘Zhou Ronghua: Must think!’

‘Ye Xiangyu: Of course, I am very poor now, and I have been relying on Brother Yili’s support recently.’

‘Lin Yili:...’

‘Lin Yili: @叶之伊: Your brother owes me 200,000, can you help pay it back?’

‘Ye Zhiyi: I have no money’

‘Ye Zhiyi: Every injustice has its owner, and every debt has its owner. Brother Yili, I won’t help him pay it back.’

‘An Liang: @叶香宇: What’s going on?’

‘An Liang: Is Brother Xiangyu so miserable? '

Ye Xiangyu is so miserable that he can't even get 200,000 yuan?

‘Lin Yili: His family doesn’t give him money because he is afraid that he will learn bad things. After all, our Brother Xiangyu is still...’

‘Ye Xiangyu: I was wrong, Brother Yili, you are my brother, please be kind! '

An Liang suddenly remembered that Ye Xiangyu's purity score was still 100. Such a situation is very rare in the entire imperial capital.

‘Li Cunyuan: @叶香宇: Brother Xiangyu, I suggest you borrow money from the generous brother Haiyang. After all, Brother Haiyang is a timely helper. When a brother is in trouble, Brother Haiyang will not leave him alone.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Yes, yes! Brother Haiyang is the most generous!"

In the past, Yun Haiyang was known as the iron rooster in the imperial capital. He did many things that made people laugh or cry. It was simply impossible to ask Yun Haiyang to borrow money.

‘Yun Haiyang: You two superficial brothers are hiding from me!’

‘Yun Haiyang: @叶香宇: Brother Xiangyu, if you are tight on money, I can help you. '

Now Yun Haiyang is indeed generous. After all, Yun Haiyang has money in his hands.

As the saying goes, if you have money in your hands, don’t panic!

A man's magnanimity is determined by the thickness of his wallet. When he has money, he will naturally have extraordinary magnanimity!

This is what is called: a penny stumps a heroic man.

After all, how can one be generous without money?

Of course, there is only a fuss.

This is also the reason why only poor people care about everything and rich people tend to have better personalities. What is a big thing in the eyes of the poor is just a matter of money in the eyes of the rich.

Money brings a completely different vision and tolerance

‘An Liang: Let’s move back on the matter of supporting Brother Xiangyu. Let’s talk about the business first.’

‘An Liang: Anxin Investment found a good news about making pocket money. Since everyone is interested, let’s make some pocket money together.’

‘Ye Xiangyu: Great!’

‘Ye Xiangyu: What is the total investment amount this time, and how much can each of us allocate? '

In the past, when Anxin Investment provided benefits, the total investment amount and individual quotas were generally stipulated, so that the funds would be handed over to Anxin Investment Company for operation and avoid everyone fighting among themselves.

But this time An Liang is going to change his approach!

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