The next day.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Anliang woke up early.

For someone who stayed up until after two o'clock in the morning, getting up at nine o'clock in the morning should be regarded as getting up early, right?

After An Liang woke up, he checked the message sent by the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator.

‘No. 4: [Condemnation Plan] was successfully executed!’

‘No. 4: [Link:"Such an unfair investment environment has caused the decline of Australia!"》】’

An Liang did not reply to the message. He directly clicked on the link to check the situation.


《Such an unfair investment environment has caused the decline of Australia! 》:

How bad is the investment environment in Australia?

We use Australia’s largest lithium mining company [Terrison] for analysis.

First, let me explain the situation of Tyreson. It was originally a local company in Da'ao. It was fully acquired by Xia Guotianqi New Energy Group in 2012 and became a wholly-owned subsidiary of the other party.

After Xia Guotianqi New Energy Group acquired Tereson, it made various upgrades to Tereson.

Taking the construction safety environment as an example, after Terrasen was acquired by Xia Guotianqi New Energy Group, there has not been a single personnel safety incident since 2012.

Taking salary as an example again, after the original merger and acquisition, Xia Guotianqi New Energy Group did not fire any local employees in Australia, but only dispatched relevant technical personnel, financial personnel, and supervisory personnel to Terrasen, and In nine years, the salary of Tereson employees has been increased three times, each time reaching the 5% level.

In addition, Terrasen also provides medical security services and employee care services that far exceed the standards of the same industry.

However, a company that abides by laws and treats its employees well has recently been deliberately made difficult by Australia.

Da'aoguo has successively required Terrasen to suspend operations for rectification for reasons such as: working environment safety review, staff health review, corporate tax review, fire safety review, etc.

But Tereson doesn’t have these problems at all!

As a company that has produced safely without any casualties for nine years, and as a company that is widely praised by its employees, how could it possibly have the above problems?

The fundamental reason why Tereson is being made difficult is because Tereson is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xia Guo Enterprise.

The recent fluctuations in new energy companies in the US stock market may be caused by Tereson.

After all, Tereson has provided Xia State with a large amount of lithium resources. If Tereson is really restricted by Australia, or even directly stops production, it will have a huge impact on Xia State's new energy industry.

That's why Tyreson was unprovokedly targeted by Great Australia, right?

It can only be said that the situation encountered by Tyreson reflects the poor investment environment in Australia and serves as a reminder for investors to invest in Australia.

After all, no one can guarantee whether investing in Australia will be unfairly treated by Australia.


This post was posted on the Internet of Bald Eagle Country by No. 4 Tianji Shensuan last night. After a day of fermentation in local time, it has now spread all over the world.

Some"enthusiastic netizens" forwarded this post to Xia Guo's Weibo, thus attracting widespread attention from melon-eating people.

The melon-eaters in Xia Country seem to be confused, because a large number of troll netizens actually started a wave of boycotting the Great Ao Country and expressed their intention to boycott the products of the Great Ao Country.

Some netizens even dug up the Crown Import and Export Trading Company hidden under the sea level, and also dug into the matters of the Crown Import and Export Trading Company against the country of Australia.

For example, Crown Import and Export Trading Company kicked off Australia's share of red wine imports and handed these shares to the Spanish Peninsula.

Not only the share of red wine, but also seafood and mineral resources, as well as various resources, are all targeted at the Great Australia country under the leadership of Crown Import and Export Trading Company.

For a time, the originally unknown Crown Import and Export Trading Company actually became a hot topic.

I have to say that the sand sculpture netizen Wai Lou is quite capable!

Although"Such an unfair investment environment caused the decline of Australia!""The building was crooked in the Xia Kingdom, but An Liang's planned plan was realized in the Bald Eagle Kingdom.

A large number of Bald Eagle investors have expressed concerns about Tereson!

These Bald Eagle investors are not worried about Tereson's situation, but they are worried that Tereson's situation will cause fluctuations in the new energy sector of the US stock market.

For example, what if Australia, under pressure from public opinion, announced that it would no longer target Tyreson?

Then didn’t the new energy sector of the US stock market collapse?

The senior investment vice presidents of the former Bald Eagle Alliance of the six major financial institutions naturally also saw that"such an unfair investment environment has caused the decline of the great Australian country!" 》.

They secretly guessed that this post was the trump card for Anxin Investment?

The public pressure caused by this post has indeed made Da'ao very uncomfortable. After all, Teresin is a company with a well-known reputation. Da'ao's unprovoked targeting of Terisin will only cause external investors to have doubts about Da'ao's investment environment. Bad review.

It is really possible for Australia to resist the pressure of the bald eagle.

So the senior investment vice presidents of the former alliance of the six major financial institutions are thinking, should they follow the trend and step into the new energy sector of the US stock market to achieve greater benefits?

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